The Complete Regency Season Collection. Кэрол Мортимер. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Кэрол Мортимер
Издательство: HarperCollins
Серия: Mills & Boon e-Book Collections
Жанр произведения: Исторические любовные романы
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781474070645
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overlooked the front of the house, where the gravelled drive snaked away between neatly scythed lawns and out through the gates. Beyond the palings lay the park, bordered by an expanse of woodlands, and beyond that she could see the craggy moors stretching away to meet the sky. How could anyone be unhappy in such surroundings?

      Lucy had a sudden desire to be outside, while the dew was still on the grass. Rather than disturb her sleeping maid she dressed herself in a morning gown of primrose muslin, caught her hair back with a ribbon and, picking up her shawl, she left her room. There would be a quicker way of getting to the gardens than down the main staircase and through the Great Hall, but Lucy did not yet know it and was afraid of losing herself in the maze of unfamiliar corridors. It was still early, and although she heard the servants at work she saw no one as she made her way to the long through-passage and out of the doors that opened onto the formal gardens.

      A broad terrace ended in a shallow flight of steps leading down to flower beds separated by wide gravel paths. A series of statues decorated each bed and at the far end of the gardens was a small pond and fountain. It was very beautiful and the air was already heavy with the scent of flowers, but the formal layout did not fulfil her wish to be at one with nature, so she made her way around to the front of the house, where she could stroll across the smooth grass, leaving a trail of footprints in the heavy dew.

      Although it was early, a skylark trilled ecstatically somewhere above her and she thought how wonderful it would be to live here through the seasons. Immediately upon the thought came another, less welcome idea, that the late Lady Adversane had not thought so. From what Ruthie had said Helene had been very unhappy here, although Lucy suspected that it was not because of the property but its owner. As if conjured by her thoughts two horses emerged from the distant trees, galloping across the open park, their riders bent low over their necks.

      Even at a distance there was no mistaking Ralph, Lord Adversane. He was riding a magnificent black hunter and was a good horse’s length ahead of his companion. Man and beast were as one, flying across the turf with strong, fluid movements that made their progress look effortless. He slowed as he approached the drive, waiting for his companion to come up to him before they trotted between the stone pillars of the main entrance.

      Lucy knew they must see her, a solitary figure standing in the middle of the lawns, but she determined not to scuttle away like some timid little mouse. She thought they would ride around the side of the house to the stables, and she was not a little surprised when they turned their horses onto the grass and came directly towards her.

      Lord Adversane touched his hat.

      ‘You are about early, Miss Halbrook.’

      ‘Not as early as you, my lord.’

      His brows rose a little, and she wondered if he had expected her to explain her presence. As if—and she bridled a little at the idea—as if she had no right to be there. However, he did not appear to be offended by her response and replied quite cheerfully.

      ‘I often ride out in the morning. It is a good time to see just what is happening on my land.’ He indicated the man beside him. ‘This is Harold Colne, who acts as my steward here at Adversane.’

      Lucy nodded. ‘Mr Colne.’ She shot him a quick, questioning glance. ‘Acts? Is that not your main role?’

      ‘Harry is also a lifelong friend and a business partner for some of my ventures.’ Ralph grinned. ‘In fact, the partnership is flourishing so much that I fear I shall soon have to find myself a new steward. However, for the present Harry manages everything here at Adversane. If you are in need of anything, you may ask him.’

      ‘I will be delighted to help you in any way I can, Miss Halbrook.’

      Mr Colne touched his hat and gave her a friendly smile. Lucy warmed to him immediately. He looked to be a similar age to Lord Adversane, but instead of short black hair he had brown curls and a kindly face that looked as if it was made for laughter.

      ‘I have a great curiosity about this place, Mr Colne,’ she told him. ‘And I shall undoubtedly seek you out, if you can spare a little time.’

      ‘As much as you require, ma’am, although I assure you Lord Adversane knows everything there is to know about the estate.’ He held out one hand to his companion. ‘If you will give me your reins, my lord, I will see to the horses and leave you free to walk with Miss Halbrook.’

      ‘What? Oh. Of course.’

      Lucy kept her countenance until the steward had ridden away, then she said, her voice rich with laughter, ‘I suppose you told Mr Colne I was your fiancée, Lord Adversane?’

      ‘Not as such. It was implied, and I did not deny it.’

      ‘Then you cannot blame him if he assumes you wish to spend time with me.’

      ‘Of course not.’

      She chuckled.

      ‘Your expression tells me you would like to add “and very inconvenient it is, too!” Although, of course I am sure you would use much stronger language.’

      Again that swift grin transformed his countenance.

      ‘You are right, much stronger!’

      ‘Well, I am very happy with my own company, sir, so if you have business requiring your attention, please do not feel you have to humour me.’

      ‘No, there is nothing that cannot wait.’

      Lucy dropped a curtsey.

      ‘I vow, my lord, I do not know when I have received such a handsome compliment.’

      She wondered if her impetuous remark might bring his wrath upon her, but although his eyes narrowed there was a gleam of appreciation in them.

      ‘Vixen,’ he retorted without heat.

      He held out his arm to her, and she laid her fingers on the rough woollen sleeve. She remarked as they began to stroll towards the house, ‘If Mr Colne is such a good friend I wonder that you did not confide your plan to him.’

      ‘It has been my experience that secrets are best shared as little as possible. It was necessary to take Mrs Dean into my confidence, but no one else need know of it.’

      ‘Your reasoning is impeccable, but to deceive your friends must cause some uneasiness.’

      ‘And are you not deceiving your family?’

      She bit her lip. ‘I am, in a way.’ She added, firing up, ‘But at least there is some truth in what I told them. I am employed.’

      ‘And do I figure as your elderly invalid?’

      She gave a little choke of laughter at the absurdity of the idea.

      ‘I suppose you must be, although you are far too—’ She broke off, blushing.

      ‘Far too what? Come, Miss Halbrook. You intrigue me.’

      ‘Healthy,’ she said lamely. It had not been the adjective she had intended to use. Young. Strong. Virile. They were the words that had come to her mind, but impossible to tell him so, and she was grateful that he did not press her on the matter.

      ‘So what are you doing out here so early?’ he asked her.

      ‘Communing with nature.’ Her soulful response earned her a sudden, frowning look, and she abandoned her teasing. ‘It is such a lovely day that I wanted to be outside. From what Mrs Dean told me yesterday I believe breakfast will not be for another hour or so yet.’

      ‘Breakfast can be whenever you wish,’ he replied. ‘Did your maid dress you?’

      She stopped, glancing down at her gown. ‘No—why, is there something wrong?’

      ‘Not at all. I prefer your hair like that, with a bandeau and hanging loose down your back.’ He reached up and caught a lock between his fingers. ‘It curls naturally?’

      ‘Why, y-yes.’ She was thrown off balance by the gesture,