Faith in the Journey. Michael Cohen. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Michael Cohen
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Контркультура
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781648010781
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notice. He was also one of the first non-DL or LB to make an impact for us to respect his play but also study his playing time. While losing is not always fun, we had an end-of-the-year party and celebrated the seniors for a great season. All that meant Christmas was coming up, and I was not always in the mood for the Christmas cheer. It’s nothing personal, just it was never a big holiday with my dad and me.

      I guess that had to do with my mom passing. She was the spirited one, always decorating the house with holiday things. She always baked food that made the house smell so good. Sometimes walking, I be hungry from just the smell of pies baking. This year felt like the last couple, nothing was going to really happen. I credit my dad for trying his best, but he was not Mom. Even the presents were simple because of his work. Yet this year was already different. With my dad’s promotion, it meant possible homemade dinner; though I guess what it should be. Usually Linda would come over to drop off some Christmas food. It was always yummy. This season was going to be better and a start of something new. I didn’t know it at that time, but this was the season things changed for the better.


      One thing that stood out every year for the town of Barnegat was the school play that was put on. There was the high school play that was shared with other townships like Manahawkin and Barnegat. But for the town itself, the current middle school did one with their eight grade class. It was also a chance for the high schools to help them set up the play and even work with the young actors with lines. Adding in the joy of the holiday was the Christmas play done at the local church, St. Mary’s. So volunteers were always welcomed in each play. My dad wanted me to help out with one of them. He felt it was time for me to learn to help out in these times. I knew he hoped I would pick the church play, but I went to volunteer at the local tree lot. It was owned by Steve. He was born here, traveled the world, and settled back here. He was a nice old guy who loved to share war stories. He also shared his travel stories that left many wondering if there were some tall tales.

      So the first weekend was busy and crowded as I was moving around, checking trees and looking to see anyone wanted help. Every year in the lot, there is a tree that is nicknamed the Charlie Brown tree. It’s the one that is smaller with less pines on it. Usually it’s the last tree gone. Well this year, it had someone looking at. I noticed the woman staring at, but because of the red wool hat, I didn’t know who it would be. I walked up and said, “Merry Christmas, can I help you with a tree?” She turned around, and my eyes met her eyes, the same hazel gray eyes I first met in the beginning of the school year. Never in my life had I lost my breath, but for that moment, I did. I mumbled my words a bit, but Jana spoke for me, well, to finish what I was saying. She was interested in the tree and wanted to buy it. I pointed it was the Charlie Brown tree. “Well, everyone should get love at this time of the year,” Jana said in responds.

      As I responded that it was a tree, but she responded that all living things matter. She was right, and I felt good for the Charlie Brown tree. It was going to a good home. While she paid, I put her tree up on the car, a nice blue classic beetle car. As I finished it up, adding a bow to it, Jana walked up. “Thank you, and nice touch with the bow,” Jana said. We talked about school for a bit, but then, it went onto Christmas. She asked, “Are you going to the church play?” I responded that I don’t do plays. Her smile frowned a bit.

      “I guess I can check it out. I mean you will be there,” I said. Jana’s face smiled again, and she told me that she had a part in the play, so she will be looking for me. Looking at her, I felt something magical; it was the only thing I could explain how that moment was. It didn’t take long for my name to be called out by Steve. I said, “Good-bye, Merry Christmas, and see you at school.”

      Off I went walking toward Steve. I turned my head, just to see her again. Jana was in her car, and she was looking at me. For that second, the world seemed to be just us. But it was interrupted with a Christmas tree that I just walked into. Steve chuckled about that, even threw in a joke, “Wow, the tree should play offensive line.” I never let that one down. At least the evening went a bit smoother. When it was done for the night, I was tired. One thing about the trees, sometimes you get the sap on your hands. It was sticking a pain to get off, but I could live my Spider-Man dreams—sticking to the wall. This was also my first real taste of hard work outside of football. I worked the next couple weekends, right up to the final weekend before Christmas Eve. By then, I was all done with Christmas and Christmas trees. I was ready for the break from school but also a break from holiday cheer.

      The night of the church play, the weatherman called for some cold but clear skies. The church was crowded, and the overflow was parking at the nearby streets. When I arrived, I was with my dad. He was all dressed up all Christmas-like and smiling from the idea of me in church. Even if it was for a play, he’d take it. I wanted to get out of going, even tried to pretend I was feeling sick, but I was reminded of my word to Jana. I found my seat, taking a look around to see who all I knew. I spotted some classmates, but no one I really care to say hi to. With my eyes scanning still, I felt a tap on the shoulder and turned around. It was Eric, dressed up in an outfit from the Bible times. “Just making sure you made it. You know, had to make sure you kept your word,” Eric said.

      I had mentioned to Eric in class about my promise to be here, and now I has second thoughts about that one. Before I could say anything, Eric headed back to the stage part and behind the curtain. Then the lights dimmed down. An older-looking man walked out, decked all in Christmas stuff. It was the priest, John Carter. I’ve seen him some years ago but never really paid attendance to him. He looked like Patrick Stewart, gray hair around the head but bald on top. The only real difference was Mr. Carter wore thick black glasses, and normally he was in a priest outfit. He started by saying thank you to all the people that volunteered to help put on the play. He went on to talk about the play itself. It was usually the same thing every year, but people loved to watch it. It was a take on the birth of Christ.

      This play showed the struggle of how a family had to leave to protect the birth of a child. “So it begins, the birth of a miracle,” Priest Carter said. The first scene then began.

      Eric came out and spoke this, “In the sixth month, God sent the angel Gabriel to Nazareth, a town in Galilee, to a virgin pledged to be married to a man named Joseph, a descendant of David. The virgin’s name was Mary.” Next, the scene opened up to see the Angel Gabriel.

      The angel went to Mary and said, “Greetings, you who are highly favored! The Lord is with you.” It took me a moment to notice that Mary was Jana. She looked so different with the clothes on. Mary was greatly troubled at his words and wondered what kind of greeting this might be. But the angel said to her, “Do not be afraid, Mary, you have found favor with God. You will be with child and give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus. He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High. The Lord God will give him the throne of his father David, and he will reign over the house of Jacob forever. His kingdom will never end.”

      “How will this be,” Mary asked the angel, “since I am a virgin?”

      The angel answered, “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. So the holy one to be born will be called the Son of God. Even Elizabeth your relative is going to have a child in her old age, and she who was said to be barren is in her sixth month. For nothing is impossible with God.”

      “I am the Lord’s servant,” Mary answered. “May it be to me as you have said.” Then the angel left her. The scene went dark, and then the curtains went down. Couple of minutes later, the curtains went back up. The scene was of King Herod. He was sitting on the throne when he got news from one of his soldiers. It was a request from a wise man who was travelling through the area. He was asking about the soon birth of the king of Jews. King Herod lifted his face, and with a tone of anger, he sent the magi away.

      He called in one of his adviser. “What is this story I am learning about the birth of the king of the Jews?” he asked. That adviser took a moment to think about his responds.

      “King, there is a story that there will be born a child that will be the Son of God. He will be known as the king of the Jews,” he explained. King Herod’s face grew with angry. He had lost favor