16 10 Proteins and Peptides Derived from Rapeseed: Techno-Functional and Bioactive Properties 10.1 Introduction 10.2 Summary of Existing Rapeseed Meal Protein Extraction Processes 10.3 Hydrolysis of Rapeseed Proteins and Rapeseed Meal to Produce High Value Bioactive Compounds 10.4 Techno‐Functional Attributes of Rapeseed Proteins 10.5 Bioactivities of Rapeseed Protein Hydrolysates and Identified Bioactive Peptides 10.6 Safety of Rapeseed Proteins and Hydrolysates 10.7 Conclusion References
17 11 Oils and Oilseeds in the Nutraceutical and Functional Food Industries 11.1 Introduction 11.2 Functional Food and Nutraceuticals 11.3 Vegetable and Seed Oils as Source of Bioactive Compounds 11.4 Bioactivity of Vegetable Oils and Oilseeds 11.5 New Trends and Applications References
18 12 Sensorial Evaluation and Aroma of Vegetable Oils 12.1 Introduction 12.2 Olive Oil 12.3 Palm Oil 12.4 Soybean Oil 12.5 Sun Flower Seed Oil 12.6 Corn Oil 12.7 Peanut Oil 12.8 Coconut Oil 12.9 Linseed/Flaxseed Oil 12.10 Canola or Rapeseed 12.11 Hazelnut Oil 12.12 Avocado Oil 12.13 Almond Oil 12.14 Pistachio Oil 12.15 Sesame Oil 12.16 Walnut Oil References
19 Index
List of Tables
1 Chapter 1Table 1.1 Foods manufactured using vegetable (and microalgal) oils.
2 Chapter 2Table 2.1 Some physical characteristics of conventional oilseed oils.Table 2.2 Composition table from Food Data Central form USDA (values per 100 ...Table 2.3 Composition of main fatty acids from oilseed oils.
3 Chapter 3Table 3.1 Fatty acid composition of different microalgal species. Source: Com...Table 3.2 Summary of conventional and innovative technologies and extraction ...Table 3.3 Relative fatty acid contents (%) of selected macroalgae analyzed by...
4 Chapter 4Table 4.1 Total lipid content (%) of nuts. Source: Miraliakbari and Shahidi (...Table 4.2 Composition of major lipid classes – triacylglycerols, sterols, pho...Table 4.3 Composition of four major fatty acids – palmitic (C16:0), oleic (C1...Table 4.4 Composition of two major sterols (β‐sitosterol and campesterol) and...Table 4.5 Composition of the three main lipid classes – neutral lipids, phosp...Table 4.6 Composition of four major fatty acids – palmitic (C16:0), oleic (C1...Table 4.7 Composition of two major sterols (β‐sitosterol and campesterol) and...
5 Chapter 6Table 6.1 Fat content of milks from domestic species.Table 6.2 Lipids present in milk.Table 6.3 Functional properties of milk fats.
6 Chapter 7Table 7.1 Fatty acid composition of selected feedstocks used to prepare bioba...Table 7.2 Commercially available non‐food polymeric products from industrial ...Table 7.3 Significant properties of bio‐based lubricants for various applicat...Table 7.4 Industrial bio‐plasticizers made from vegetable oils.a
7 Chapter 8Table 8.1 Analytical methods for the determination of mycotoxins.Table 8.2 Analytical methods for the determination of PAHs.aTable 8.3 Analytical methods for the determination of 3‐MCPDs and glycidyl es...Table 8.4 Analytical methods for the determination of mineral oil hydrocarbon...Table 8.5 Analytical methods for the determination of phthalates.aTable 8.6 Analytical methods for the determination of pesticides.a
8 Chapter 9Table 9.1 Composition of oilseeds’ by‐products and their main uses.
9 Chapter 10Table 10.1 Application of rapeseed protein isolates or concentrates in foods.Table 10.2 Bioactive peptides derived from rapeseed proteins.Table 10.3 Safety of rapeseed protein products in animal trials.
10 Chapter 11Table 11.1 Main fatty acid composition of some vegetable oils in percentage (...Table 11.2 Main phytosterols and tocopherols identified in some vegetable oil...
List of Illustrations
1 Chapter