Corporal Punishment
Creationism and Evolution
French and Indian War
Land Ownership
Natural Disasters
Political Engagement
Reparations for Slavery and Segregation
Revolutionary War
Same-Sex Marriage
Segregation and Anti-miscegenation Laws
Sunday Closing Laws
Sunday Mail Delivery
Tax Exemption for Bible Materials
Temperance Movement
Political Archetypes
Ahasuerus as Political Archetype
Cyrus as Political Archetype
David as Political Archetype
Esther as Political Archetype
Ethiopia as Political Archetype
Gideon as Political Archetype
Jezebel as Political Archetype
Moses as Political Archetype
Preachers and Religious Leaders
Dobson, James
Dow, Lorenzo
Dwight, Timothy
Edwards, Jonathan
Falwell, Jerry
Graham, Billy
Hagee, John
Heschel, Abraham Joshua
Hooker, Thomas
Jackson, Jesse
Jones, Absalom
Keteltas, Abraham
King, Martin Luther, Jr.
Koresh, David
Leland, John
Marshall, Peter
Mather, Cotton
Mayhew, Jonathan
Muhammad, Elijah
Muhlenberg, Peter
Niebuhr, Reinhold
Robertson, Pat
Schaeffer, Francis
Sherwood, Samuel
Smith, Joseph
Stiles, Ezra
Stringfellow, Thornton
Sunday, Billy
Weld, Theodore Dwight
Williams, Roger
Witherspoon, John
Wright, Jeremiah
Presidents, U.S. See also Speeches
Clinton, Bill (Speech of Contrition at National Prayer Breakfast)
Garfield, James
Harrison, Benjamin
Kennedy, John F.
Lincoln, Abraham
Madison, James
McKinley, William
Obama, Barack
Reagan, Ronald
Roosevelt, Franklin D.
Roosevelt, Theodore
Truman, Harry S.
Trump, Donald J.
Washington, George
Wilson, Woodrow
Revolutionary Figures
Turner, Nat
Vesey, Denmark
Slavery/Abolitionist Controversy
Douglass, Frederick
Fuller (Richard) and Wayland (Francis) Correspondence on Slavery
Furman, Richard
Garnet, Henry Highland (Address to Congress, 1865)