where we have used the notation of formula (7) in Complement CXIV: EF is the Fermi energy (proportional to the particle density to the power 2/3), and L the edge length of the cube containing the N particles. When the system is in its ground state, all the individual states inside the Fermi sphere are occupied, whereas all the other individual states are empty. Choosing for the individual states basis {|ui〉} the plane wave basis, noted {|uk〉} to explicit the wave vector ki, the occupation numbers are:
In a macroscopic system, the number of occupied states is very large, of the order of the Avogadro number (≃1023). The ground state energy is given by:
The sum over ki in (3) must be interpreted as a sum over all the ki values that obey the boundary conditions in the box of volume L3, as well as the restriction on the length of the vector ki which must be smaller or equal to kF.
2. New definition for the creation and annihilation operators
We now consider this ground state as a new “vacuum”
Outside the Fermi sphere, the new operators
as well as:
which are the same as for ordinary fermions. Finally, the cross anticommutation relations are:
3. Vacuum excitations
Imagine, for example, that with this new point of view we apply an annihilation operator bki, with |ki| ≤ kF, to the “new vacuum”
Instead of talking about particles and holes, one can also use a general term, excitations (or “quasi-particles”). The creation operator of an excitation of |ki| ≤ kF is the creation operator
As we have neglected all particle interactions, the system Hamiltonian is written as:
Taking into account the anticommutation relations between the operators bki and
where E0 has been defined in (3) and simply shifts the origin of all the system energies. Relation (10) shows that holes (excitations with |ki| ≤ kF ) have a negative energy, as expected since they correspond to missing particles. Starting from its ground state, to increase the system energy keeping the particle number constant, we must apply the operator
(i) We have discussed the notion of hole in the context of free particles, but nothing in the previous discussion requires the one-particle energy spectrum to be simply quadratic as in (4). In semi-conductor physics for example, particles often move in a periodic potential, and occupy states in the “valence band” when their