A Life on the American Frontiers: Collected Works of Henry Schoolcraft. Henry Rowe Schoolcraft. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Henry Rowe Schoolcraft
Издательство: Bookwire
Жанр произведения: Документальная литература
Год издания: 0
isbn: 4064066383756
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s. Ti´goo.

      To bind, v. infin. Tidibupi.

      To bind, v. an. infin. Tidibupizh, bind him or her.

      —— v. inan. “ Tidibupidôn, bind it.

      Biped, Nizhogâ´dai. Two legged.

      Derivative from two and leg.

      Birch tree, Wigwasâtig, bark wood.

      Birch bark, Wigwas.

      Birch bark canoe, Chimân´.

      Diminutive in ais, derogative in ish, local in ing.

      Bird, s. Pinai´si. Plural in wug.

      — s. dim. Pinaishains.

      — s. dim. &. der. —— ish.

      — s. local. —— ing.

      — s. dim. der. & loc. Pinaishain. sishing.

      Bird’s nest, Pinai´siwuziswun´.

      Bird’s foot, Pinai´wizid.

      Birth, Undâ´dizzi.

      Bison, s. Pizhik´i.

      Applied also to the domestic cow.

      —— s. dim. Pizhikins´. Calf.

      To bite, v. an. Takwum. To bite him or her.

      —— v. inan. Takwundun. To bite it.

      Biter, s. Taikwungaid.

      Bitter, a. an. Wisugizzi´.

      — a. inan. Wisugun´.

      Bittern, s. Mushkowizzi. Marsh bird.

      Bitch, s. Kiskishai´.

      Black, a. animàte, Muk´kudaiwizzi´.

      —— a. inanimate, Muk´kudaiwâ´.

      Blacksmith, s. Awish´twiâ.

      Blacksmith’s shop, —— wigumig.

      Blackberry, s. Duttogâ´gomin.

      Blackbird, s. Ossig´inok. The true species.

      Wâb Ossiginok, spotted head, small.

      Bwoin Ossiginok, red wing.

      Mukkudai Pinais, a generic, vaguely applied.

      Blackman, s. Mukkudai´ Wios. Black flesh.

      Black Eagle, Ininun´zi.

      Black duck, Mukkudaishib.

      Black rock, Mukkudaiwâbikud.

      To blacken, v. an. Mukkudairohi.

      —— v. inan. Mukkudaiwatôn.

      Bladder, s. Omô´di. Applied also to bottle, which see.

      Blanket, s. Wâbiwyan´. A derivative from white & skin, or robe.

      Blast of wind, Puguma´nimud.

      To blaze, v. Biskâ´koonai.

      Blaze, s. Biskoonai.

      To bleat, v. Nôndâgoozzi. See bellow.

      To bleed with a lancet, Pashkik-wai´egai.

      Blind, a. Kuggibin´gwai.

      To blindfold, v. Kuggibingwain.

      To blister, v. a. Ubishkwaibigizzi. To blister by medical means.

      To blister, v. ina. Ubishkwaibigud. To blister by work, fire, &c.

      Block, s. Gishkigy´igun.

      Blood, s. Miskwi´.

      Bloody, a. Miskwi´wi.

      Bloodsucker, s. Suguskwâ´jimai.

      Blossom, s. Wâ´bigoon.

      To blow, v. an. Pôdâzh´.

      —— v. ina. Pôdâ´dun.

      Blue, a. Ozhâ´wushkwâ.

      Blue sky, Mizhâ´kwut.

      Blue water, Ozha´wushkwâgumi.

      Blue bird, s. Oshâ´wun.

      To blush, v. Miskwingwaisi.

      Board, a board, s. Nabug´sug.

      To boast, v. Wowizhâ´jimoo.

      Boaster, s. Waiwizhâjimood.

      Boat, s. See barge.

      Boatmen, rowers, Aizhaibwiai´jig. Plural.

      Boatmen, paddlers, Chaimai´jig. Plural.

      Body, s. Ow?

      Ni ow, my body.

      Ki ow, thy body.

      Wi ow, his, or her body.

      Bog, s. Mushkig´.

      Bogberry, Mushki´gimin. The cranberry.

      To boil, v. an. Oonzoo´. To boil him.

      To boil, v. in. Oondai´. To boil it.

      To boil the kettle, Kizhâ´gumiz.

      Bold, a. Sôngidaiai.

      Bondman, s. Apâni´ni.

      Bondwoman, s. Apânikwai´.

      Bone, s. Okun´.

      Bone awl, Namung´.

      Book, s. Muzziny´igun.

      Book, s. dim, Muzziny´gons.

      Book, s. dim & der, Muzziny´gonsish.

      Book, s. local, Muzziny´guning.

      Book, s. dim, der, & loc, Muzziny´gonsishing.

      To book, v. Muzziny´igai.

      Boot, s. Mukazin´.

      Boot, s. dim, —— ais.

      Born, part. pass. Ni´gi.

      Bosom, s. Okâ kigun.

      Bottle, s. Omôdi.

      Bottle, s. dim. Omôdins. Aphial.

      Bough, s. Wudikwon´.

      Boulder stone, Mushkosiswâbik.

      Bounteous a. Kishaiwâ dizzi.

      Bow. s. Mittigwâb´. Dim in ais.

      Bowstring, s. Utshâb´.

      To bow, v. Shugushki.

      Bowels, Onugizh´.

      Bower, s. Uguhwâ´taioon.

      Bowl, s. Onâgon.

      Bowl, s. dim, Onâgons´.

      Bowl, s. dim. & local, Onâgoning.

      Box, s. Mukkuk´.

      Box, s. dim. Mukkukais. Little box.

      Box, s. der, Mukkukish. Bad box.

      Box, s. local, Mukkuking. In the box.

      Box, s. dim, der, & local, Mukkukaisishing. In the little bad box.

      Boy, s. Kwi´wizais.

      Boy, s. der, Kwi´wizaisish. Bad boy.

      Bracelet, s. Pizoon´.

      Brain, s. Winindib.

      Branch of a plant, Wudikwon.

      Branch of a tree, Ningitow itig´.

      Branch of a river, Ningitow itig-wyâ´.

      Brand, a torch, Wuswâ´gun.

      Brandy, s. ´Shkôdaiwâ´bô, or Ish-kôdaiwâ´bô. Any strong liquor, from fire and liquor.

      Brass, s. Ozawâbik.