Each Sect commits Impietys and Sacrileges in respect to the rest.
Blasphemys and Sacrileges ought to be defin’d upon common Principles.
All the World agrees that the Laws establish’d in behalf of Honesty and Modesty are just.
Why one ought to punish Adultery, and not Profaneness, according to St. Austin’s Sense.
Princes have not Grace to bestow like Jesus Christ, to give Success to their Chastisements.
Their Authority the least in the World to disabuse Hereticks.
Their Preservation depends not on their Consent, as in the Case of Conversion.
Those who put Kings upon confiscating the Goods of Sectarys, are acted by Avarice.
The more Orthodox a Man is, the more he is oblig’d to be equitable to all Men.