The Influence of Sea Power Upon History, 1660-1783. A. T. Mahan. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: A. T. Mahan
Издательство: Bookwire
Жанр произведения: Документальная литература
Год издания: 0
isbn: 4064066121235
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Peace between England and the United Provinces 158 Sicilian revolt against Spain 159 Battle of Stromboli, 1676 161 Illustration of Clerk's naval tactics 163 De Ruyter killed off Agosta 165 England becomes hostile to France 166 Sufferings of the United Provinces 167 Peace of Nimeguen, 1678 168 Effects of the war on France and Holland 169 Notice of Comte d'Estrées 170 CHAPTER IV. English Revolution.—War of the League of Augsburg, 1688–1697.—Sea Battles of Beachy Head and La Hougue. Aggressive policy of Louis XIV. 173 State of French, English, and Dutch navies 174 Accession of James II. 175 Formation of the League of Augsburg 176 Louis declares war against the Emperor of Germany 177 Revolution in England 178 Louis declares war against the United Provinces 178 William and Mary crowned 178 James II. lands in Ireland 179 Misdirection of French naval forces 180 William III. lands in Ireland 181 Naval battle of Beachy Head, 1690 182 Tourville's military character 184 Battle of the Boyne, 1690 186 End of the struggle in Ireland 186 Naval battle of La Hougue, 1692 189 Destruction of French ships 190 Influence of Sea Power in this war 191 Attack and defence of commerce 193 Peculiar characteristics of French privateering 195 Peace of Ryswick, 1697 197 Exhaustion of France: its causes 198 CHAPTER V. War of the Spanish Succession, 1702–1713.—Sea Battle Of Malaga. Failure of the Spanish line of the House of Austria 201 King of Spain wills the succession to the Duke of Anjou 202 Death of the King of Spain 202 Louis XIV. accepts the bequests 203 He seizes towns in Spanish Netherlands 203 Offensive alliance between England, Holland, and Austria 204 Declarations of war 205 The allies proclaim Carlos III. King of Spain 206 Affair of the Vigo galleons 207 Portugal joins the allies 208 Character of the naval warfare 209 Capture of Gibraltar by the English 210 Naval battle of Malaga, 1704 211 Decay of the French navy 212 Progress of the land war 213 Allies seize Sardinia and Minorca 215 Disgrace of Marlborough 216 England offers terms of peace 217 Peace of Utrecht, 1713 218 Terms of the peace 219 Results of the war to the different belligerents 219 Commanding position of Great Britain 224 Sea Power dependent upon both commerce and naval strength 225 Peculiar position of France as regards Sea Power 226 Depressed condition of France 227 Commercial prosperity of England 228 Ineffectiveness of commerce-destroying 229 Duguay-Trouin's