30 Great Myths about Chaucer. Stephanie Trigg. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Stephanie Trigg
Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited
Жанр произведения: Языкознание
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781119194071
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reception in the first decades after his death in 1400. Indeed, during the fifteenth century, much writing in English was “Chaucerian” in style and voice, leading to considerable uncertainty – or perhaps we should say fluidity – about the authorship of many texts that appear in the early printed “Works” collected under the name of Geoffrey Chaucer. For many of these editions, the commercial incentive of adding works “never before printed” was an invitation to include poems by Lydgate, Usk and other writers under the “Chaucerian” banner.

      Seth Lerer takes a lead from Michel Foucault’s theories of authorship to argue that the ideological and genealogical structures of Chaucer’s authorship are firmly grounded in the dominant conditions shaping literary production in the early fifteenth century:

      The scholarly narratives of literary history thrive on such coincidences (Chaucer’s death, the end of the century and the last of the Plantagenet kings); but even more significantly, this pattern suggests that the original idea of Chaucer’s fatherhood is intimately connected with the shadows of mortality and melancholy, as much as with the glory of origins. That is, the metaphorical language of many myths is itself quite telling, and indicative of deeper structures and assumptions about the way we read literature.

      Much of the discussion around Chaucer’s fatherhood is necessarily somewhat circular. He is perceived as a father for a number of reasons: because there is no earlier named candidate for the role in English tradition; because his poetry strikes us as so original and inventive; because his poetic presence and authorial personality seem so benevolent; and, of course, because we often approach him with the expectations of authority and originality that the metaphor of “father” implies. And as many critics point out, his successors sometimes felt infantilized by his greatness. But of course, to name this early influential figure in this gendered language sets up a powerful dominant image of what constitutes poetic authority.

      We discuss in Myth 2 the question of whether Chaucer was the first writer of poetry in English; a question that is much easier to resolve at a factual level. There were certainly other poets writing in Middle English before Chaucer (let alone the substantial body of poetry in Old English), and contemporaneously with him. Yet as with Chaucer’s fatherhood, his early followers heavily promoted the idea that English poetry had all begun with him. So, for example, the anonymous author of The Book of Courtesy (1477) wrote:

      O fader and founder of ornate eloquence,
