No Place To Run. Marion Laird Faith. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Marion Laird Faith
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Современная зарубежная литература
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781474047593
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come on.” Instead of sounding amused, Lorie’s voice held a tremor.

      Matt encompassed them both in a look as they moved away from the desks. “Don’t leave the library. I’ll call you when I’m done.”

      Lorie practically shoved Jen out the door and left him to his solitary task. Outside, people moved around. Library business as usual.

      Matt frowned as he dusted the in-box on the head librarian’s desk. Why would anybody threaten someone like Lorie Narramore? She seemed an unlikely target. Of course, you could never tell. Anyone could have secrets.

      Matt finished gathering the prints, concentrating on the job at hand so fully that Lorie’s sigh startled him. He looked up to find her at the door.

      “Sorry this is taking so long.”

      Her answering smile was wan. “It takes as much time as it takes.”

      Matt grinned, trying to make her feel better. “Most civilians don’t get that.”

      “I’m not most civilians.”

      Why did she look so sad when she said that? There was more to Lorie Narramore than met the eye. Although, despite trying not to notice, he liked the parts that did meet the eye.

      “I’ll need to print you and Jen, too, to eliminate yours.”

      Fear flashed in Lorie’s eyes. Hmm. Why?

      After a moment, Lorie nodded. “All right. I guess I’d forgotten that part.”

      Forgotten? Interesting.

      “No need to be afraid. It doesn’t hurt, you know.”

      “I know. It’s just... Never mind.”

      She knew? Matt looked into her eyes more deeply, as if he’d be able to see what was troubling her. She looked as though she felt...guilty.

      “I’ll just get Jen.” Lorie whirled and was gone before Matt could stop her. The idea of being fingerprinted seemed to alarm her way more than it should. He’d definitely have to do a background check on her the minute he was back at his office computer.

      As Jen walked through the door, she was already speaking. “Do mine first. We have two patrons ready to check out.” She held out both hands in a parody of arrests in old police movies.

      Matt grinned as he quickly took Jen’s prints, teasing and joking with her all the while. When he was done, Jen walked out the office door and Lorie came back in, hesitation in every step.

      Odd. He could think of only one reason why she’d be so uneasy.

      “You aren’t just pulling my leg with this note business, are you?”


      Lorie Narramore might not have written the note, but she felt guilty about something. He’d been in law enforcement long enough to recognize the signs. This situation was making her extremely uncomfortable, and Matt itched to know the reason why. Of course, he could just wait and run her prints. That would bring anything up through the system.

      Why was he sure he’d find her there? And why did the thought bother him so much?

      * * *

      Lorie could almost see the wheels turning in Matt’s brain. She hated the thought of telling him, but surely she didn’t have to confess the whole, sordid story. Maybe she could get by with the least possible amount and still tell the truth.

      “I was arrested once.” The words left Lorie’s lips before she could stop them. When was she going to learn how to keep her mouth shut?

      Caution mingled with curiosity in those intense blue eyes of his. “For?”

      Lorie took a deep breath. “Murder.”

      To do him credit, his expression grew concerned. “I’m assuming you were released or acquitted, or you wouldn’t be standing here now.”

      “You don’t have to tell me how blessed I was not to have been convicted, because I know. Even the thought of county lockup scares me silly.” She plucked at her light blue shirtsleeves, twisting them, just barely conscious of the action but unable to stop.

      The deputy’s expression grew serious. “The note—‘Don’t think you can get away with it’—you think it’s referring to what happened?”

      “It could. I don’t know.” Lorie bit her lip. “After the trial and the publicity, doing my job at home became impossible. Then the harassment started. Notes, like this. Anonymous phone calls. It went on for months. When my family told me there was an opening for head librarian here, I jumped at it.”

      “Does the board know?”

      Lorie nodded. “I had to give them full disclosure. It was only right, in case the bad publicity followed me. Thankfully, they decided to take a chance on me, in spite of attempts by some to quash the deal. I’m determined not to let the county down. Or my fellow librarians, either. They’ve stood by me from the first. They don’t even think about it anymore. Only now...”

      “Only now someone is making life difficult for you here.”

      Lacing her fingers calmed her. “If only that’s all it is. I can probably live with poison-pen letters.”

      “You shouldn’t have to.”

      “That’s where you’re wrong.”

      Matt instantly looked alert. “What do you mean?”

      Here goes, Lord.

      “The man who died?” Lorie swallowed hard. “I shot him.”

      * * *

      Matt’s defenses clanged into place. She’d shot and killed a man?

      Judge not, lest ye be judged. The verse popped unbidden into his thoughts. Okay. There had to be extenuating circumstances. If he was patient, maybe she’d tell him.

      He waited with the quiet expression that often got people to confess. Yet Lorie Narramore stood next to her desk, eyes filled with sadness, and said nothing else. Matt cleared his throat and, without stopping to reason why, pulled out one of his business cards and handed it to her just as Jen came to the door.

      “In case you need anything else, my extension’s on there.”

      “Thank you.”

      Her fingers brushed his as she accepted the card. A tingle shot up his arm. Never had Matt found keeping his professional calm such a struggle. Not good. Especially not with her confession still trembling on her lips.

      “No tremble.” Oops. “Uh, no trouble.”

      Matt fled. He made sure his steps were slow and steady, but in his heart, he knew the truth. It was flight.

      He didn’t feel secure again until he was safely in the patrol car.

      * * *

      “Well, that was certainly peculiar.” Jen stood, arms akimbo, staring at the spot Deputy MacGregor had vacated.


      “Matt. I’ve never seen him so bowled over. I think he likes you.”

      Great. That was the last thing she needed. Lorie rearranged the neat piles of folders on her desk to avoid meeting Jen’s eyes. “Don’t be silly.”

      “I’m not. I’m being practical.” Jen walked over and leaned on Lorie’s desk, making herself impossible to ignore. “You’re single. He’s single. You’re a Christian. He’s—”

      “Let it go, Jen. I’m not in the market for a man.” Especially not one in law enforcement.

      “But he’s cute.”

      “So are puppies, but that doesn’t mean I want another one.” Giving the folders one last tweak, Lorie