Arsene Lupin. Морис Леблан. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Морис Леблан
Издательство: Bookwire
Жанр произведения: Языкознание
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9782378079369
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of our pleasant interview, permit me to return you this as a wedding-gift to Mlle. Gerbois."

      Mon. Gerbois took the money, but said:

      "My daughter will not marry."

      "She will not marry if you refuse your consent; but she wishes to marry."

      "What do you know about it?"

      "I know that young girls often dream of such things unknown to their parents. Fortunately, there are sometimes good genii like Arsène Lupin who discover their little secrets in the drawers of their writing desks."

      "Did you find anything else?" asked the lawyer. "I confess I am curious to know why you took so much trouble to get possession of that desk."

      "On account of its historic interest, my friend. Although despite the opinion of Monsieur Gerbois, the desk contained no treasure except the lottery ticket—and that was unknown to me—I had been seeking it for a long time. That writing-desk of yew and mahogany was discovered in the little house in which Marie Walêwska once lived in Boulogne, and, on one of the drawers there is this inscription: 'Dedicated to Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, by his very faithful servant, Mancion.' And above it, these words, engraved with the point of a knife: 'To you, Marie.' Afterwards, Napoleon had a similar desk made for the Empress Josephine; so that the secretary that was so much admired at the Malmaison was only an imperfect copy of the one that will henceforth form part of my collection."

      "Ah! if I had known, when in the shop, I would gladly have given it up to you," said the professor.

      Arsène Lupin smiled, as he replied:

      "And you would have had the advantage of keeping for your own use lottery ticket number 514."

      "And you would not have found it necessary to abduct my daughter."

      "Abduct your daughter?"


      "My dear monsieur, you are mistaken. Mlle. Gerbois was not abducted."


      "Certainly not. Abduction means force or violence. And I assure you that she served as hostage of her own free will."

      "Of her own free will!" repeated Mon. Gerbois, in amazement.

      "In fact, she almost asked to be taken. Why, do you suppose that an intelligent young girl like Mlle. Gerbois, and who, moreover, nourishes an unacknowledged passion, would hesitate to do what was necessary to secure her dowry. Ah! I swear to you it was not difficult to make her understand that it was the only way to overcome your obstinacy."

      Mon. Detinan was greatly amused. He replied to Lupin:

      "But I should think it was more difficult to get her to listen to you. How did you approach her?"

      "Oh! I didn't approach her myself. I have not the honor of her acquaintance. A friend of mine, a lady, carried on the negotiations."

      "The blonde woman in the automobile, no doubt."

      "Precisely. All arrangements were made at the first interview near the college. Since then, Mlle. Gerbois and her new friend have been travelling in Belgium and Holland in a manner that should prove most pleasing and instructive to a young girl. She will tell you all about it herself—"

      The bell of the vestibule door rang, three rings in quick succession, followed by two isolated rings.

      "It is she," said Lupin. "Monsieur Detinan, if you will be so kind—"

      The lawyer hastened to the door.

      Two young women entered. One of them threw herself into the arms of Mon. Gerbois. The other approached Lupin. The latter was a tall woman of a good figure, very pale complexion, and with blond hair, parted over her forehead in undulating waves, that glistened and shone like the setting sun. She was dressed in black, with no display of jewelled ornaments; but, on the contrary, her appearance indicated good taste and refined elegance. Arsène Lupin spoke a few words to her; then, bowing to Mlle. Gerbois, he said:

      "I owe you an apology, mademoiselle, for all your troubles, but I hope you have not been too unhappy—"

      "Unhappy! Why, I should have been very happy, indeed, if it hadn't been for leaving my poor father."

      "Then all is for the best. Kiss him again, and take advantage of the opportunity—it is an excellent one—to speak to him about your cousin."

      "My cousin! What do you mean? I don't understand."

      "Of course, you understand. Your cousin Philippe. The young man whose letters you kept so carefully."

      Suzanne blushed; but, following Lupin's advice, she again threw herself into her father's arms. Lupin gazed upon them with a tender look.

      "Ah! Such is my reward for a virtuous act! What a touching picture! A happy father and a happy daughter! And to know that their joy is your work, Lupin! Hereafter these people will bless you, and reverently transmit your name unto their descendants, even unto the fourth generation. What a glorious reward, Lupin, for one act of kindness!"

      He walked to the window.

      "Is dear old Ganimard still waiting?... He would like very much to be present at this charming domestic scene!... Ah! he is not there.... Nor any of the others.... I don't see anyone. The deuce! The situation is becoming serious. I dare say they are already under the porte-cochere ... talking to the concierge, perhaps ... or, even, ascending the stairs!"

      Mon. Gerbois made a sudden movement. Now, that his daughter had been restored to him, he saw the situation in a different light. To him, the arrest of his adversary meant half-a-million francs. Instinctively, he made a step forward. As if by chance, Lupin stood in his way.

      "Where are you going, Monsieur Gerbois? To defend me against them! That is very kind of you, but I assure you it is not necessary. They are more worried than I."

      Then he continued to speak, with calm deliberation:

      "But, really, what do they know? That you are here, and, perhaps, that Mlle. Gerbois is here, for they may have seen her arrive with an unknown lady. But they do not imagine that I am here. How is it possible that I could be in a house that they ran-sacked from cellar to garret this morning? They suppose that the unknown lady was sent by me to make the exchange, and they will be ready to arrest her when she goes out—"

      At that moment, the bell rang. With a brusque movement, Lupin seized Mon. Gerbois, and said to him, in an imperious tone:

      "Do not move! Remember your daughter, and be prudent—otherwise—As to you, Monsieur Detinan, I have your promise."

      Mon. Gerbois was rooted to the spot. The lawyer did not stir. Without the least sign of haste, Lupin picked up his hat and brushed the dust from off it with his sleeve.

      "My dear Monsieur Detinan, if I can ever be of service to you.... My best wishes, Mademoiselle Suzanne, and my kind regards to Monsieur Philippe."

      He drew a heavy gold watch from his pocket.

      "Monsieur Gerbois, it is now forty-two minutes past three. At forty-six minutes past three, I give you permission to leave this room. Not one minute sooner than forty-six minutes past three."

      "But they will force an entrance," suggested Mon. Detinan.

      "You forget the law, my dear monsieur! Ganimard would never venture to violate the privacy of a French citizen. But, pardon me, time flies, and you are all slightly nervous."

      He placed his watch on the table, opened the door of the room and addressing the blonde lady he said:

      "Are you ready my dear?"

      He drew back to let her pass, bowed respectfully to Mlle. Gerbois, and went out, closing the door behind him. Then they heard him in the vestibule, speaking, in a loud voice: "Good-day, Ganimard, how goes it? Remember me to Madame Ganimard. One of these days, I shall invite her to breakfast. Au revoir, Ganimard."
