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Автор: Группа авторов
Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited
Жанр произведения: Техническая литература
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781118799499
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Structural Roles of Fe3+ and Fe2+

      It is sometimes assumed that Al3+ and Fe3+ occupy similar structural positions in silicate melts and glasses because of their common nominal charge and somewhat similar ionic radii. But this assumption is not necessarily warranted because Al3+ is dominantly in fourfold coordination in silicate crystals, whereas for the most part Fe3+ is in sixfold coordination with oxygen although there are exceptions to this general statement.

      In silicate glasses and melts oxygen coordination numbers vary with bulk chemical composition, total iron content, temperature, and redox conditions that existed during precursor melting. The Fe3+─O bond distance of ferrisilicate glass is often used as an indicator of oxygen coordination number. For example, increasing iron content in Al‐free silicates results in increasing Fe3+─O distance, which may be consistent with a transformation from fourfold to sixfold coordination.

Graph depicts the activity coefficient ratio of Fe2+ and Fe3+ in CaO-SiO2 glasses formed by quenching from melt after equilibration at 1600 °C with different oxygen fugacity. The NBO/Si-values in this figure were calculated from the Ca/Si ratio.

      Mössbauer spectroscopy of glasses is an analytical tool with which both redox ratio of iron and coordination of Fe3+ and Fe2+ can be determined (Chapter 2.2). In alkali ferrisilicate melts equilibrated with air, Fe3+ typically is in fourfold coordination with oxygen. However, by replacing Na+ with more electronegative metals, the oxygen tetrahedra surrounding Fe3+ become increasingly distorted with an eventual changes to higher oxygen coordination numbers. As a result, in complex aluminosilicate compositions containing both alkalis and alkaline earths it is not unusual that Fe3+ exists in more than one coordination state.

      Most evidence suggests that Fe3+ in fourfold coordination forms oxygen tetrahedra that are isolated from those of Si4+ and Al3+. Furthermore, when both alkali and alkaline earths are potential charge‐balancing cations in complex systems, alkali metals tend to associate with Al3+, whereas alkaline earths serve to charge‐balance Fe3+ in tetrahedral coordination with oxygen. This means, for example, that if a rhyolite and a basalt melt equilibrated at the same oxygen fugacity, temperature, and pressure, the iron would be more oxidized in the rhyolite than in the basalt melt.

      5.3 Structure–Property Relations

      The physical properties of iron‐bearing silicate melts and glasses are less well known than for iron‐free materials. Viscosity and volume data can nonetheless be rationalized in structural terms.

      The partial molar volumes of FeO and Fe2O3, images and images, are sensitive to oxygen coordination. The images in glass (between about 13 and 14 cm3/mol) resembles the molar volume of crystalline wüstite (FeO), which suggests that Fe2+ is sixfold coordinated in glasses. The images‐values are more variable, however, and depend on composition. For example, in SiO2─NaFeO2 glasses formed by quenching from melt equilibrated with air (and with Fe3+/SFe > 0.95), images is between 20 and 21 cm3/mol (as FeO1.5), whereas for equivalent Ca‐ferrisilicate melt, images = 13–15 cm3/mol [11]. These latter volumes are those expected with Fe3+ in tetrahedral and octahedral coordination, respectively.

      The viscosity of iron‐bearing silicates depends on both redox state of iron and on the coordination state of Fe2+ and Fe3+. For example, with Fe3+ in fourfold coordination and Fe2+ in sixfold coordination with oxygen, melt viscosity increases systematically with increasing Fe3+/SFe because silicate polymerization also increases with increasing Fe3+/SFe [12]. When both Fe3+ and Fe2+ are surrounded by octahedral oxygen ligands, this relationship is reversed. Given that the redox ratio in basaltic melts normally is considerably lower and the oxygen coordination number around Fe3+ higher than in more silicate rick melts (andesite and rhyolite, for example), decreasing Fe3+/Fe2+ in the former may result in increased melt viscosity, whereas the opposite trend obtains for the latter.

      Minor components such as TiO2 and P2O5 are important in natural and commercial glasses, including optical fibers and glass wool insulating materials. The structural behavior of P5+ in silicate glasses and melts is fairly well known, whereas that of Ti4+ remains more controversial, perhaps because the oxygen coordination environment surrounding Ti4+ may be a composition‐dependent variable.

      6.1 Phosphorus Substitution for Silicon

      In P2O5 glass, the P─O bridging bond distance (1.60 Å) is nearly identical to the Si─O distance in SiO2 glass (1.62 Å). Additionally, there is a second double‐bonded and shorter (1.43 Å) P=O bond. These structural features remain for glasses in the P2O5–SiO2 system. In the latter, Si–O–P bridges can also be detected.

      Phosphorus in metal oxide silicate and aluminosilicate glasses and melts is dissolved by formation of phosphate (PO4) groups. Their degree of polymerization can be derived from 31P NMR spectra as a function of metal oxide/P2O5 ratio [13] in a way similar to Q n ‐species determinations in metal oxide–SiO2 glasses (see also Chapter 2.4 and Section 3.1). In addition, there are minor contributions from Si─O─P linkages. Mixed alumino‐silico phosphate complexes are more common (Chapter 2.4).

      6.2 Multiple Roles of Ti4+

      The ionic radius of Ti4+ is nearly twice that of Si4+. It is not surprising, therefore, that Ti4+ in crystalline materials commonly occupies sixfold coordination, whereas Si4+ is in tetrahedral coordination. In glasses and melts, on the other hand, the structural behavior of Ti4+ is more complex. From partial molar volume of TiO2, Скачать книгу