Love Your Enemies. Gerd Steeger. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Gerd Steeger
Издательство: Bookwire
Жанр произведения: Социология
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9783969440889
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even one of my questions meaningfully, and satisfactorily, was to finally interrupt the flow of thoughts and start the dialogue with Raphael. Since I had to find a beginning somewhere in my question and answer game, I decided to address current news topics. I started with the question: "Are you informed about the latest events that have been mentioned on television or on the radio? Raphael looked at me and said briefly: "I don't have a television or a radio and don't read a newspaper either, yet I am informed about everything that has happened in your world. Why should I want to read something again in a newspaper about which I was already informed at the time of the event?” "I don't understand..." I replied calmly with a questioning expression on my face. "Why are you talking about this world as if you were a stranger here and why are the news in the media a repetition of what you already know" I added. "That's clear to me, how could you understand if you can't even remember me and have no idea who I am? To express it in your language, I am in the here and now and everything that is. For me there is no past, no present and no future. Even your word “present” is paradoxical because even according to your understanding there can be no present. The moment you think about something like the present, it is already in the past. The present is a crutch to better assign temporal processes, linguistically. Until here, you can still follow me, but if I explain to you that there is no past or future in the universe, as everything takes place simultaneously, you will undoubtedly be overwhelmed, because this cannot be reconciled with your thinking. The first 3-dimensions are for height, width, and depth and then Albert Einstein added time as a fourth dimension. It would surprise you if I told you that there are more than 10 dimensions in the galaxy. Any attempt to explain to you how these other dimensions work, would be pointless, as you cannot imagine this with the best will in the world. Your quantum physicists are also working eagerly to develop a model that could explain a 12-dimensional model in such a way that anyone can understand it. Gerd, my old friend, believe me when I tell you that in this state of low vibration you cannot imagine such a model; neither can you imagine in the least the splendour and glory of God's creation."

      I looked at Raphael in amazement and needed some time to answer. "Raphael, you talk as if you were a being from another star. My senses tell me that you are an ordinary person, I can hear you, I can see you, I have felt your handshake, one cannot perceive a person more realistically, yet you speak as if you were not one of us.

      "I have preferred to choose this form, because it is most conducive to the course of our conversation. I could have shown myself as a young, attractive woman, but I am sure that you would then have focused less on the questions that have plagued you for so long. I could also have shown myself as a young man, but I am sure you would have dismissed my statements as incompetent, because of my apparent age, and the conversation would not have lasted long. Alternatively, I could have chosen a non-human appearance, the universe is full of life forms that do not correspond to your appearance. You would probably have run away immediately and looked for a safe place, as you humans are often unable to distinguish which alien life forms are good to you, and which are not. I have consciously chosen this manifestation with which you now perceive me, as it corresponds to your concept of cleverness and wisdom and makes it easier to ensure that you will pay attention to me".

      "This is not your true appearance? What do you really look like?"

      The friendly facial expression changed spontaneously and became more serious. Raphael paused for a moment and then said in a serious voice: "I care a lot that you listen to me. It is my wish to explain many things to you, it happens voluntarily as well as out of respect and love. But I will explain everything only once. Respect demands that you listen to me, attentively. As I have just mentioned, I can take any form I like. This means that I have no fixed form and when I choose an appearance, it happens because it is my wish, because I like it or, as in this case, because it seems advantageous to me. All that can be perceived with your limited senses are merely forms of one and the same primal substance. Your science has long assumed that atoms are the smallest elements in your world. This is not true, as it is really light particles that exist as the smallest elements in the universe. These light particles carry the information within themselves to be either matter or light, and each light particle knows its exact destiny to join with other light particles to form units. Hundreds of thousands of light particles - your scientists call them quarks - make up one atom, many atoms together make one molecule, and so on. Everything you see, every form is nothing but more or less fast oscillating light particles. Since you humans exist in the lowest vibrating form, matter, you only perceive forms that vibrate at the same lower level. You can no longer perceive higher vibrating light particles that take a form, because your sense organs are not designed for such frequencies. For example, a dog can perceive ultrasound with his ears, but you humans cannot hear such high frequencies. Your eyes and ears allow only you to perceive a certain frequency spectrum. The truth is that the whole universe vibrates, an infinite number of light particles vibrate; and depending on the frequency physical and ethereal universes form. Everything is present and simultaneous. God has created a universe of infinite beauty. Gerd, let me tell you, there is only energy, nothing but energy. Any other form, including matter, is nothing but a variation of the energy pool. Let's take this palm tree there, as an example. If you would remain in your body vibration and the palm instead would increase its vibration, it would disappear in front of your eye like a ghost. It would become more ethereal, more transparent until you could no longer perceive it with your eyes. The palm tree is still in that spot and if it were to lower its vibration it would be visible to your eye again. The ghost phenomena are based on the same basis. Some of the deceased were still visible to your eyes at times due to the vibration. Everything is based only on physical principles. Just as there are physical laws like gravity for you in your world, there are laws in the universe as well. The law of cause and effect, the causal law, as well Karma and suffering all follow this principle. But I will go into this later. Whenever you cannot explain events or phenomena, because there is no evidence, not even an explanation, according to your understanding of physics, it is moved into the field of parapsychology. In this way your scientists do not lose face when some things are inexplicable. What cannot be explained does not exist according to your scientific laws and comes into the area of hocus-pocus. Only a few people like Albert Einstein have grasped the true character of your existence, to some extent. His famous formula is proof that Einstein really understood that there is nothing but energy in the universe. Energy can be transformed into matter and matter into energy. The atomic bomb was impressive proof that Albert Einstein's world-famous formula makes sense. It was however, an unfortunate way to confirm the validity of Einstein's theory. Your progress in physics with the newly acquired knowledge of nuclear physics, unfortunately does not go hand in hand with your spiritual development, and this is very worrying. The reason is that you are trapped in your materialistic cage and have not yet understood who and what you really are. Your cosmetics industry is a multi-billion-dollar apparatus because you are particularly concerned with what you can see in the mirror; you live more outside than inside. Many of your kind invest time and money exclusively in your outer shell, your body, and burden your energetic bodies with excessive consumption of violent videos, without realizing what you are charging your energetic body with. You are feeding your body genetically modified food without realizing what damage it is doing because it contains fragmented, subtle information that is very damaging to you. Some of your politicians have known this for a long time and have fought to stop the distribution of this form of "food" in Germany. On this point their efforts were especially praiseworthy, because you cannot estimate the health damage to the population, in the slightest.

      Similar things happen when you eat meat, as the stress and fear of the animals are depicted in their ethereal bodies. When you ingest such food, you also energetically absorb these fears into your own ethereal body that can result in negative thoughts, strong emotions, and sometimes even nightmares."

      Raphael paused briefly and then went on to say, "If you could only see how your aura darkens while watching a horror film, you might reduce your consumption of, or even completely avoid films of this kind. The respect you have for your body is unfortunately limited purely to its physical form. In order not to be misunderstood: to love your own body, to respect it and to take all necessary measures to keep fit, is not what I want to criticize, on the contrary. Your body is your vessel and should serve you in the most pleasant way for many