The Complete Regency Season Collection. Кэрол Мортимер. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Кэрол Мортимер
Издательство: HarperCollins
Серия: Mills & Boon e-Book Collections
Жанр произведения: Исторические любовные романы
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781474070645
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      ‘There is not the least need for that,’ cried Lucy, struggling to recover her composure. ‘I am not one of those lacklustre females who is prostrate after the slightest exertion!’

      She had spoken in jest, but an uneasy silence fell over the breakfast room. Ariadne looked taken aback and the air was taut as a bowstring. Adversane released her, his chair scraped back and without a word he strode out of the breakfast room.

      ‘What is it, Ariadne? What did I say?’

      Mrs Dean dabbed at her lips with her napkin.

      ‘Lady Adversane was not very strong,’ she said quietly. ‘At least, she could walk well enough when it suited her, but she would often take to her room for the rest of the day after the most gentle exercise, pleading exhaustion. You were not to know, of course.’ She rose and came round the table to Lucy, taking her arm. ‘Come along, my dear, we’ll go upstairs to fetch our things and be away.’

      * * *

      Ariadne was right, of course. Lucy had spoken in all innocence, but she could not forget the effect of her words. She did not mention it again to Mrs Dean, but later, when she changed into her riding habit and went out to the stables, she knew she would have to say something to Lord Adversane.

      He was waiting for her at the stable yard, holding the reins of his black hunter while the groom walked a pretty bay mare up and down. When Lucy appeared, the groom brought the bay to her immediately and directed her to the mounting block. As soon as she was in the saddle Adversane handed his reins to the groom and came close to check the girth and stirrup.

      She said quietly, as the groom moved away, ‘My Lord, what I said at breakfast—I must apologise, I did not know...about your wife.’

      ‘I am aware of that, Miss Halbrook.’

      ‘I did not intend any offence.’

      ‘None was taken.’ He gave the girth a final pat and stood back. ‘Shall we go?’

      Discussion ended, she thought sadly. He had withdrawn from her again.

      * * *

      It was a long time since Lucy had last ridden, and for the first ten minutes she gave her attention to staying in the saddle and controlling the bay’s playful antics as they trotted out of the gates. Adversane waited only to assure himself that she was comfortable before he set off at a canter across the park. Lucy followed, and when he gave the black hunter his head she experienced a surge of delight as she set the mare galloping in pursuit. She forgot their earlier constraint and when at last her companion slowed the pace she came alongside and said with heartfelt gratitude, ‘Thank you, my lord! I do not know when I have enjoyed myself more!’

      ‘Really? But you ride very well, you must have learned that somewhere.’

      ‘Yes, on friends’ ponies and for a short time when Papa had funds enough for me to have a horse of my own, but we only ever rode on the lanes or rough pasture. To be able to gallop—really gallop across the park like that—it was exhilarating!’

      ‘I am pleased, then, Miss Halbrook, and happy for you to ride Brandy whenever you wish. You do not need to refer to me. Send a message to the stables when you want to ride out and Greg, my groom, will arrange for someone to accompany you.’

      ‘Was Brandy your wife’s horse?’

      For a moment she thought he had not heard her.

      ‘No,’ he said at last. ‘Helene had a grey. Beautiful to look at, but no spirit at all. Now, which way would you like to go?’

      She accepted that he did not wish to talk more about his wife and looked about her before answering his question. ‘I am not sure...which is your land?’

      ‘All of it.’ He glanced up at the sun. ‘There is time to ride as far as the Home Wood and around the southern perimeter, if you wish.’

      ‘Oh, yes, please—I feel as if I could ride for ever!’

      Lord Adversane grinned, putting his severe expression to flight, and Lucy wondered if it was just such a look that had made his first wife fall in love with him.

      The idea surprised and embarrassed her. Her hands clenched on the reins and the mare snatched at the bit, unsettled. She gave her attention to quietening the horse and by the time she brought the bay alongside the black hunter again she had regained her equilibrium. They left the park and soon found themselves on a high ridge, with the moors climbing even higher on one side, while a vista of wooded hills and steeply sided valleys opened out before them.

      Lucy was enchanted and eager to know more about the country—she asked him the name of the thick wood in the distance, and what river it was that tumbled through the valley, and did he really own everything as far as the eye could see? She was relieved that he did not appear to be offended by the questions that tumbled from her lips. He responded with patience and good humour, even expanding his answers and offering more information when he realised that she was genuinely interested.

      * * *

      Ralph found himself looking closely at this slight figure riding beside him. Her faded habit only enhanced the peach bloom in her cheeks and the sparkle in her green eyes. He usually went out alone, or with Harry, but riding with Lucy Halbrook, seeing his world afresh through her eager eyes, was surprisingly enjoyable.

      As they continued their ride he told her about the family members she would meet at the forthcoming house party. She listened to him intently, her head a little on one side as if trying to commit it all to memory. It was with something very like regret that Ralph noticed the sun’s shadow had moved on and he told her they should turn for home.

      ‘Will we have time to visit the moors today?’

      ‘I’m afraid not.’ He saw the disappointment in her face and added, ‘The moors are so extensive they deserve at least a day to themselves. However, we can ride back across the fields, and there will be a few dry stone walls to jump, if you are able.’

      Immediately, the absurd chit was smiling at him as if he had offered her a casket of jewels.

      ‘Oh, yes, please, only...perhaps you can find a couple of tiny walls for me to jump first, since I am so horribly out of practice!’

      * * *

      Laughing, Ralph set off across country, choosing a route that would not overtax the mare or her rider. He soon realised that he needn’t have worried. Lucy was a natural horsewoman. She rode beside him, jumping everything fearlessly and with such delight that he wished the return journey was twice as long. All too soon they were back in the park with the house just visible on the far skyline and in between a vast expanse of green, springy turf. He reined in his horse.

      ‘You appear to be at home upon Brandy now, Miss Halbrook. Would you like to lead the way to the stables?’ He saw the speculation in her eyes, the quick glance she threw towards his own mount. ‘Don’t worry about Jupiter. He will be happy enough to follow in your wake.’

      ‘I was thinking rather that we might race for the gates.’

      His brows went up.

      ‘Oho, are you so confident of your ability, madam?’

      ‘Yes, if you will give me a head start.’

      He regarded her with a slight frown. Sheer foolishness, of course. Childish, too. It would be reckless in the extreme to hurtle at breakneck speed across the park. One stumble could mean disaster. He opened his mouth to say so, but found himself subject to such a hopeful gaze that he could not utter the words. Instead, he pointed to a single tree standing alone some distance away.

      ‘I’ll give you to the oak.’

      She needed no second bidding. He watched her careering away from him and found himself enjoying the view. She had almost outgrown the faded habit, for it clung to her figure, accentuating the tiny waist and the delectable roundness of her buttocks, seated so firmly in the saddle. She rode well, and he imagined