Non vowel resources of some good mood. Alexander Nikolaevich Borodin. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Alexander Nikolaevich Borodin
Издательство: Издательские решения
Жанр произведения: Публицистика: прочее
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9785005395221
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vodka and women?»

      Cosmonaut Sergey Ryazansky.

      The title of the material, «The Unspoken Resources of the Good Mood of Some,» could have continued: «… for those who have the needs of an average person or average person …”. (By the definition of «average person» the author means only the way of life inherent in some people, nothing else is meant by the term «average person» – he does not mean the intellect of a person, his level of income, etc., etc.)

      Unspoken, not because they are forbidden to voice them, or it is decided to popularize the work with this name, but because not everyone voices them, not everyone uses them, and not everyone knows them. Why this happens and who does not voice them, does not use and does not know, is considered in this book.

      If you start from school, some can be distinguished by the fact that they do not have or are present, but not in full, the qualities that others possess – while everyone is at school, there are those whose studies dominate other interests, they are rare either they don’t meet with the opposite sex at all, rarely or never at street companies.

      Probably, each person should either suppress or fulfill their needs, with age they can go away on their own: as they say, he «outgrows» them or he’s «gone crazy» – if everything goes smoothly from the point of view of modern psychology and sociology. Some of them remove their needs for companies and disappear, like a lizard’s tail, other needs, which are also called weaknesses, in the end they are equalized with those who did not need companies at school, that is, the needs of some of them become minimal, but they they already lost time by spending it on the satisfaction of their desires, not related to study and education, and, therefore, they did not receive the knowledge that was obtained in educational institutions by someone who did not have what is called weaknesses. What is considered weaknesses makes it difficult to concentrate on learning?

      There are non-emotional people (such as people of the exact sciences, pilots, astronauts, IT specialists, military personnel of special forces, doctors with their medical cynicism – in any case, their professions provide for the absence of what are called weaknesses), which, as a rule, are completely independent from their emotions, they don’t have them at all, or if there are, then at least there are those who are included in the category of emotional people (among them, as a rule, humanities and not only), it is precisely such people who usually have a lot of problems related to emotions, as they say – eople art sometimes dramatize the situation, but to live with especially difficult creative.

      The astronauts are probably the most controlled people who can cope with any task, those who can do what they are told: say they need to lose weight – lose weight, are ordered to sit in isolation for months – will be in isolation, ordered to expose life of danger – they will endanger life, and also these are people who can be deprived of pain for a long time, people with a minimum of needs. What does it say? To the fact that everyone can find out how much he is able to carry out those tasks that are performed by those who are called strong spirit, for example, someone tried to lose weight, but failed, and some are capable of it.

      A person with the psyche of an astronaut or almost like an astronaut has complete psychological comfort, because he does not have emotional needs or they have, but in the smallest amount, some people have a psychologically stable state only when they satisfy their instincts and needs, and here there comes a time when some do not know how to satisfy their emotional, and psychological stability because of this does not occur at all, or the emotional component is satisfied by methods dangerous to the carrier of emotions and for those around him.

      What if ordinary classical psychology doesn’t help some or doesn’t help some? There is not only legal, but also psychological illiteracy? Sometimes when shooting a stuntman’s film, when he does his job, they will be replaced by those who are called a sugary guy who is afraid of everything that is associated with risk during the filming, and he will continue to act as the main character – this is a life consisting of the present and fake? All that is needed for the triumph of evil is that good people do nothing, and what is good and bad in general, and can everything be good at all or when someone is good, is it because of this someone is bad? Can life be made better only at the expense of others? What do «winged» phrases mean – truth, or an attempt at what is called manipulation by someone, or something else? The main troubles of an emotional person are unconstructive fear, aggression and other emotions, as well as the inability to adequately respond to psychological and other aggression and ignorance of acceptable and effective ways to satisfy psychological needs? It is necessary for everyone to feel good, and not for the minority or the majority, if you think that you have decided to help people in need, but how can this be done? You walk along the street and see a drunk and dirty person lying on the ground – if you have «overvalued» ideas about the perfection of society, then try to help someone who is drunk to get home and only then will you understand if your reasoning has weight or is it just the demagogy of an ambitious person, start small, and then think about big? What is stress – is it when they have done what is called an insult towards you, and you did not say anything, and it gnaws at you? Are there truths that people don’t want to see and that they don’t want to talk about, or those that not everyone knows about? Are there some who know more than others, and they control those who know less than they? Without certain knowledge, the human brain is not ready for logical and rational operations? There are many works focused on the regeneration of what is called a damaged psyche, but people still die from what they call post-traumatic syndrome, and not only from this?

      Some are trying to hide the truth, we are trying to pull it out.

      Words by Michael Moore, director of documentaries, including Fahrenheit 9/11.

      Either Michael Moore is truly an idealist, or by earnestness he earns his living. I wonder for whom he pulled out the truth, or was it a simple enthusiasm?

      Nobody says that classical psychology and modern psychology are not necessary or not right – it’s not so, just classical and modern psychology probably doesn’t explain everything, because this psychology was not created by someone who works at a factory, at a construction site, in the field and was in other places close to reality, and there is evidence for this – the existence of people who have psychologically uncomfortable states after working with psychologists and psychiatrists, and there are people who, having talked to people who do not have any diplomas of psychology and have forgotten what a psychological discomfort.

      One of the foundations and central issues of this material is a search in all objective reality, its separation from fictional, possibly with errors, an attempt to identify and distinguish between the objective and the subjective that a person faces in life, predicting situations after any actions, and also, if you can call it that, unspoken psychology, the term is not very scientific, but no one talks about science: examples of psychological and legal actions that can be learned from official sources are collected, probably, it will not be possible, affecting standard issues related to human-human interaction.

      Preventive psychology – actions aimed at protecting from what is called stress, and regenerative psychology – actions aimed at eliminating negative results from what is called stress, this is what the unspoken psychology partially consists of, or the unspoken resources of good mood, because there must be an alternative to conventional classical psychology, higher forces or nature in general love the presence of competition in everything.

      Why are they unofficial and by whom are they unofficial and for what purpose? We can say that they are not advertised because of something unknown, and why dig deeper? It is of interest that they don’t talk about them, and for what reason – they simply don’t know about them or whether they are beneficial to someone – it is secondary, and it’s difficult for everyone to please: ants are good when they pull a grasshopper into an anthill for that to eat later, but the grasshopper feels bad, is this the case when someone’s interests do not completely or completely radically coincide with the interests of others, so there are situations when classical psychology can not advise people? Mosquitoes,