Danforth, John
Dulles, John Foster
Franklin, Benjamin
Frelinghuysen, Theodore
Garrison, William Lloyd
George, Henry
Greenleaf, Simon
Hatfield, Mark
Henry, Patrick
Huckabee, Mike
Jackson, Thomas (Stonewall)
Jay, John
Kasich, John
Koop, C. Everett
Lieberman, Joseph
Mann, Horace
Moore, Roy S.
Nation, Carry A.
Patrick, Deval
Pence, Mike
Perry, Rick
Pompeo, Mike
Powell, Adam Clayton, Jr.
Romney, Mitt
Rush, Benjamin
Sanders, Bernie
Sasse, Ben
Sessions, Jeff
Sherman, Roger
Sojourner Truth
Stephens, Alexander H.
Stewart, Maria W.
Stowe, Harriet Beecher
Walker, David
Wallace, Henry A.
Washington, Booker T.
Webster, Noah
Bible Editions, Issues, and Publishers
Founders’ Bible
Geneva Bible
Green Bible
Harlan Bible
King James Version of the Bible
Leeser, Isaac
Lincoln Inaugural Bible
Poverty and Justice Bible
Presidential Inaugural Bibles
Presidential Inaugural Bible Verses
Smith, Julia E. (Bible Translation)
Washington Inaugural Bible
Bible-Named and Related Events and Groups
Bible Study Groups among Governmental Officials
National Bible Week
National Prayer Breakfast
Official State Book
Year of the Bible
Bibles in Schools and Public Places
Commonwealth v. Cooke (MA, 1859)
New York School Controversy, 1840–1842
Philadelphia Bible Riots of 1844
Biblical Symbols
Errand into the Wilderness
Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse
Under God
Commentators on Church and State Issues
Davies, Samuel
Ely, Ezra Stiles
Findley/Wylie Debate over “The Two Sons of Oil”
Ward, Nathaniel
Williams, Elisha
Congressional Resolution on the Ten Commandments (1997)
Days of Humiliation, Fasting, and Thanksgiving
First Continental Congress
Court Justices and Opinions