The Key to Eternal Life. Trayana Harizanova. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Trayana Harizanova
Издательство: Издательские решения
Жанр произведения: Эзотерика
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9785005188410
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body. You purify your body every day and that is why this EGO only now appears.

      After this conversation, I seemed to wake up and realised that everything that was happening was my ordeal and that Igor had been given a task by God to help my spiritual development and make me perfect.

      And why GOD chose me, I still don’t know…

      Everything has its time… Gradually, I became aware of myself and woke up, seeing miracles happening around me every day. Honestly, it was a very difficult fight. Dealing with the huge energy monster that ruled and controlled my body was no small matter. Igor appeared in my life at the right moment: when I needed energy and strength the most. Thanks to him, my GREAT MASTER AND SPIRITUAL TEACHER, I was able to wake up from a deep sleep called ILLUSION and get on the right path.

* * *

      During one of the periods of my evolvement, working on my character, I suddenly felt lonely. Every day at the real estate agency where I worked, I had meetings with many people, but despite that, I was lonely… My teacher explained it to me like this:

      – GOD now gives you time to be alone. These are tests to go through, Trayana. Take a notebook and write in it all the bad qualities and habits of your character that you need to get rid of. Work on them, God will test you. Get ready. I went through that too. For two years there was no one beside me, I was completely alone and working hard on myself. You have been given an easy option, so take action. You have often been lonely before, but these were other vibrations – low vibrations. You are now on another spiritual level – on the level of other, higher vibrations. Do you understand me, Trayana, you are moving up the spiral, purifying yourself every day. Nobody helped me and I had to do everything myself. So, your task is much easier.

      Igor also told me that every day GOD sends him to heal people from different countries and nationalities – from Russia, Serbia, Bulgaria, Ukraine, Moldova, Greece, Georgia and others. He also saved entire families. He also shared that he had managed to reach such a spiritual level that GOD showed him all his previous incarnations. He knows how many times he has lived on Earth, who he is, in which country he is. So far, nothing has been revealed about his life on other planets. How many people on Earth have reached this level of spiritual development? How many people have worked so hard on themselves to get rid completely of the bad qualities that have accumulated over the years?


      Personally, I have not met people so ready to give up all the joys of life in the third dimension, so many people working on their character. Everyone wants to be perfect and rich, to have this or that. This is how life is arranged here. When a person begins to work on himself, to improve his qualities – then everything automatically begins to change for the better. Thinking positively about everything is the most important thing. Every day, 60—70 thousand mental images fly through the human brain. You just think: Your brain starts working as soon as you wake up in the morning! You are attacked by thoughts from yesterday, about what was three months ago, a year ago, etc. Ask yourself: what type of thoughts dominate your head? The answer is: in most cases, 80% of these thoughts are negative and related to the past. This is because most people live longer in the past than in the future! That is why progress and moving forward are so slow.

      The first scientific evidence for the connection between thinking and the immune system is given in the works of Candace Perth. She studied the functions of the human brain and found “emotion molecules”, which she called NEUROPEPTIDES.

      These are a kind of “chemical couriers” that, under the influence of negative thinking and negative emotions, form substances in the human body that destroy its immune system. In such cases, only forgiveness and LOVE could have a therapeutic effect. So, the first thing we need to do is clear our minds and only then clear our bodies. To be able to stop the passage of negative thoughts (which is a very difficult process) and learn to think only positively – this will be a great achievement… Remember: only with ALL-FORGIVING LOVE you can change your mind and change your worldview. LOVE IS ABLE TO HEAL THE WHOLE WORLD!

      Only a few people on planet Earth are trying to work on themselves, most of them just don’t pay attention to it. I myself am a real example of this. When I freed myself from my second Ego, more precisely, when I worked hard to destroy it, I insulted my teacher for no reason and was dissatisfied with him, and in fact, my EGO – PRIDE did not want to leave me alone.

      In one of our conversations, Igor told me very seriously:

      – These are your tests. You have to overcome them and go through them. This time the resistance of the Ego (of the Self) is very big.

      – And who keeps telling me we have to destroy it with a session?

      – Trayana, these are your own thoughts, it’s all up to you. The key is in yourself and only you know when you can open the door. And with your Ego – Pride you will handle yourself.

      – And, did you know that my thoughts began to come true? Not all, of course, but they come true. For example, just to think of someone – and I meet him the same day!

      Igor continued:

      – I had a very interesting case when I was treating Marisa (the woman was stressed because of her relationship with her husband). I was doing the session at their house. At the same time her daughter was eating chips, she suddenly got up and went to the pool. I thought: what are these chips? Can you imagine, Trayana, my thought immediately materialized – a piece of chips really fell from the sky! It was just a miracle! I had read long before about the materialization of thoughts, and then, indeed, I saw it with my own eyes!

      Then we discussed this topic very seriously. I immediately believed him because I knew about his great Divine energy and his great abilities. By the way, to add to the abilities. Igor told me that there are three types of abilities in humans:


      At each of our meetings, I learned something new and interesting. The information was revealed to me little by little, depending on the degree of my understanding and awareness of everything Igor was telling me.

* * *

      Here is another interesting example of how the Dark Forces and the Ego resist and seduce us. When I finally gave up smoking and drinking, I was tempted to eat a cake that turned out to contain alcoholic liqueur.

      My stomach hurt, I felt sick and I immediately called Igor. He told me:

      – They managed to lie to you! I see a black jellyfish in your stomach – now I will destroy it.

      He told me about a similar case with him. In 1998, when he was freeing himself from bad habits, the temptation also came to him: in one of the supermarkets, there was a promotion of a product. He tried a piece that turned out to contain chicken. It immediately stuck as a dot to his “third eye,” which was not yet open.

      – And who helped you then, as now, you help me?

      – Lord God, Jesus Christ, Archangel Michael, St. Nicholas the Miracleworker, all the Divine Powers, including the spirit of my great-grandfather, Trayana.

      – What was his name?

      – Ivan, I have his last name. He was a great healer, he passed on his abilities to me. He treated people who could not walk, and were paralysed. Soon I will be able to treat paralyzed people.

      Then Igor cleared my stomach and advised me to drink holy water. In this life, in order to be confident in ourselves, we must banish all doubts, because each of our thoughts guides and controls the whole world around us. I tried to change my thoughts in a positive direction faster and get rid of my bad habits. In general, my aura (as Igor said) was 80% pure and 20% – not. This meant that I had to clean myself by keeping the Ten Commandments.

