A System of Pyrotechny. James Cutbush. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: James Cutbush
Издательство: Bookwire
Жанр произведения: Языкознание
Год издания: 0
isbn: 4064066248871
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oxide, prussine or cyanogen, called also carburet of azote, and phosphuretted, sulphuretted, arsenuretted, telluretted, and potassuretted hydrogen. Other gases are acid, and redden litmus, which, for that reason, are called acid gases, such as nitrous, sulphurous, muriatic, fluoboric, hydriodic, fluosilicic, chlorocarbonic, and carbonic acids; the oxides of chlorine, sulphuretted hydrogen, telluretted hydrogen, and carburet of azote. Some gases are destitute of smell, as oxygen, azote and its protoxide, and carbonic acid; while others have a strong and characteristic odour, as ammoniacal gas. Some gases are very soluble in water, and others but slightly soluble, such as fluoric, fluosilicic, carbonic, sulphurous, and muriatic acids, and ammoniacal gas. Alkaline solutions absorb some gases, as nitrous, sulphurous, muriatic, fluoboric, carbonic, hydriodic, fluosilicic, chlorine, chlorocarbonic, and the two oxides of chlorine, sulphuretted hydrogen, telluretted hydrogen, and ammonia. Alkaline gases are ammonia, and potassuretted hydrogen.

      The character of gases is well defined. The compound gas of phosphorus and hydrogen takes fire spontaneously in the atmosphere, burning with a brilliant white flame; but there is another gas formed of the same substances, that does not inflame spontaneously, but is inflammable, called subphosphuretted hydrogen. This gas has a strong smell of garlic or phosphorus, and is luminous in the dark. It may be this peculiar combination, which gives rise to the ignes fatui; but the permanent ignes fatui, observed in volcanic countries, are said to be the slow combustion of sulphur, forming sulphurous acid gas. Sir H. Davy found, that phosphuretted hydrogen produced a flash of light when admitted into the best vacuum that could be made by an excellent pump of Nairn's construction.

      Naphtha in contact with red hot iron glows with a lambent flame at a rarefaction of thirty times, though its flame ceases at an atmospheric rarefaction of six. Camphor ceases to burn in an air rarefied six times, but, in a glass tube which becomes ignited, the flame of camphor exists under ninefold rarefaction; whereas phosphorus, according to the experiments of Van Marum, will burn, although the atmosphere be rarefied sixty times. Hydrogen gas will burn in a rarefied air, when it is four or five times less than the pressure of the atmosphere, and its flame be extinguished, when the pressure is between seven and eight times less; from which it is inferred, that the flame is extinguished in rarefied atmospheres, only when the heat it produces is insufficient to keep up the combustion. Olefiant gas (hydroguret of carbon) ceased to burn in an atmosphere, where its pressure was diminished between ten and eleven times. The flames of alcohol and of wax taper were extinguished in an atmosphere, where pressure was five or six times less without the wire of platinum, and seven or eight times less when the wire was kept in the flame. See Flameless Lamp. Several interesting conclusions may be drawn from these facts, which, to enumerate, would lead us beyond our design. It will be sufficient, therefore, to add, that although a supporter of combustion is necessary for that process, and flame may be differently modified, yet combustion ceases if the pressure of the atmosphere be diminished in certain ratios, as already noticed.

      Besides nitre, other saline substances which contain oxygen feebly combined, have been used for the same purpose. Some years ago, it was proposed to substitute the hyper-oxymuriate, now called chlorate of potassa, for nitre in the formation of gun-powder. As chlorate of potassa, when mixed with sulphur, &c. produces combustion by percussion, or by the contact of fire, this effect is attributed to the same cause—the separation of oxygen, not from azote, but from the chlorine of the chloric acid, Hence, when that salt is used in fire-works, the result of the combustion is similar to that in which nitre is employed; at least as regards the union of the oxygen with the elementary principles of the inflammable body. On this subject, we shall make some remarks hereafter. Nitrate of soda, a salt which contains nitric acid, and similar to saltpetre in that particular, has been recommended also for fire-works. It has, however, several objections. Our object in noticing it at this time is to remark, that, when it is so employed, its effect is the same as nitrate of potassa, or saltpetre, by furnishing oxygen as the supporter of combustion. See Nitrate of Soda.

