The Greatest Works of Aleister Crowley. Aleister Crowley. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Aleister Crowley
Издательство: Bookwire
Жанр произведения: Документальная литература
Год издания: 0
isbn: 4064066499846
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reckless of the pharmaceutical incompatability. Presumably to pass away the time, she has drunk an entire bottle of Grand Marnier Cordon Rouge ; and now, feeling herself slightly indisposed, for some reason at which it would be presumptuous to guess, she is setting things right by an occasional indulgence in this pretty good stuff of yours."

      He had turned away from me and was watching the girl intently. My glance followed his. I saw her deep blue skin fade to a dreadful pallor. She had lost her healthy colour ; she suggested a piece of raw meat which is just beginning to go bad.

      I jumped to my feet. I knew instinctively that the girl was about to collapse. The owner of the studio was bending over her. He looked at me over his shoulder out of the corners of his eyes.

      "A case of indiscretion," he observed, with bitter irony.

      For the next quarter of an hour he fought for the girl's life. King Lamus was a very skilled physician, though he had never studied medicine officially.

      But I was not aware of what was going on. Cocaine was singing in my veins. I cared for nothing. Lou came over impulsively and flung herself across my knees. She held the goblet of Benedictine to my mouth, chanting ecstatically :

      " O Thou sparkling wine-cup of light, whose foaming is the heart's blood of the stars ! I adore Thee, Evoe! I adore Thee, I A O ! "

      We swooned into a deep, deep trance. Lamus interrupted us.

      " You mustn't think me inhospitable," he said. " She's come round all right ; but I ought to drive her home. Make yourselves at home while I'm away, or let me take you where you want to go."

      Another interruption occurred. The bell rang. Lamus sprang to the door. A tall old man was standing on the steps.

      " Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law," said Lamus.

      " Love is the law, love under will," replied the other. It was like a challenge and countersign.

      " I've got to talk to you for an hour."

      " Of course, I'm at your service," replied our host. The only thing is-" He broke off.

      My brain was extraordinarily clear. My selfconfidence was boundless. I felt inspired. I saw the way out.

      A little devil laughed in my heart: " What an excellent scheme to be alone with Lou I "

      " Look here, Mr. Lamus," I said, speaking very quickly, " I can drive any kind of car. Let me take Miss Hallaj home."

      The Arab girl was on her feet behind me.

      " Yes, yes," she said, in a faint, yet excited voice. "That will be much the best thing. Thanks awfully."

      They were the first words she had spoken.

      " Yes, yes," chimed in Lou. " I want to drive in the moonlight."

      The little group was huddled in the open doorway. On one side the dark crimson tides of electricity on the other, the stainless splendour of our satellite.

      " O Thou frail bluebell of moonlight, that art lost in the gardens of the stars ! I adore Thee, Evoe ! I adore Thee, I A O ! "

      The scene progressed with the vivid rapidity of a dream. We were in the garage-out of it-into the streets-at the Egyptian girl's hotel-and then

      Chapter III.


       Table of Contents

      Lou clung to me as I gripped the wheel. There was no need for us to speak. The trembling torrent of our passion swept us away. I had forgotten all about Lamus and his car. We were driving like the devil to Nowhere. A mad thought crossed mv mind. It was thrown up by my " Unconscious," by the essential self of my being. Then some familiar object in the streets reminded me that I was not driving back to the studio. Some force in myself, of which I was not aware, had turned my face towards Kent. I was interpreting myself to myself. I knew what I was going to do. We were bound for Barley Grange; and then, eh, the wild moonlight ride to Paris.

      The idea had been determined in me without any intervention of my own. It had been, in a way, the of an equation of which the terms were firstly, a sort of mad identification of Lou with all one's romantic ideas of moonlight ; then my physical habit as a flying man ; and thirdly, the traditional connection of Paris with extravagant gaiety and luxuriant love.

      I was quite aware at the time that my moral sense and my mental sense had been thrown overboard for the moment but my attitude was simply: " Goodbye, Jonah ! "

      For the first time in my life I was being absolutely myself, freed from all the inhibitions of body, intellect, and training which keep us, normally, in what we call sane courses of action.

      I seem to remember asking myself if I was insane, and answering, " Of course I am-sanity is a compromise. Sanity is the thing that keeps one back."

      It would be quite useless to attempt to describe the drive to Barley Grange. It lasted barely half a second. It lasted age-less eons.

      Any doubts that I might have had about myself were stamped under foot by the undeniable facts. I had never driven better in my life. I got out the sea-plane as another man might get out a cigarette from his case. She started like an eagle. With the whirr of the engine came Lou's soft smooth voice in exquisite antiphony :

      " O Thou trembling breast of the night, that gleamest with a rosary of moons ! I adore Thee, Evoe ! I adore Thee, I A O! "

      We soared towards the dawn. I went straight to over three thousand. I could hear the beat of my heart. It was one with the beat of the engine.

      I took the pure unsullied air into my lungs. It was an octave to cocaine ; the same invigorating spiritual force expressed in other terms.

      The magnificently melodious words of Sieveking sprang into my mind. I repeated them rapturously. It is the beat of the British engine.

      " Deep lungfuls ! Deep mouthfuls! Deep, deep mental mouthfuls ! "

      The wind of our speed abolished all my familiar bodily sensations. The cocaine combined with it to anaesthetise them. I was disembodied; an eternal spirit ; a Thing supreme, apart.

      " Lou, sweetheart ! Lou, sweetheart ! Lou, Lou, perfect sweetheart ! "

      I must have shouted the refrain. Even amid the roar, I heard her singing back.

      " O Thou summer softness of lips, that glow hot with the scarlet of passion ! I adore Thee, Evoe ! I adore Thee, I A O ! "

      I could not bear the weight of the air. Let us soar higher, ever higher ! I increased the speed.

      " Fierce frenzy ! Fierce folly ! Fierce, fierce, frenzied folly ! "

      " O Thou tortured shriek of the storm, that art whirled up through the leaves of the woods! I adore Thee, Evoe ! I adore Thee, I A O ! "

      And I felt that we were borne on some tremendous tempest. The earth dropped from beneath us like a stone into blind nothingness. We were free, free for ever, from the fetters of our birth !

      " Soar swifter ! Soar swifter ! Soar, soar swifter, swifter! "

      Before us, high in the pale gray, stood Jupiter, a four-square sapphire spark.

       " O Thou bright star of the morning, that art set betwixt the breasts of the Night ! I adore Thee, Evoe ! I adore Thee, I A O ! "

      I shouted back.

      " Star seekers ! Star finders ! Twin stars, silver shining ! "

      Up, still up, I drove. There hung a mass of thundercloud between me and the dawn. Damn it, how dared it ! It had no business to be there. I must rise over it, trample it under my feet.

      " O Thou purple breast of the storm, that art scarred by the teeth of the lightning ! I adore Thee, Evoe ! I adore Thee, I A O ! "

      Frail waifs of mist beset us. I had understood Lou's joy in the