Our First Kiss. Judy Hubbard Lynn. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Judy Hubbard Lynn
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Современные любовные романы
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781472013248
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his words.

      “Oh, you!” Natasha tapped his chest lightly in admonishment.

      “They never know what they want,” Lincoln agreed as the men levitated toward each other.

      “And they drag you around from store to store for hours and hours and then finally decide on something they saw at the first store you were in,” Michael chimed in.

      “I don’t know why we don’t leave you at home. You’re always fretting about how much money we spend.” Linda added her thoughts as the women, except for Natasha and Marcy, congregated together glaring at their respective man.

      “Aren’t they just?” Margaret agreed, smiling tolerantly at her husband, Michael. “But if the present is for them, no amount of time is too great and the sky is the limit on how much we spend.”

      “Amen,” Nicole agreed, and Natasha shook her head.

      “Boy, did I open a can of worms,” Marcy whispered to Nathan, whom she noted still stood by her side.

      “Are you kidding?” Nathan chuckled. “They’re having a blast.”

      Marcy glanced at everyone as they engaged in heated, though pleasant, banter about the subject and laughed in agreement. They were thankfully saved from further escalation of the tiny gender war brewing when dinner was wheeled in. As everyone took their seats at the rectangular table, Marcy was dismayed to find herself sitting by her brother a table’s length away from Nathan. Who had made these ridiculous seating arrangements?

      Nicole, who was sitting by her brother, glanced at Marcy’s sunken expression and sprang into action, “Look at us—Johnsons at one end and Carters at the other. We need to break this up.”

      “You’re right, Nicole,” Marcy agreed, trying not to burst into a radiant smile.

      “Marcy, you take my seat by Nathan, and I’ll take yours by Damien.”

      Marcy quickly stood and gave Nicole a wink as they passed each other. Nicole mouthed, “Don’t mention it.”

      Once she was seated, Nicole continued to rearrange people. “Momma, you should sit by Mr. Johnson down here. Mrs. Johnson, why don’t you go up and sit by Dad.”

      Nicole received tolerant smiles as people followed her directions. Her mother’s eyes held understanding and approval at her youngest daughter’s actions. Nicole continued to survey the table with a slight determined frown.

      “Now, that’s better. Isn’t it?” Nicole asked and was pleased when everyone agreed—except a frowning Nathan she noted with a smile.

      “I am glad you didn’t move me to the opposite end away from my fiancé.” Natasha laughed at her sister.

      “Please, I would need an army to do that,” Nicole said and chuckled.

      “You’re so right.” Damien pulled Natasha closer and kissed her lips.

      “Save some of that for the honeymoon,” Michael suggested with a laugh.

      “Oh, I think we’ll manage just fine.” Damien had Natasha’s cheeks reddening,

      “Damien!” Natasha scolded and he laughingly kissed her again.

      “She doesn’t know what to do with me,” he informed everyone when he lifted his head.

      “We Johnsons can be incorrigible,” Marcy replied, staring at Nathan, who refused to glance her way.

      “A trait you both inherited from your father,” Margaret assured, and the occupants of the room dissolved in laughter again.

      “Are you planning on ignoring me all night, Nathan?” As the happy banter around the table continued, Marcy turned amused eyes to his annoyed ones.

      “I was debating it,” he tightly replied.

      “I had nothing to do with rearranging everyone. That was your sister’s idea,” she reminded.

      “Mmm-hmm.” His tone stated he didn’t believe she was as innocent as she professed to be. He glanced down the table, meeting his sister’s dancing eyes. He had plans to pay her back later. Not that he really minded sitting next to Marcy, but he was trying to do the right thing and stay away from her—for her sake and his.

      “Look at it this way. You can use this time to sample some more of my perfume,” she offered, moving closer.

      He inwardly groaned. That was the last thing he needed. He studied her beautiful face, and his dark mood intensified as she obviously fought to hide a smile.

      “Yippee.” He nearly growled the word.

      “A toast to Natasha and Damien.” Michael stood with a glass raised. “Two pieces of the puzzle of love who fit perfectly together. May they share a long happy life filled with love and hopefully soon the pitter-patter of little feet.”

      “Cheers.” Everyone agreed and raised their glasses.

      “We’ll see what we can do about your first grandchild, Dad,” Damien promised as he and Natasha unlinked their wrists and lowered their glasses—eyes twinkling because of their shared secret about Natasha’s condition.

      “Wouldn’t it be nice if we all gathered together soon to celebrate another union of our children?” Margaret candidly suggested.

      “That would be lovely, Margaret.” Linda followed the direction of her eyes.

      “You never know what could happen.” Marcy chuckled as she glanced at Nathan’s slightly uncomfortable, tense features before smiling brilliantly at their mothers.

      “I’ll start designing your wedding dress,” Nicole teased.

      “And Linda and I can begin on the guest list and the menu,” Margaret excitedly began.

      “Hey, wait a minute!” Nathan indignantly interrupted, and everyone laughed heartily—everyone except Damien.

      Marcy met her brother’s narrowed eyes and gave him a wink. He was going to have trouble sharing her, but she would help him through the rough spots. He and Nathan would hit it off; she was determined about that.

      “Linda, I’ll call you tomorrow,” Margaret promised.

      “Please do.” Linda smiled down the table at her.

      Lincoln and Michael shook their heads at each other across the table as their wives made the union of Marcy and Nathan their new project. They picked up their glasses in a silent, resigned toast to their respective spouses.

      * * *

      “What do you think they are talking about so intensely?” Nicole asked as she stood with Marcy and Natasha watching Nathan and Damien from across the room.

      “Me, of course.” Marcy smiled. “Dami is playing big brother, reading Nathan the riot act.”

      “I’ll go over and put a stop to this,” Natasha promised, but Marcy touched her arm halting her.

      “It’s okay, Natasha. Let Dami assert himself. He will, anyway.” She chuckled in resignation. “Better now when I can keep an eye on him. Besides, it is rather sweet, don’t you think?” She stared lovingly at her brother’s intense face.

      “I do,” Nicole agreed. “Poor Nathan. He doesn’t know what to do about any of this,” she sympathized, eyes settling on her brother as he took a gulp of his drink.

      “He’ll figure it out. I guarantee that,” Marcy confidently replied.

      Natasha frowned as she glanced across at her brother. He didn’t seem upset as he listened to Damien. That was good. Damien glanced at her, and she shook her head at him in exasperation. He blew her a kiss before returning his attention to Nathan.

      “I do wish Dami would stop monopolizing Nathan’s time.” Marcy sighed. “I need to make my next move.”
