Quantum Mechanics, Volume 3. Claude Cohen-Tannoudji. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Claude Cohen-Tannoudji
Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited
Жанр произведения: Физика
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9783527822751
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amounts to the same thing, of the presence in (84) of an operator dependent on β, and which replaces the projector PN (2) onto all the populated individual states. The equations obtained remind us of those governing independent particles, each finding its thermodynamic equilibrium while moving in the self-consistent mean field created by all the others, also including the exchange contribution (which can be ignored in the simplified “Hartree” version).

      We must keep in mind, however, that the Hartree-Fock potential associated with each individual state now depends on the populations of an infinity of other individual states, and these populations are function of their energy as well as of the temperature. In other words, because of the nonlinear character of the Hartree-Fock equations, the computation is not merely a juxtaposition of separate mean field calculations for stationary individual states.

      Let us check that the Hartree-Fock method for non-zero temperature yields the same results as the zero temperature method explained in Complement EXV for fermions.

      In § 2-d of Complement BXV, we introduced for an ideal gas the concept of a degenerate quantum gas. It can be generalized to a gas with interactions: in a fermion system, when βμ ≫ 1, the system is said to be strongly degenerate. As the temperature goes to zero, a fermion system becomes more and more degenerate. Can we be certain that the results of this complement are in agreement with those of Complement EXV, valid at zero temperature?

      3-e. Wave function equations

      Assuming the particles have a spin, we shall note the wave functions φν(r), with:

      where the spin quantum number ν can take (2S + 1) values; according to the nature of the particles, the possible spins S are S = 0, S = 1/2, S = 1 etc. As in Complement EXV (§ 2-d), we introduce a complete basis image for the individual state space, built from kets that are all eigenvectors of the spin component along the quantization axis, with eigenvalue νk. For each value of n, the spin index ν takes on a given value νn and is not, therefore, an independent index. As for the potentials, we assume here again that V1 is diagonal in ν, but that its diagonal elements image may depend on ν. The interaction potential, however, is described by a function W2 (r, r′) that only depends on rr′, but does not act on the spins.

      To obtain the matrix elements of image in the representation {|r, ν)}, we use (85) after replacing the |θ〉 by the |φ〉 (we showed in § 3 that this was possible). We now multiply both sides by image and image, and sum over the subscripts k and l; we recognize in both sides the closure relations:


      This leads to:

      As in § C-5 of Chapter XV, we get the sum of a direct term (the term 1 in the central bracket) and an exchange term (the term in ηPex). This expression contains the same matrix element as relation (87) of Complement Exv, the only difference being the presence of a coefficient image in each term of the sum (plus the fact that the summation index goes to infinity).

      (i) For the direct term, as we did in that complement, we insert a closure relation on the particle 2 position:



      The direct term of (93) is then written:
