The Key to Eternal Life. Trayana Harizanova. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Trayana Harizanova
Издательство: Издательские решения
Жанр произведения: Эзотерика
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9785005188410
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why did Igor appear in my life? Who is he? Why does he need to purify me of all this negative energy?

      When I asked him, he replied:

      – GOD has chosen you. You have a mission on Earth. We have known each other for many millions of years. Many times we have been together in different previous lives.

      Of course, everything that happened to me was like a fairy tale, but everything was true. It was predestined, he didn’t tell me anything more, but after this conversation my battle with the Ego began. It is not at all easy to get rid of bad habits and bad qualities in adulthood.

      One way is to throw everything away and escape to the mountains, to become a hermit. So, of course, it’s easier. Nobody bothers you. You can, of course, go to a monastery. But the main challenge for me was solved by God – to fight with my Ego by living and working among people.

      Our mission in the material world is to deal with our Ego here, where it is full of malice, envy and jealousy, where money dictates everything and everything depends on them.

      I admire Igor because he managed to defeat his Ego on his own and get rid of it.

* * *

      Once we were in the monastery of the Icon of God. During the prayer, he saw the Golden City in front of him and many people who moved to this city, and he seemed to welcome them. Then he saw that he was climbing to the top of a huge pyramid that led to God and he had little left. This meant that he helped people get through the Quantum Transition.

      The abbess of the monastery showed us three chests. In each of them were the relics of 15 saints, in front of whom we crossed ourselves and kissed. This does not happen to everyone every day.

      My spiritual development continued in the struggle with the Dark Forces. All this time they were interfering and interfering, slowing down the processes, creating difficult situations, but I was strong and confident. I believed in the Divine energy of my Master and thanks to him, I saw MIRACLES every day. My day began with constant deep inhaling and exhaling – this is how I purified my emotional body. Once, after two and a half hours of such breathing, I felt a ray from heaven enter my brain to purify me.

      I heard a voice:

      – Trayana, wake up! Wake up and feel a ray enter the centre of your brain and clear it!

      There were many such situations. This process was one of those from which I took energy for the longest time. I often went to church, prayed, and felt much better.

* * *

      On August 8th, 2012, Igor informed me about the next stream of strong energy that is pouring on Our Planet. On such days, all people are energetically cleansed of negativity.

      Igor did many sessions to clear the negative energy from my body.

      I once shared with him:

      – You give me so much energy and you keep giving it to me every day! You have cured all my diseases, you have cleaned all the negative energy accumulated in my body, and you have created a new Trayana! Why is something strange happening to me again? Why does it seem to me that someone wants to destroy me?

      – Now your emotional body is being cleansed. All this fear is maybe from 200 years ago. We will not be holding any more sessions for now. We will monitor what happens to you and how you feel.

      Then I told Igor that two months ago, in June 2012, I was at sea and I felt a strong energy invading me and thoughts came to my mind that he – Igor on this planet is like Christ. God taught Jesus Christ for 30 years, but then there was the old energy on Earth. With Igor, only 15 years of training were enough.

      I trusted my intuition, so I told him:

      – Do you know that you will be the second planetary Christ on Our Planet? I think you will heal people from a distance, as Christ once did.

      Igor just said:


      It was a very interesting and delicate conversation I had never told anyone before. Deep in my soul, I believed that he would be the strongest Man-Creator and his energy would be the strongest on the Planet. Igor has healed many people, helped them energetically, helped them develop their potential, gave them strength and self-confidence. He saved not only my life, but also the lives of many others. However, Igor’s energy and sessions helped 100% only those who believed…

      If there is doubt and disbelief, then, no matter how many sessions are held, nothing will happen. Either the people themselves are not ready for change, or they do not believe in Igor’s energy… These people do not believe in God either. We have had several such cases. One of them was my friend Anastasia (a friend of the woman who had previously tried unsuccessfully to help me). I met her by chance, she needed help and I introduced her to Igor. She showed a vicious DISTRUST OF HIS ABILITIES!

      When we talked about Vera – her friend, who couldn’t handle my family curse, I told Anastasia the truth:

      – Look at me I completely changed my life! Since Igor cured me, I don’t drink, I don’t smoke, I don’t eat meat, I only think positively, I actively work on myself and my bad habits. When I went to Vera, she could not help me. She didn’t have that much energy. And the most important is to BELIEVE! Of course, the Dark Forces are constantly interfering and interfering. I am already used to it and I don’t pay attention.

* * *

      But here is another case with another friend of ours – Nikos from Greece. Igor had only one session with him. A month passed and Nikos contacted Igor again. He said his life had changed for the better. Then we went to Igor for the second time (I was his translator). Igor had a heart session and saw a huge cobweb, which he cleared and thus freed Nikos’ heart. With him was his girlfriend, who came to visit from Greece. During the conversation, it turned out that Elena has a very pure and white soul. She immediately believed both Igor and me. Elena herself practices Reiki and does SPA massages, she knew what it was like to develop SPIRITUALLY. She told us that she experienced a coma six years ago, was in heaven, saw many things there, but was brought back to Earth. She came to visit Nikos to help him spiritually and mentally.

      So, whatever we say, people are different: some believe in Igor’s energy and get help for the first time, others don’t even believe in God, how to believe in Igor!

      Even I, who saw him every day, to whom he helped so much with his Divine energy, succumbed to mySelf: I was angry, dissatisfied, made remarks, made pretensions.

      THIS IS THE WORK OF THE EGO! IT HATES PERFECTION IN MAN, especially if you deprive him of his bad qualities. So, it was with me in relation to Igor: many times and almost every day. When he was making remarks to me, even when he said I had lied to him at least 10 times, I couldn’t take it, he just told me I didn’t remember. Many times, he literally read my mind. He tried his best to help me, but my Ego was nervous and unhappy. It was a period of resistance. Later I realised that his energy is the GREAT DIVINE LOVE, which gives hope, faith and motivation to move forward, regardless of the difficulties along the way…

      Then I asked:

      – Who are you? What role do I play in your life? What’s wrong with me, Igor? Please tell me!

      – I have known about you since 1998.

      – So long ago?

      – Yes, they first told me about you in 1998, and later, after 2000, they told me everything about our meeting. Lord God wanted me to make you perfect – this is my task. What is happening and rebelling to you right now is your Ego – the Ego of PRIDE. It prevents you from developing and moving forward. I advise you to go to church and get rid of it. It is not difficult. Try it.

      I asked him to help me, I was afraid that I would not be able to cope on my own. I asked:

      – How so? How much Ego is in me?

      – The