Quantum Mechanics, Volume 3. Claude Cohen-Tannoudji. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Claude Cohen-Tannoudji
Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited
Жанр произведения: Физика
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9783527822751
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density as a function of the variables r and z, is barely affected3. The variations of n(r, φ, z; t) are given by:

      where c.c. stands for the complex conjugate of the preceding factor. The first two terms are independent of φ, and are just a weighted average of the densities associated with each of the states l and l′. The last term oscillates as a function of φ with an amplitude |cl (t)| × |cl′ (t)|, which is only zero if one of the two coefficients cl (t) or cl′ (t) is zero. Calling φl the phase of the coefficient cl (t) this last term is proportional to:

      Whatever the phases of the two coefficients cl (t) and cl′ (t), the cosine will always oscillate between — 1 and 1 as a function of φ. Adjusting those phases, one can deliberately change the value of φ for which the density is maximum (or minimum), but this will always occur somewhere on the circle. Superposing two states necessarily modulates the density.



      where image is the interaction energy for the state χl(r). The second contribution is the similar term for the state l′, and the third one, a cross term in 2|cl (t)|2 |cl′ (t)|2. Assuming, to keep things simple, that the densities associated with the states l and l′ are practically the same, the sum of these three terms is just:

      Up to now, the superposition has had no effect on the repulsive internal interaction energy. As for the cross terms between the terms independent of φ in (65) and the terms in e±i(l – l′)φ, they will cancel out when integrated over φ. We are then left with the cross terms in e±i(l – l′)φ × e∓;i(l – l′)φ, whose integral over φ yields:


      Assuming as before that the densities associated with the states l and l′ are practically the same, we obtain, after integration over r and z:



      We have shown that the density modulation associated with the superposition of states always increases the internal repulsion energy: this modulation does lower the energy in the low density region, but the increase in the high energy region outweighs the decrease (since the repulsive energy is a quadratic function of the density). The internal energy therefore varies between image and the maximum (3/2) image, reached when the moduli of cl (t) and cl′ (t) are both equal to image.

       α. Other geometries, different relaxation channels

      The continuous passage of vortices from one wall to another therefore yields another mechanism that allows the angular moment of the fluid to decrease. The creation of a vortex, however, is necessarily accompanied by a non-uniform fluid density, described by the Gross-Pitaevskii equation (this density must be zero along the vortex core). As we have seen above, this leads to an increase in the average repulsive energy between the particles (the fluid elastic energy). This process thus also encounters an energy barrier (discussed in more detail in the conclusion). In other words, the creation and motion of vortices provide another “relaxation channel” for the fluid velocity, with its own energy barrier, and associated relaxation time.

      Many other geometries can be imagined for changing the fluid flow. Each of them is associated with a potential barrier, and therefore a certain lifetime. The relaxation channel with the shortest lifetime will mainly determine the damping of the fluid velocity, which may take, in certain cases, an extraordinarily long time (dozens of years or more), hence the name of “superfluid”.