      We are of opinion, that many of the nitrates might be advantageously employed in the manufacture of fire-works. Some, as nitrate of strontian, communicate a red colour to flame, as the flame of alcohol. Nitrate of lime also might be used.

      All nitrates, as well as the different hyperoxymuriates, or chlorates, contain oxygen as an essential ingredient in the acid of their respective salts, which is readily given up to inflammable substances.

      When nitrates are employed for fire-works, they should be free from moisture, or water of crystallization, unless otherwise required. The presence of water may, in many cases, prove injurious to the composition; and, consequently, the effect in those instances, may be influenced by this circumstance. The composition of nitric acid, and the action of carbon in the decomposition of the nitrates, or salts formed by the union of nitric acid with sundry bases, will claim our attention in the article on gun-powder.

      With respect to the production of colours, some remarks on this subject may be here added.

      Speaking of colours, Haüy (Elementary Treatise of Natural Philosophy, trans. ii. p. 253.) takes into view their formation according to the Newtonian doctrine; and in a note by the translator, several instances are given of the change of colour by oxidizement and other processes. Iron when exposed to heat in contact with atmospheric air gradually absorbs oxygen, and changes its colour. The colours produced depend entirely on the quantity of oxygen, and on the absorption of some of the rays of light, and the reflection of others. See Iron. The tempering of steel instruments depends on this property, and also the blueing of sword blades, and many similar operations. The first impression of fire usually developes a blue colour; a second degree produces a yellow; and, if the oxidizement augments, the iron becomes red. The major part of the metals present similar phenomena.

      In vegetables, the blue colour is formed by fermentation; and many of these colours are susceptible of passing to red by a greater quantity of oxygen, as they depend on the absorption of oxygen. It is thus that the green fecula of indigo becomes blue; turnsol, red by air and acids; and the protoferrocyanate of iron, blue when exposed to the air.

      When meat putrefies, the first degree of oxygenation decides the blue colour; the red soon succeeds as the process goes on. It would seem that the maximum of oxidation determines the reflection of rays of every kind, in the same proportions as subsist in solar light, of which we have many instances in combustion.

      The flame of burning bodies exhibits the same phenomena. It is blue when the combination of oxygen is slow; red when it is stronger, and white when the oxygenation is complete.

      These facts lead to the conclusion, that the combination of oxygen, and its proportions, give birth in bodies to the property of reflecting corresponding rays of light; but, since the combination of oxygen in different proportions ought to change the thickness and density of the component laminæ, and, consequently, to produce variations in the colours, this doctrine is not easily reconciled with the received theory.

      By considering the temperature necessary to inflame different bodies; the nature of flame, and the relation between light and heat, which compose it; the caloric disengaged in a free state during the combustion of bodies, and the causes, which modify the appearance of flame—we may be enabled to account for the phenomena already noticed. Thus, phosphorus at 150°, and sulphur at 550°, are said to take fire, and two acid products are formed; at 800°, hydrogen gas explodes with oxygen, and produces water; and, according to Ure's view, the flame of combustible bodies may in all cases be considered as the combustion of an explosive mixture of inflammable gas, or vapour, with air; and as to the change of quiescent into distributable heat, and the causes that modify combustion and flame, the facts on these heads are numerous and very important.

      Sec. III. Remarks on the Nature of particular Compositions.

      The spur fire, which was invented by the Chinese, but brought to perfection in Europe, is remarkably beautiful when employed in some particular parts of fire-works. This fire was so named from the effect it produces, that of forming scintillations, resembling a shower, or drops of rain, or the rowel of a spur. The artificial flower pot is formed of this fire. The stars and pinks, which it produces, are said to be brilliant. The composition of spur fire being