Social Movements. Donatella della Porta. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Donatella della Porta
Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited
Жанр произведения: Социология
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781119167679
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2011, p. 24)

      Another fundamental force of change has consisted of the massive entry of women into the paid labor force. Within Western societies, the phenomenon has been particularly pronounced in the service sector, which suggests a relationship between dematerialization of the economy and increased opportunities for women (Castells 1997, p. 163). This process has affected lines of differentiation and criteria for interest definition within social groups, which were previously perceived as homogeneous. Continuing wage differentials between men and women represent, for example, an obvious source of division and potential conflict within the salaried classes. At the same time, and not only in the Western world, the combined impact of women’s growing economic independence and professional commitments has shaken the base of patriarchy both at home and within the professions and created opportunities for the development of even deeper gender conflicts in the private sphere.

      Politics and the state have experienced relevant changes. State action is capable of producing collective actors in at least two ways: by fixing the territorial limits of political action (i.e. setting borders); and by facilitating or blocking the development or the growth of certain social groups – depending on the priorities of public policy, and in particular on the destination of public spending.

      2.2.1 Globalization and Protest

      Structural processes influence the territorial dimension of conflict. Traditionally, social movements have organized at the national level, targeting national governments. Today’s national protests are more often accompanied by transnational ones, in a process of upward scale shifts, as changes in the territorial level of action (McAdam and Tarrow 2005). The relationship between economic activities and geography has changed too, in the sense that such activities are increasingly transnational in both “strong” and “weak” sectors. The importance of the multinationals has grown: the emphasis on the international division of labor has facilitated the transfer of activities with high environmental risks to the poorest areas. Decentralization of production went hand in hand with the centralization of economic control, with the merging of firms into larger and larger corporations.

      The contractual capacity of trade unions has been significantly weakened by the threat of moving production to locations with lower labor costs. Economic globalization has also raised specific problems around which actors, both old and new, have mobilized. In the world’s North, it has brought unemployment and especially an increase in job insecurity and unprotected working conditions, with frequent trade‐union mobilization in the agricultural, industrial, and service sectors. In the South, too, the neoliberal policies imposed by the major international economic organizations have forced developing countries to make substantial cuts in social spending, triggering fierce protests (Walton and Seddon 1994; Eckstein 2001; Ayuero 2001). Again, already weak political regimes have often allowed the private exploitation of natural resources as well as development projects with major environmental impact. Native populations have mobilized against the destruction of their physical habitat – for instance, via the destruction of the Amazon forests or the construction of big dams, often sponsored by IGOs such as the World Bank or the IMF (Yashar 1996).

      Traditionally, political action in the industrial society presupposed a specific concept of space and territory, which translated into the model of the nation‐state. Having the monopoly of the legitimate use of force in a certain area, the state fixed its borders, and thus the “natural” limit of the complex of much wider relationships conventionally defined as society. Social relationships were, in the first place, relationships internal to a particular nation‐state. There were, admittedly, many communities within states that were endowed with specific institutions and forms of self‐government, but they were considered to be largely residual phenomena, destined to disappear as modernization processes advanced (Smith 1981).

      Relevant collective actors were, at that time, those social groups able to influence the formulation of national policy: for example, groups with central economic and professional roles, or organized labor. Political and class conflict tended to be seen as a conflict between social groups defined on a national scale, and concerned with the control of national policy making. The existence of conflicts between the center and the periphery that were not based on class issues did not belie this perception: minority nationalities, groups bearing a particular cultural, historical, and/or linguistic identity, defined their strategies and their own images in reference to a central state and to the dominion which the state exercised on their territory, and they often aimed at building their own nation‐states. In this case, the goal was not concerned with national policy but rather with the modification of the borders of the nation‐state. However, actors did define themselves in terms of the state and its borders.

      Overall, the capacity of the state to regulate behavior within a certain territory has clearly lessened. First, the importance of territorial political structures within single states has grown. In most cases