Modern Characterization of Electromagnetic Systems and its Associated Metrology. Magdalena Salazar-Palma. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Magdalena Salazar-Palma
Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited
Жанр произведения: Физика
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781119076537
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rel="nofollow" href="#ulink_daa23c73-6101-588b-b630-9a9ef0b91568">Table 2.4 The error levels obtained for the processed results using both tech...Table 2.5 Summary of the Signal Parameters Incident on the Antenna Array.Table 2.6 Actual vs. Estimated Target Coordinates (Two Spheres).Table 2.7 Actual vs. Estimated Target Coordinates (a Cone and a Wire).

      3 Chapter 3Table 3.1 Computational Load Calculation.Table 3.2 E‐Plane Filter: Low‐Pass Polynomial Coefficients.Table 3.3 Microstrip Filter: Narrow‐Band Model Polynomial Coefficients.Table 3.4 Pole Library of the Six PEC Objects.

      4 Chapter 5Table 5.1 Maximum emission levels for human exposure to EM fields, as regulat...

      5 Chapter 6Table 6.1 Input impedance of the test antenna as a function of the number of ...

      6 Chapter 7Table 7.1 Nominal Values of 2‐D EMC Distribution.

      7 Chapter 9Table 9.1 The Norm of the Mean Squared Error between the Free Space Results a...

      8 Chapter 10Table 10.1 Reconstruction error for the helical antenna in the angular domain...Table 10.2 Reconstruction error for the Yagi antenna in the angular domain at...

      List of Illustrations

      1 Chapter 1Figure 1.1 Discretization of the letter X on a 20×20 grid.Figure 1.2 Rank‐1 approximation of the image X.Figure 1.3 Rank‐2 approximation of the image X.Figure 1.4 Rank‐3 approximation of the image X.Figure 1.5 Rank‐4 approximation of the image X.Figure 1.6 Rank‐5 approximation of the image X.Figure 1.7 Rank‐6 approximation of the image X.Figure 1.8 Rank‐7 approximation of the image X.Figure 1.9 Rank‐8 approximation of the image X.Figure 1.10 Mean squared error of the approximation.

      2 Chapter 2Figure 2.1 Normalized singular values from the SVD of matrix [Y].Figure 2.2 Comparison between the original data and the estimated data by ap...Figure 2.3 Comparison between the original data and the data with added whit...Figure 2.4(a) Normalized singular values from the SVD of matrix [Y].Figure 2.4(b) Comparison between the original data, the data with additive n...Figure 2.5 Z 0 as a function of h/λ0 using various definitions for the ...Figure 2.6 De‐embedding of a device under test.Figure 2.7 Plot of the propagation constant β for the incident and refl...Figure 2.8 Characterization of a 90 radial stub with x = 0 starting f...Figure 2.9 Mode decomposition shown in equation (2.28) of the current in the...Figure 2.10 Geometry of a right angled bend.Figure 2.11 Mode decomposition shown of the current in the microstrip feed l...Figure 2.12 Geometry of a mitered bend.Figure 2.13 Multiple reflections from the Beatty standard terminated with a ...Figure 2.14 Calculated Impulse Response from (2.13) using MPM for the Beatty...Figure 2.15 The Magnitude and the Phase Response of the Beatty Standard from...Figure 2.16 Time Domain Impulse Response using the standard built‐in bandpas...Figure 2.17 The Magnitude and Phase response of the Beatty standard measured...Figure 2.18 Time Domain Impulse Response using the standard built‐in band‐pa...Figure 2.19 Time Domain Impulse response obtained using the MPM with 2 GHz b...Figure 2.20 The magnitude and the Phase response of the Beatty standard from...Figure 2.21 Time domain impulse response of the shorted Beatty standard usin...Figure 2.22 Time Domain impulse Response obtained using the Matrix Pencil me...Figure 2.23 Time Domain Response for the Fourier Technique Based method as a...Figure 2.24 Multiple reflections from the Beatty standard terminated with a ...Figure 2.25 Calculated Impulse Response of the Beatty Standard terminated wi...Figure 2.26 The Magnitude and the Phase Response of the Beatty Standard term...Figure 2.27 Time‐domain impulse response using the internal built‐in band‐pa...Figure 2.28 The magnitude and phase response of the shorted Beatty standard ...Figure 2.29 Time‐domain impulse response of the shorted Beatty standard. usi...Figure 2.30 Time‐domain impulse response of shorted Beatty standard obtained...Figure 2.31 Time‐domain impulse response of shorted Beatty standard obtained...Figure 2.32 An anechoic chamber in ANTEM‐LAB, with the AUT on a rollover azi...Figure 2.33 An anechoic chamber in ANTEM‐LAB, with the probe on a polarizati...Figure 2.34 A top view of the antenna‐measurement scheme in (a). The copper ...Figure 2.35(a) The steps followed in the FFT‐Based Method: S21(f, φ), t...Figure 2.35(b) The steps followed in the FFT‐Based Method: S21 (f, φ) m...Figure 2.35(c) The steps followed in the FFT‐Based Method: S21 (t, φ), ...Figure 2.35(d) The steps followed in the FFT‐Based Method: S21 (t, φ), ...Figure 2.36 Example 1, d = 2.05 m: The radiation pattern measured in reverbe... Скачать книгу