In what sense ’tis to be understood.
XXXIV. St. Austin’s Words. Letter 166. to the Donatists.
This can’t be apply’d but to a Man, who being persuaded ’tis Truth, refuses to submit to it.
XXXV. St. Austin’s Words. Ibid.
In what sense this Passage is to be understood.
XXXVI. St. Austin’s Words. Letter 204. to Donatus.
From what Opinion they acted who refus’d Bishopricks.
<xxxii> XXXVII. St. Austin’s Words. Ibid.
’Tis a Contradiction to force any one to do Good.
XXXVIII. St. Austin’s Words. Ibid.
Solomon’s advising Fathers to correct their Children, is not for Opinions in Religion.
XXXIX. St. Austin’s Words. Ibid.
Confutation of this contain’d in the two first Parts of this Commentary.
XL. St. Austin’s Words. Letter 167. to Festus.
We ought not to punish the Innocent with the Guilty.
Parents, in many Instances, wou’d deserve the name of Persecutors, with respect to their Children.