The Helen Bianchin Collection. Helen Bianchin. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Helen Bianchin
Издательство: HarperCollins
Серия: Mills & Boon e-Book Collections
Жанр произведения: Короткие любовные романы
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781474050036
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watching as Miguel brushed his lips to the manicured fingers, then released them.

      ‘Hannah,’ Camille acknowledged with pseudo politeness, and returned her attention to Miguel.

      ‘Enrico will get you a drink,’ Graziella informed them, ever the benevolent hostess. ‘What would you like?’

      Hannah was tempted to request something exotic, but she hadn’t eaten since midday and then only a yoghurt followed an hour later by an apple. Alcohol on an empty stomach was not conducive to a clear head.

      ‘Thank you. Orange juice,’ she requested, and glimpsed Camille’s faint moue at her choice.

      ‘You don’t drink?’ she queried in a tone that indicated not to imbibe was a social faux pax.

      Hannah inclined her head. ‘In this instance I’d prefer to wait and have wine with dinner.’

      ‘You do not have the head for it?’

      Hannah chose not to rise to the bait, and merely smiled.

      Minutes later she sipped the cool liquid from a stemmed goblet, aware Camille excelled in her role as temptress.

      Keep it up, Hannah warned silently, and I’ll scratch your eyes out!

      At that moment Miguel placed an arm along the back of her waist. A gesture that didn’t seem to have any effect at all.

      The brush of beautifully lacquered nails as the Frenchwoman touched Miguel’s sleeve. The deliberately seductive smile. The promise lurking beneath those impossibly long curled eyelashes.

      Why, she was practically eating him alive!

      Hannah decided enough was enough. She didn’t have to stand here and watch Camille’s blatant seduction.

      ‘If you’ll excuse me?’ She offered Camille a stunning smile, let it drift to settle on her inimitable husband for a few seconds before she moved away a few paces to join her father-in-law.

      ‘May I say you look beautiful tonight?’ Esteban complimented lightly as he leaned forward and brushed his lips to her cheek.

      ‘Thank you,’ Hannah responded gently. ‘It’s a few weeks since you’ve been to the house. You must have dinner with us soon. We don’t see enough of you.’

      His smile was affectionately warm. ‘Gracias. But you know how it is?’ He gave a light shrug, and she couldn’t resist teasing him a little.

      ‘A full social calendar,’ she said gravely. ‘And several women vying for your attention?’

      ‘Ah, you flatter me.’

      ‘No,’ she assured him kindly. ‘You’re a very nice man, of whom I’m very fond.’ And one any woman in her right mind would snap up in a minute. Except his late wife Isabella held a special place in his heart, and he had no desire to find a substitute.

      A mutual acquaintance joined them, and after a few minutes she moved away.

      ‘I think,’ a light feminine voice suggested, ‘you might need to sharpen your claws.’

      Hannah turned towards Suzanne Trenton. ‘Really? And use them on whom? Miguel?’

      ‘Camille, darling. There are other methods a wife can use to tame her husband.’

      It was meaningless repartee, spoken with jesting cynicism for the benefit of mutual amusement.

      ‘Such as?’ Hannah ventured, and Suzanne gave a soft laugh.

      ‘Expensive jewellery.’

      ‘Do enlighten me,’ Miguel drawled as he threaded his fingers through those of his wife.

      Hannah stood perfectly still for a few seconds, then she allowed her gaze to meet his. ‘Pink and white diamonds,’ she fabricated. ‘A drop necklace and matching earrings.’ A bewitching smile tilted the edge of her lips. ‘They’re quite beautiful.’

      ‘Is this a wifely hint?’ His mouth slanted into a humorous curve, at variance with the still watchfulness evident as he raked her features, noting the over-bright smile, her tense stance.

      At that moment Graziella announced dinner was about to be served, and began directing guests towards the dining room.

      ‘There was no need for you to desert me,’ Miguel intoned mildly as they moved across the room.

      ‘You appeared to be doing quite well on your own.’

      ‘Careful, querida,’ he drawled musingly. ‘Your claws are showing.’

      She gave him a winsome smile. ‘Why, amante,’ she offered with quiet emphasis, ‘I haven’t even begun to unsheathe them.’

      If Graziella seated them close to Camille, she’d scream. The gods couldn’t be that unkind, could they?

      It appeared they could.

      ‘I thought I’d place you opposite Camille,’ Graziella remarked as she suggested prearranged seating arrangements. ‘Hannah studied French and lived in Paris for more than a year,’ she informed Camille graciously. ‘As you’re both in the fashion industry, you’ll have much in common.’

      Oh, my, this was going to be a fun evening!


      ‘GRAZIELLA tells me you have a boutique on Toorak Road,’ Camille began soon after they were seated. ‘I must call in and check it out.’

      ‘Please do,’ Hannah said civilly, for what else could she say? Miguel was engaged in conversation with Peter Trenton, exploring the mores of legalese.

      ‘Do you carry a range of accessories?’

      A hired waitress began serving the first course, a delicate clear broth.

      ‘A small selection of scarves, belts,’ Hannah elaborated. ‘Exclusive hosiery.’

      Camille lifted an expressive eyebrow. ‘Miguel has no objection?’

      ‘To what, specifically?’ she countered, reluctant to play Camille’s game.

      ‘Your little hobby.’

      Considering the hours she worked, the responsibility to her clients, the sheer expertise required in running a successful business, the Frenchwoman’s words were an insult…as they were meant to be.

      Hannah summoned a sweet smile. ‘He’s relieved I have something constructive to do with my time.’

      ‘Surely he would prefer you to be available for him?’

      Hannah looked at the Frenchwoman, caught the avaricious gleam apparent, and opted for blatant honesty. ‘On call to accommodate his slightest whim?’

      Camille spread her hands expressively. ‘Why…naturally, darling. If you don’t, there are others who will oblige.’

      ‘Such as you?’ There was nothing like going direct for the jugular!

      Camille appeared to choose her words with care. ‘He’s a very wealthy man, is he not?’

      ‘And wealth is everything?’

      Camille’s smile didn’t reach her eyes. ‘It wields a power of its own.’

      ‘A reciprocal power.’ There was no need for pretence. It was no secret the Santanas-Martinez marriage had been conveniently arranged to legally combine two family fortunes.

      ‘Power versus sexual attraction,’ Camille pondered. ‘Which would Miguel choose, do you think?’

      Hannah held Camille’s gaze, and discarded subtlety. ‘I would say he already has.’

      The other woman glanced at the wide baguette diamond