No Place To Run. Marion Laird Faith. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Marion Laird Faith
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Современная зарубежная литература
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781474047593
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I haven’t seen you in forever!” Vangie sounded delighted. “I’d heard you’d moved back. You’re at the county library, you said?”

      “Mmm-hmm.” Reduced to wordless sounds? Really, Lorie, you’re a grown-up. You shouldn’t let her do this to you.

      “That explains why we haven’t run into each other, then. Frank and I always go to the city library in West Bluff. How do you like being back here with your family?”

      The unbusinesslike tenor of the conversation gave Lorie a headache, but she answered automatically.

      “It’s been fine...” Lorie caught Jen’s Momzilla I’ll get you if you don’t ’fess up right this second face. “Look, when I went into my office just now, I found a threatening note on my desk.”

      “Ooh, that sounds serious.” The threat might sound serious, but Vangie sure didn’t. A clicking sound issued from the phone speaker, as if Vangie were making a note on her computer. “Are you still single?”

      “What?” The sudden change of subject sent Lorie’s brain reeling. What could her marital status possibly have to do with the case? If there was a case...

      “We have several good-looking deputies I’ve been trying to match up with someone, but—”

      Fear morphed into irritation. “Vangie, it doesn’t matter. There’s a threatening note on my desk.”

      “Well, of course it matters. If you’re not divorced or anything, I’ve got a couple of good Christian boys I could send out.”

      Lorie sighed. Vangie Rae must not have outgrown her high-school matchmaking tendencies. Lord, preserve me!

      “I’m not divorced. I’ve just been too busy to get married.” Not to mention getting dumped twice by guys I should have known better than to date in the first place. And— No. Lorie refused to dwell on the main reason she hadn’t had a husband or at least a fiancé when she’d left the West.

      “Good.” A few clicks issued from the line. “Now, tell me what this note said.”

      “Something like, ‘You won’t get away with it.’”

      More clicking sounded on the other end of the line. “Can’t you see it?”

      “No. I left it in the office. I’m calling from the checkout desk.”

      “Oh, very good. It’ll be better if you haven’t got fingerprints all over the place.”

      Yanking her attention back from the computer, Lorie switched the phone to her other ear. “We all share the office, so my prints are probably on everything except the note. At least, they shouldn’t be on it, unless the person responsible used my printer paper.”

      “Now, now, don’t go looking on the gloomy side, Loretta Lee.” She still pronounced Lorie’s first name as though it were two words: Lo Retta, emphasis on the Lo. “We’ve already alerted one of our deputies.”

      “Thanks, Vangie.” There was no sense in taking her frustration out on her old school frenemy. Getting on the wrong side of Vangie Rae had always had dire consequences, even before she was in law enforcement. “I never dreamed you’d grow up to work at the sheriff’s office.”

      “Neither did I, but then I met Frank, and my entire career plans changed.”

      Frank Sutherland. The Dainger County Sheriff. Duh. Vangie was Mrs. Lawman-in-Chief. Suddenly everything made sense. Vangie was bubbly enough to make the station a friendlier place. With her at the reception desk, crime in Dainger County had probably plummeted to an all-time low.

      Until someone decided to threaten the new head librarian...

      “Let’s see now. We have several single deputies, and I’ve put in a request for—”

      “Vangie, I’m not angling for a date.” Lorie fought down her irritation. Especially not a deputy! “I just want to find out who sent the note and stop them from sending any more.” There. At least she sounded calm.

      “Are you sure? Because after the men you probably dated in California, the fellows here are gonna be a whole lot more real.”

      That’s right, Vangie. Diss the place where I’d still be living if my world hadn’t collapsed.

      Beeping noises issued from the receiver.

      “I have more calls coming in. One of our more eligible deputies should be there within an hour, unless there’s an emergency. I surely am glad to talk to you again, Loretta. We’ll have to get together real soon, okay? Bye now!”

      Vangie disconnected. Lorie stared at the receiver for a moment before replacing it on the cradle.

      “So?” Jen sounded like an overeager reporter.

      “Vangie Rae.” Lorie rolled her eyes. “Why didn’t you warn me?”

      Jen straightened the free bookmark dump. “I didn’t know you knew the Sutherlands.”

      “I’ve only met the sheriff in passing, but I had several classes with Vangie. Now she’s threatening to set me up with one of the deputies. The last thing I have time for is a romance.” With a lawman, especially.

      Jen clucked her tongue. “Honey, everybody needs love in their life.” Jen started straightening the brochures in the Summer Reading Program display.

      Could her day get any worse? “I didn’t say I didn’t need love. I just don’t need romance.”

      Jen shrugged. “Keep on believing that if you want to. Time to open the doors.” She took the library keys from her pocket and ambled toward the entrance.

      As Lorie got to work, hushed voices discussing the latest offerings on the new-books shelf trickled through the inside return slot. The coiled spring wound around her insides relaxed. At least she was doing one thing right.

      After checking in the returned books and arranging them on their respective shelves, Lorie returned to the office. The impulse to check the door to make certain it was locked almost overwhelmed her, but she squashed it, hoping she and Jen hadn’t already destroyed fingerprint evidence on the handle.

      “Ms. Narramore?”

      Lorie started, turned and collided with a solid mass of muscle in a tan uniform. A crackle of electricity jolted her. Was it that dry in here?

      “Oh, I’m sorry.”

      “Dispatch sent me. Threatening note?” The voice issuing from the strong face was a warm baritone.

      Lorie met his incredibly blue eyes, shaded by a fawn Stetson. Whew. Okay. Calm down. This is the investigating officer. Without meaning to, she checked his left ring finger. Bare. It’s none of your business. He’s the law.

      Lorie cleared her throat. “Yes. It’s right here, Deputy—” she glanced at his name tag “—MacGregor.” Oh, my. Was this the MacGregor boy who’d been the top defensive linebacker for the Daingerville Diamondbacks when she was a lowly freshman? Glancing again at his face confirmed her suspicion. This had to be either Matt or one of his equally handsome brothers.

      As Lorie started to insert the key into the lock, the door swung open of its own accord.


      “Don’t touch it.” Deputy MacGregor drew his sidearm and clicked off the safety as he motioned her away.

      Lorie’s heart threatened to stop. They had locked the door...hadn’t they?

      “Hands up in there. Sheriff’s department.” Deputy MacGregor kicked open the office door and scanned the room for intruders.

      It was empty.

      He glanced over his shoulder at Lorie. “Is there another exit?”

      “Just the window in the bathroom, but it’s a little small.... Although they assured me it does