Encyclopedia of Glass Science, Technology, History, and Culture. Группа авторов. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Группа авторов
Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited
Жанр произведения: Техническая литература
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781118799499
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the lens current); image and object planes are defined; and after converting the electron distribution into light with a scintillator, an image is formed and registered by a CCD or CMOS camera. Of course, however, TEM offers a number of tremendous advantages over light microscopy that result from the much lower wavelengths of electrons compared with those of visible light. First and foremost, it has a much higher spatial resolution, as the best commercially available instruments can now resolve lattice planes as close as 50 pm apart [20]. Second, unlike for optical lenses, the focal lengths of electron lenses can be changed during operation, allowing for switching between parallel illumination and formation of a focus spot of less than 100 pm in diameter for dedicated analyses of very small sample regions. Third, one can switch between imaging and diffraction modes, which makes it possible to identify crystalline phases from the recorded electron diffraction patterns. Fourth, the higher energy of electrons (as compared with visible light) allows electronic transitions to be excited, laying the ground not only for analyzing chemical compositions (EDXS) but also for assessing the coordination and valence of appropriate elements (electron energy loss spectroscopy [EELS] [21]).

Schematic illustration of the electron beam paths in the parallel sample illumination mode in TEM. (Left) direct beam used for imaging. (Right) diffracted beam used for imaging. In both cases one selects the appropriate beam by moving the objective aperture in the back focal plane.

      As already mentioned, one can readily tune electron lenses to the desired focal length to image also the back focal (diffraction) plane. A well‐oriented zirconia is revealed in this way in the MAS glass‐ceramic sample (Figure 4a). Information on circular areas of less than 200 nm in diameter can even be obtained with the so‐called selected area electron diffraction (SAED) aperture as illustrated in Figure 4b for the MAS sample. Indexing of the pattern further shows that the ZrO2 crystal is aligned along the [100] direction, which unambiguously indicates its tetragonal symmetry.

Photos depict the transmission electron micrographs of the MAS glass ceramics. (a) Bright-field image where crystalline ZrO2 features appear dark in a glass matrix of bright contrast. (b) Electron diffraction pattern taken from a sample area circled in (a). (c) Dark-field TEM micrograph of the same sample area. Crystal appearing bright because the objective aperture is moved away from the direct beam to allow only diffracted beams to pass by. (d) Aberration-corrected high-resolution TEM micrograph of a part of the sample where a ZrO2 crystal has a boundary with the surrounding glassy matrix.

      With high‐resolution TEM (HR‐TEM), one can image directly rows of atoms in the crystalline parts of the specimen provided that the sample is thin enough and that crystallographic directions are well aligned with respect to the optical axis, which is accomplished by phase‐contrast imaging. The physics involved will not be expounded here because it is beyond the scope of this chapter, but one can think of a crystalline specimen as a weak phase object analogous to a phase grating for visible light [18]. Interatomic potentials within the crystals then affect the wave functions of the incoming electrons so that one can extract from these modifications a picture of the atomic lattice of the crystal that is visualized on a fluorescent screen or captured with a CCD or CMOS camera. The resolution that can be obtained is well below the nanometer range, as shown in Figure 4d where a sharp boundary separates the regular crystal lattice of zirconia from the disordered atomic arrangement of the glass matrix.

      3.2 Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy