Non vowel resources of some good mood. Alexander Nikolaevich Borodin. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Alexander Nikolaevich Borodin
Издательство: Издательские решения
Жанр произведения: Публицистика: прочее
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9785005395221
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fortitude, and moreover, according to the documentary, their psychological tests exclude the presence of leadership qualities, we need a simple and space-controlled person with completely zero what is called «ambition» – the belief that if not a leader, then this is not good, is this the result of ordinary suggestion? For the sixth time, American doctors successfully performed a heart transplant on a famous billionaire David Rockefeller, RIA Novosti reports – does anyone who enjoys life want to live? By the age of 40, having made a retrospective of his relationship, he noticed that all my bosses with whom I worked for a long time were simple people, the same thing with the opposite sex, and those who were nervous and arrogant quickly disappeared from my life path – this is why, that I myself am like those who disappeared from my path, which means that opposites attract, or aren’t opposites attracted, or in different cases differently? The older the average person becomes, the more he becomes like everyone else – with age, what is called an individual is lost? After 40 years, most people are only interested in material issues – health and money? For those over 40, it becomes more difficult to manipulate, since they themselves can manipulate? Remember that the envy of the blind begins to see, the dumb to speak, the deaf to hear, envy is a natural signal that there is a competitor for what you need? Higher powers have specially invented what is called envy – is this for the presence of competition? Is it possible to consider as manipulation what gives a bilateral, but not a one-sided benefit? What will help people, teaching how to live, material well-being, or both? In some countries that are considered rich, there are many people who can lead the same way of life as kings and kings? When it seems to someone that everything’s bad for him, agents of someone’s influence inspired him or he inspired himself: the tsar or the king didn’t have a TV and a computer before – some don’t understand that they live better now than kings and kings used to live, why then should some people organize revolutions or leave somewhere? In some deemed wealthy countries, young people do not want to work, receive large unemployment benefits and go to other (mainly Asian) countries to look for the meaning of life, but for some reason these young people do not leave to find the meaning of life, working as workers in construction sites, factories and to farms? The word Pasteur comes from the old Russian «shepherd»? National building – can you create a state with people of any beliefs, with those that only you want? What seems strange to some, for others, the norm – feminism, an open family, child-free, the LBBH community, libertarianism, sologamy, etc. – are the social products of only rich states, since there people don’t think about earning money for food but thinks only of spectacles, everything is according to the Maslow pyramid – is all of the above possible when basic human needs are satisfied? Does the term «human syndrome have everything» exist? Is everyone benefiting from the very fact of his existence? Is it possible to change life for the better with the help of information or only with the help of material goods? Happy are those who know and are not afraid to do what others do not know and are afraid to do? In countries with low and average living standards, are relationships different from people in countries with high living standards? Every 6 minutes in the world, one child dies of hunger – they say that this is the official statistics of the UN, which takes place in countries considered to be poor, no one informs about this? As the scientists say, the concept of the passage of time is relative: when it is pleasant from something, it flows quickly, when it is unpleasant, it flows slowly – what should one do to whom endorphins are not produced from anything, and accordingly there is nothing pleasant in life? The reward system donated by higher powers to man is endorphins – are the so-called endorphin «traps» controlling everything? There are people who live in the past, there are people who live in the present, and there are people who live in the future, but there is also a mix, where there is something more, something less? Depression begins when old life strategies are broken, but there are no new ones yet, a person cannot live instincts like animals – does he have to carry any ideas, even those that are considered primitive? They took the drunk to the police – they interfere with life or help to make the right choice? You can look at fire, water and anyone’s extraordinary eccentric acts for an infinitely long time? What governs the life of everyone, what is called fate, or a combination of circumstances? How to study a person in terms of his instincts and emotions, and at the same time to be the bearer of the same instincts and emotions – is it difficult to study robots when the robot itself, or vice versa, does this simplify everything? Who are you, a gangster, but you without a doubt could also be a scientist, if you find yourself in a different environment. Me, you and all people are plasticine from which you can fashion anything; the question is in whose hands this plasticine is, and heredity plays a secondary role? A person is a tube into which you can fill anything, in any percentage of something – why is it not the other way around because you «poured» into yourself or others «poured» into you this and not other information? The words attributed to Hajj Nasredin are as follows: «No matter how you say halva, your mouth will not be sweeter.» Or is he wrong, and vice versa – a person, not only by suggesting someone, but also by self-suggestion, can «blind» any person out of himself? Most people are very suggestible? A person is considered to be someone who believes little and criticizes everything? It has always been fashionable for some to be like others or the other, or is it one of the instincts present in some as opposed to such an instinct as «I am special», or are these not instincts, but the results of upbringing? Raising a child, but do not break his will? Does the fate of the child (and not only the child, but also the family as a whole) depend on the propaganda abilities of the parents? Fashionable for some to be different from the people – am I special? Even the amount of what is considered various mental illnesses is different at different times – during Freud’s time hysteria dominated, in the 20th century schizophrenia, in the 21st century depression and panic attacks? Endogenous depression is a malfunction in the production of serotonin and dopamine. Does such depression happen or is failure a consequence of depression? In our time and in our places of life, the cult of caution and self-pity is to blame for everything, so now depression and panic attacks dominate – take less caution and pity yourself less? Behind every seemingly spontaneous social movement created are certain people who created it for pragmatic reasons? Does your character affect your fate and the fate of those around you? Everyone is an IT-person at a biological level – does everyone program people? Managing people is simple: are they all drawn to the one who can fill their body with hormones of pleasure, or the one who can remove the chemicals that cause a bad mood from their body? Can’t you sew a fur coat from words or can you sew with some? Quantum physics is right – everything is simple, because as you can educate someone, you can educate someone who has more knowledge and will, that educates him, and the world consists of those whom someone educated in in the same way in which they are now?

      «… people are a flock of sheep, they need to be led…» are the exemplary words of one of the heroes of the film «Raised Virgin Sole» (USSR, 1959—1961, director Alexander Ivanov).

      Civilization itself regulates its development. Words attributed to the Soviet scientist S.P. Kapitsa.

      Look at people living in countries that are considered rich – they (the majority) do not criticize themselves and their behavior, do not listen to someone else’s criticism, but defend their lifestyle and find material opportunities to support it?

      Reality shows and proves (I want to emphasize that it is reality, supported by facts of the reality of what is happening, and not rumors) that under certain conditions and circumstances it is possible to change reality, and on a global scale, suppose if you are a millionaire or a billionaire, you can influence the social the life of a society, creating various social movements in it, while completely rebuilding relations between people, between a man and a woman, creating matriarchy in a single country or in several states, or patriarchy, the question is only, whether they want the authorities of these countries to pursue your social experiments and how far will you go in this, if you want all the same.

      Then, when you «take root» and your movement gains a global scale within the state, the psychological component will undergo a fusion with the legal: the parliament will pass laws to please