The Element Encyclopedia of Birthdays. Theresa Cheung. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Theresa Cheung
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Эзотерика
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780007357093
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      The Piscean man

      The Piscean man often appears as the answer to your dreams. He is a romantic dreamer and when he falls in love it is deep—so deep it can feel utterly intoxicating. You are swept off your feet. He merges himself with every aspect of your life. Problems can arise, though, if a partner wants to have some space and freedom in the relationship. The Piscean man may take this as a rejection and find it hard to step back. This isn’t necessarily because he is needy or co-dependent, but because he identifies himself so much with another person that creating distance can feel like a rejection and trigger deep insecurities. Once he has merged with another person, he can quite literally feel their pain and sense what they are thinking.

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      The Piscean man will be their partner’s biggest fan, encouraging them to live their dreams. However, it is crucial for the success of the relationship that he does not forget about his own dreams and that he is encouraged to transform those dreams into reality, because, more often than not, his ideas have great potential for success. He does not crave material things or need worldly success to feel fulfilled, but he does need to feel loved and encouraged. His sensitivity and mood swings can be alarming at times. His partner can love and support him during the low times, but the only person who can truly save him and help him rise up and feel whole again is himself.

      The Piscean man may be sensitive, but relationships with him can be utterly enchanting. Once he learns to trust his instincts and believe in himself, he has the uncanny ability to plunge into the unknown and surface with hidden treasures, renewed optimism and a vision for a better future.


      Piscean children are often described as old souls. They seem wise beyond their years. They have a tendency to exaggerate and embellish the truth to please others and also because their dreams feel so real to them. It is important they learn from an early age the importance of telling the truth. Often imaginative, they should be encouraged to develop their creativity in every way. They can suffer from shyness or lack of self-confidence and don’t thrive in a competitive environment, losing motivation if others do better than them. Their parents or carers need to help them understand that there is no such thing as failure if they can learn from it, and the only person they need to compete against is themselves. Piscean children can suffer from separation anxiety, bullying by others and resulting school phobia, so nurturing their self-esteem from an early age is important.

Illustration of the tarot cards The Sun, The Magician and The Moon

      The Piscean dreamy nature can lead to disorganization and lack of concentration. These children would benefit greatly from time management and also from basic meditation skills to help them find focus. As they are impressionable, it is important to monitor and limit their screen time and the company they keep. They need to discover who they are before others impose their identities on them. Science is a field that may intrigue them from an early age, as well as the world of the arts.

      Piscean parents are likely to be loving and to always put their children first. They can, however, become over-involved in their children’s lives to the point of smothering them. They can also fail to put firm guidelines and boundaries in place with their children, and need to learn that these are necessary for their children to feel secure.


      Pisceans are drawn to careers that give them an opportunity to be creative and artistic in some way. The worlds of music, acting, art, dance, photography, writing, fashion, photography, design and so on appeal, as do scientific or technological careers that allow them to find creative solutions and express their far-sighted vision.

      “Pisceans are drawn to careers that give them an opportunity to be creative and artistic in some way.”

      Being so aware of the suffering of others, the chances are you will find Pisceans excelling as counselors, therapists, teachers, nurses, doctors, psychiatrists, policeman, social workers and prison officers. Drawn to the mystical side of life, they may also work as a priest or a healer, or in mind, body, spirit-related careers. Their love of the sea may encourage them to consider careers related to ships and fishing. Not known for their practicality and organization, Pisceans can come into their own when their job offers them a set daily routine or structure. They don’t tend to thrive in careers that require managerial skills, but they are capable of being good managers if they put their minds and hearts to it. They do prefer to work behind the scenes, but can step out from the background to take charge if they believe the cause is a worthwhile one. There may be several career changes during their professional lives and periods when they are working two jobs at the same time.

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      Health and wellbeing

      While they may be excellent at caring for others, Pisceans are often not so great when it comes to taking care of themselves. Self-care is essential for them, as is paying attention to their diet, health and lifestyle, and to the health of their feet—proper footwear is essential. Sensitive to their environment, they can be easily influenced by anything from loud music to bad weather to distressing stories on their news feed. This sensitivity can affect their emotional and physical health. If they become aware of just how much external influences affect their health, this will help them understand that their mood swings and health problems, such as headaches and stomach upsets, can be linked to their emotions and sensitivity.

      Pisceans need to learn to distinguish between real hunger and emotional eating, because they are prone to comfort-eat during times of stress. Keeping a mood and food diary will help them recognize unhealthy eating habits and triggers, so they can then take steps to manage or avoid them. Eating in a calm and peaceful environment and chewing their food slowly will also benefit them.

      Very susceptible to the aging impacts of nicotine, Pisceans should avoid smoking and passive smoking. Drugs should also be avoided for obvious reasons. They have a tendency to rely too much on over-the-counter medications for their aches and pains. Unless they are advised to take such remedies by their doctor, they should avoid them and experiment with natural therapies instead.

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      Pisceans need to live their dreams, whether through books, classes, hobbies or in their imagination. Spending time in nature is highly recommended to boost the wellbeing of this water sign, especially beside lakes, rivers and the ocean. Hobbies that interest them may include dance, writing, painting, poetry, skating and sailing, as well as visits to museums and historical sites. With their tendency to take on the problems of others and to feel tense about the injustices of the world, taking regular time out for relaxation is essential. Meditation, mindfulness and yoga are great stress-busters. Wearing the color purple will encourage them to look within themselves for a sense of purpose, identity and fulfillment, rather than trying to find it outside themselves in others.

      Born between February 19 and 29

      Pisceans born between these dates are idealistic but also sometimes inconsistent and impractical. Age brings them wisdom and they tend to find fulfillment later in life when opportunities to express their exciting vision are more likely to present themselves.

      Born between March 1 and 10

      Those born between these dates tend to be artistically inclined and to have great creativity. They should be especially careful to avoid toxic people and co-dependent behavior, and should aim to surround themselves with positive and inspiring people.

      Born between March 11 and 20