The Helen Bianchin Collection. Helen Bianchin. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Helen Bianchin
Издательство: HarperCollins
Серия: Mills & Boon e-Book Collections
Жанр произведения: Короткие любовные романы
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781474050036
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made a deal,’ she reminded, all too aware of the circumstances that had initiated their marriage.

      Two equally prominent, independently wealthy families whose fortunes were interwoven in an international conglomerate. What better method of cementing it and taking it into the next generation than to have the son of one family marry the daughter of the other?

      It had taken subtle manipulation to entice the son to relocate to Melbourne from New York, whereupon an intricate strategy had been put in place to ensure Miguel and Hannah were frequent guests at a variety of social functions.

      The master parental plan had involved anonymous tips to the media, whose printed speculation had seeded the idea and waived the need for further familial interference.

      Hannah, tiring of dealing with some of the city’s eligible and not-so-eligible bachelors bent on adding her wealth to their own, was not averse to the security marriage offered, with the proviso she continued to maintain her independence. Love wasn’t an issue, and it seemed sensible to choose a husband with her head, rather than her heart.

      Despite the family business connection, ten years’ difference in age, his boarding-school education both in Australia and overseas ensured their paths had rarely met, and she had been only eleven when he’d transferred to New York.

      ‘So we did,’ Miguel drawled. ‘Have you reason to complain, amante?’

      ‘No,’ she responded evenly.

      Miguel was an attractive man, whose strong masculine features and tall broad-shouldered frame portrayed a leashed strength emphasised by a dramatic mesh of latent sensuality and an animalistic sense of power.

      At thirty-seven, he echoed his eminent success in the business arena in the bedroom. She hadn’t known his equal as a lover. And wouldn’t want to, she added mentally, for he satisfied needs she hadn’t been aware existed.

      Even thinking about his lovemaking made her nerve-ends curl, and sent heat flaring through her veins.

      A sudden horn-blast alerted her attention as the car in front inched forward, then came to a halt.

      In the distance she heard the wail of a siren, soon joined by another, and her stomach twisted as she envisaged the probability of a car crash up ahead, the twisted metal, the resultant injuries.

      ‘I think there’s been an accident,’ Hannah revealed quietly. ‘It might take a while for me to get through.’

      ‘Where are you?’ Miguel demanded.

      ‘On Toorak Road, about a mile from home.’

      ‘Drive carefully. I’ll phone Graziella and tell her we’ll be late.’

      ‘Do that,’ she responded with dulcet charm. It wouldn’t create a drama if they arrived fifteen minutes after the specified time. Their hosts were known to allow up to an hour for their guests to mix and mingle before serving dinner.

      The lights changed, and Hannah offered a silent prayer in thanks as the traffic began to move slowly forward.

      The Deity, however, was not in a benevolent mood, and consequently it was almost six when she turned into the leafy avenue leading to the remote-controlled gates guarding entrance to Miguel’s spacious double-storeyed home.

      Landscaped gardens and manicured lawns provided a perfect background for an imposing residence set back from the road. Spanish in design, with thick cream-plastered walls, high arched windows, and a terracotta-tiled roof.

      Hannah urged the white Porsche up the curved driveway at speed, and brought the vehicle to a swift halt beneath the wide portico.

      Heavy panelled double doors opened the instant she slid from behind the wheel, and she spared the housekeeper Miguel employed a warm smile as she entered the foyer.

      ‘Thanks, Sofia.’ It had saved her fumbling for her key and bypassing the security alarm system. ‘Would you mind asking Antonio to garage my car?’ Sofia’s husband took care of the grounds and the cars while Sofia tended to the meals and the house five days out of seven.

      ‘Miguel is already upstairs?’ At Sofia’s verbal affirmative, she moved quickly towards the wide curving stairs leading to the upper floor.

      Seconds later she gained the semi-circular gallery bounded by ornately designed balustrades. Five bedrooms, each with en suite, plus a large informal sitting room comprised the upper level. Original paintings were strategically placed on the walls, and there were occasional tables, magnificent ceramic urns and arte-facts set in majestic splendour along the entire gallery.

      The main bedroom was situated at the front of the house, and she moved quickly towards it, freeing the buttons on her jacket with one hand while slipping off one heeled shoe with the other.

      Seconds later she entered the spacious bedroom with its elegant furniture and separate walk-in robes.

      Miguel was in the process of fixing a cuff-link, and she took in the look of him, his stance, the superbly tailored trousers, white shirt, his broad, chiselled features, and the dark well-groomed hair.

      Beneath his sophisticated façade there lay the heart of a warrior. Compelling, dangerous, she added silently.

      At that moment he glanced towards her, caught her expression, and raised one eyebrow in silent query.

      Eyes so dark, they were almost black, met hers, and she fought to control the way her blood coursed through her veins like quicksilver.

      Was he aware how he affected her? Sexually, without a doubt, she acknowledged wryly. He had the touch, the skill, to turn her into a mindless wanton, for in his arms she lacked the power to be anything else.

      Get a grip, she mentally chastised as she crossed towards her wardrobe.

      ‘Twenty minutes?’ Hannah intimated, extracting a black knee-length gown with a fine lace-patterned overlay. Stiletto-heeled black shoes, sheer black stockings. The effect would be understated style, and offset her honey-coloured skin and blonde hair.

      ‘Try for fifteen.’

      She made it in just under twenty, emerging into the bedroom freshly showered, dressed, her make-up complete. It took only minutes to step into her gown and close the zip fastener, then add minimum jewellery.

      ‘Done.’ She caught up an evening purse, and offered Miguel a sparkling smile. ‘Shall we leave?’

      Together they traversed the gallery and began descending the stairs. Even though she was in heels, her head barely topped his shoulders.

      ‘New perfume?’

      Hannah met his faintly quizzical expression and matched it with one of her own. ‘A woman’s weapon,’ she asserted solemnly, and suppressed the feather-light shiver that slid across the surface of her skin as Miguel reached out and traced a slow finger along her collar-bone.

      ‘You have no need of one.’

      Her smile tilted the edge of her mouth. ‘Are you seducing me?’

      One eyebrow arched, and his teeth gleamed white as he slanted her a teasing look. ‘Am I succeeding?’

      Oh yes. But she wasn’t about to tell him so. ‘We have a dinner party to attend, remember?’

      His husky chuckle almost undid her. ‘Anticipation, querida,’ he drawled. ‘Is a game lovers play.’

      ‘Is that how you regard our marriage?’ Hannah queried lightly. ‘As a game?’

      Together they crossed the splendid foyer and made their way along a hallway leading to the internal garage.

      ‘You know better than that.’

      ‘Do I?’ The words slipped out before she thought to stop them.

      ‘You want I should show you?’ Miguel countered with silky indolence as he paused to face her.

      ‘I imagine