Love Your Enemies. Gerd Steeger. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Gerd Steeger
Издательство: Bookwire
Жанр произведения: Социология
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9783969440889
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can be influenced. The structure of water reacts to vibration, music, thought power and words in a very clear, unambiguous and reproducible way.

      People get cheerful and encouraged when they listen to music. Dr. Masaru Emoto's theory was that the water in their bodies is likely to change. The vibrations of the music and words, transmitted through the air, probably affect water more than any other element. Good music and friendly words appear to have a positive effect on water.

      Let us now return again to the chronological sequence of history, beginning from the time when only this 'I am' existed, the primal energy in the cosmos, right up to the present day. Although I know that you have most attentively read the book "Conversations with God" by 'Ronald Walsch', I will repeat some of the opinions expressed, again.

      You find the fact remarkable that this high vibration, God, is not only a passive form of existence, such as sounds or colours - which are also vibrations - but an intelligent form with its own consciousness. Consequently, for a long time, the only energy existing in the universe was an infinitely high vibrating energy, the Creator God. Although this deity was aware of his own perfection, he certainly developed the desire to experience himself.

      To make things easier and more understandable, I will now consciously personify the God energy." Raphael was silent for a moment, took a breath and continued:

      "But since there was no one else but God who would have been able to describe his splendour and glory to him, he looked for a solution and found the following path: He had to separate a part of himself from the whole to create two points of a relationship, one here and one there.

      Represented alone in the universe, there was only this 'it', this pure, highly oscillating energy. Since in the absence of a counterpart only this one is represented, one thing is present and not present at the same time. Imagine for a moment that you are a splendid being of light and that you are aware of your existence, but you cannot make a picture of your glorious appearance, because there is nothing that can convey your splendour and your beauty neither verbally nor visually. You know yourself conceptually, but you are not able to experience yourself, as what you theoretically already know about yourself. The following comparison is intended to clarify the context a little: Imagine you have all the theoretical knowledge necessary to control an airplane - which includes in particular the flight behaviour of the aircraft in various situations such as when it stalls. Suddenly you are given control of the aircraft, which empowers you to fly an aircraft in real life. You will quickly find that something important is missing, experience. Until then you didn't know what it feels like when an airplane takes off from the ground, when crosswinds let the airplane drift off shortly before the runway in the final approach, when the vortices of preceding airplanes with engines affect the flight behaviour of the airplane, how beautiful it is to move freely through the air like a bird. All these experiences can only be gained from the moment, when you do not only fly theoretically, conceptually, but in reality. So as a creator, you too would yearn to experience perfection as it is to be perfect instead of just being content to know that you are perfect in concept. The word 'perfection' remains an empty word until one is able to define, feel 'perfection'. In order to make this experience, some preconditions must be met.

      First of all, a reference point has to be established. A position that is outside yourself, so there is an 'inside' and an 'outside'. Without this further point of reference, there would be only one, which means that a thing is present in the absence of anything else, in relative terms, and is also non-existent. Philosophers speak of 'being' and at the same time 'non-being', everything IS. How could one create another point of reference when this God energy is the only thing that exists in the cosmos? How do we create this spatial 'inside' and 'outside'?

      God would not be the almighty Lord God, if he did not come up with a solution for the execution of his desired plan: He took away parts of his vast available energy and placed them in a place outside of himself. As a result of this split, there was suddenly and simultaneously a 'here' and a 'there.' In this case, one could speak of a kind of subtle level of the big bang.

      This separation or explosion was also the birth of relativity; God's gift to himself. The moment when the elements - split off God's energy or spiritual beings - separated from each other was also the hour of birth of the term 'time'. There was suddenly not only a 'here' and a 'there', but also a measurable time span between the two reference points.

      A great obstacle to the realization of the great plan - namely God's desire to experience himself - has been overcome with the secession. A state - whatever it may be - cannot be experienced if the opposite is not available. God's energy represents the highest possible vibration in the universe, which could be equated with the vibration of love, unconditional love. This state alone, however, would be a matter of course, a banality until there is something that could be considered the opposite. Only with the existence of the opposite does a state become recognizable and meaningful for all. It is this dualism that lets us all recognize things. A state is only recognized and evaluated as good when there is something that represents the opposite. This opposite of 'good' is what we call 'evil'. Also, to recognize a person as slim, the opposite must be present. In an imaginary world where the bodies of all persons would look the same, the term 'slim' would be completely meaningless because there is only one form that defines the fullness of the body. In a world where all humans are exactly the same size, say 1.95 m, a distinction between 'tall' and 'short' would also be meaningless. However, at the moment when the size difference varies between 1.94 and 1.95, the conditions for defining relatively small or relatively large would be given again, since a 1.94 m tall person would be called small and a 1.95 m tall person would be called large. Even with this centimetre difference a human being would be relatively large or relatively small.

      In the course of human history, duality provided the basis for figures and myths such as 'Adam's Fall', Lucifer's Fall, the personification of Satan, sky battles between good and evil angels. You would take the spice away from every crime thriller or James Bond film if there were no evil opponent.

      The creation of polarity is therefore an important prerequisite for experiencing and feeling things, previously only known in concept, but it is not the only prerequisite.

      We remember, my dear friend, that all the particles split off from God's energy, are of the same nature as God Himself – as are the souls, too. You could say that you are a copy, of his substance. Every particle, every soul has the same power and ability as God Himself, so the Bible states quite rightly: "You, the people, are created in my image". Of course, this statement does not mean any external appearance, no personification, since God can take any conceivable form. With your highly-oscillating energy body, you humans are also capable of changing your appearance at will. What I mean is that the souls are just particles emitted from the same substance, you are like God. Due to the local separation of the God energy particles from each other, the Lord God is now in a position to use the split particles to perceive splendour and glory, however, this fact was only satisfying for a limited time. One can know that one is made of pure love, but the knowledge of this never replaces the experience. Let us look at an example: Forgiveness is an aspect of love. Since all particles - as well as the concentrated God energy - are in the highest form imaginable, everything knows only love, pure love. However, this does not provide a basis that makes it possible to forgive another human being. The next step would be to lower the vibration of the souls in such a way that ideal conditions are fulfilled. If an energy in high vibration is reduced, matter is created in the cosmos. Furthermore, you humans have had the consciousness of who you really are, pure divine beings, taken from you. It is these circumstances that allow you to have a behaviour that would allow forgiveness in the first place.

      The physical universe, the form of existence with the least vibration, has therefore been created solely for the purpose of creating for God and the souls, who are a part of God, an environment in which God can experience and perceive himself through the souls. This process, in which souls’ fuse with matter to become a physical body, is called incarnation. This process is meticulously planned down to the smallest detail by the incarnate and a specially trained angel. Bringing positive and negative karma from previous lives is taken into account in the planning.
