Table of Contents
1 Cover
4 Preface
6 Tribute to Tapan K. Sarkar by Magdalena Salazar Palma, Ming Da Zhu, and Heng Chen
7 1 Mathematical Principles Related to Modern System Analysis Summary 1.1 Introduction 1.2 Reduced‐Rank Modelling: Bias Versus Variance Tradeoff 1.3 An Introduction to Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) and the Theory of Total Least Squares (TLS) 1.4 Conclusion References
8 2 Matrix Pencil Method (MPM) Summary 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Development of the Matrix Pencil Method for Noise Contaminated Data 2.3 Applications of the MPM for Evaluation of the Characteristic Impedance of a Transmission Line 2.4 Application of MPM for the Computation of the S‐Parameters Without any A Priori Knowledge of the Characteristic Impedance 2.5 Improving the Resolution of Network Analyzer Measurements Using MPM 2.6 Minimization of Multipath Effects Using MPM in Antenna Measurements Performed in Non‐Anechoic Environments 2.7 Application of the MPM for a Single Estimate of the SEM‐Poles When Utilizing Waveforms from Multiple Look Directions 2.8 Direction of Arrival (DOA) Estimation Along with Their Frequency of Operation Using MPM 2.9 Efficient Computation of the Oscillatory Functional Variation in the Tails of the Sommerfeld Integrals Using MPM 2.10 Identification of Multiple Objects Operating in Free Space Through Their SEM Pole Locations Using MPM 2.11 Other Miscellaneous Applications of MPM 2.12 Conclusion Appendix 2A Computer Codes for Implementing MPM References
9 3 The Cauchy Method Summary 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Procedure for Interpolating or Extrapolating the System Response Using the Cauchy Method 3.3 Examples to Estimate the System Response Using the Cauchy Method 3.4 Illustration of Extrapolation by the Cauchy Method 3.5 Effect of Noise Contaminating the Data and Its Impact on the Performance of the Cauchy Method 3.6 Generating High Resolution Wideband Response from Sparse and Incomplete Amplitude‐Only Data 3.7 Generation of the Non‐minimum Phase Response from Amplitude‐Only Data Using the Cauchy Method 3.8 Development of an Adaptive Cauchy Method 3.9 Efficient Characterization of a Filter 3.10 Extraction of Resonant Frequencies of an Object from Frequency Domain Data 3.11 Conclusion Appendix 3A MATLAB Codes for the Cauchy Method References
10 4 Applications of the Hilbert Transform – A Nonparametric Method for Interpolation/Extrapolation of Data Summary 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Consequence of Causality and Its Relationship to the Hilbert Transform 4.3 Properties of the Hilbert Transform 4.4 Relationship Between the Hilbert and the Fourier Transforms for the Analog and the Discrete Cases 4.5 Methodology to Extrapolate/Interpolate Data in the Frequency Domain Using a Nonparametric Methodology 4.6 Interpolating Missing Data 4.7 Application of the Hilbert Transform for Efficient Computation of the Spectrum for Nonuniformly Spaced Data 4.8 Conclusion References
11 5 The Source Reconstruction Method Summary 5.1 Introduction 5.2 An Overview of the Source Reconstruction Method (SRM) 5.3 Mathematical Formulation for the Integral Equations 5.4 Near‐Field to Far‐Field Transformation Using an Equivalent Magnetic Current Approach 5.5 Near‐Field to Near/Far‐Field Transformation for Arbitrary Near‐Field Geometry Utilizing an Equivalent Electric Current 5.6 Evaluating Near‐Field Radiation Patterns of Commercial