Our First Kiss. Judy Hubbard Lynn. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Judy Hubbard Lynn
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Современные любовные романы
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781472013248
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glanced back at her trying to decide what he should do and what he wanted to do next—his head won out over want, and he determinedly opened the door and left. If he touched her again, he would be lost.

      When her limbs would finally obey her commands, Marcy slowly retraced her steps and fell across the sofa. She let out her breath with a long, unsteady sigh. Gingerly, fingers touched her lips, and starry eyes closed as she remembered the feel of Nathan’s lips, body and his heart beating so close to hers.

      She’d had a few crushes in her day but nothing close to what she felt for Nathan. She felt alive with him; he did things to her mind and spirit that she had never experienced before. They hadn’t known each other long, but he was the one; she knew it. Now her goal was to make him realize she was the one for him.

      Chapter 3

      The next night, Marcy and Nathan sat in the private dining room at one of the most expensive restaurants in town. Fresh roses of every imaginable color were scattered throughout the room in one arrangement or another. A bouquet of red ones sat beside her plate on the table. Soft, romantic music was being piped into the room, and the light was dim. The flames of candles danced in the table centerpieces.

      She silently admitted that when he took charge, he took charge well. She had dressed as instructed in an elegant gold sequined floor-length gown with a slit up one side to her midthigh. The halter top left her back, shoulders and arms bare. Her hair was left down, cascading over her shoulders to her back in soft curls. The body of the gown fit her like a glove, accentuating her female curves in all the right places. Nathan wore a black designer suit that hung on him as if it had been especially made for him.

      The evening passed in a perfectly wonderful blur. All she was certain of was that she was having a wonderful time with a secretive and oh-so-alluring man whose company she craved.

      “How am I doing?” he asked as they finished their dinner.

      “Excellently,” she vowed.

      “Dance with me,” he commanded, taking her hand and pulling her up into his arms.

      “Mmm, beyond compare.” She amended her previous statement as she rested her head on his sturdy shoulder, and her fingers entwined with his.

      “I’m glad you approve,” he whispered against her ear.

      She felt and heard him inhale her fragrance, and a smile curved her lips as the hand on her waist pulled her closer still. He ran his mouth softly up and down the crook of her neck, creating shivers of anticipation within her.

      “I definitely approve,” she whispered.

      “You have beautiful hair.” Raising his head, he slowly ran fingers through its length from root to tip several times.

      “You have my mother to thank for that.”

      “How so?”

      “She refused to let anything touch my hair that wasn’t natural, which meant no chemicals at all.” She paused and laughed impishly. “That is until I took it upon myself to perm it.”

      He smiled and asked, “What did your mother do?”

      “Let’s just say Daddy and Dami had to protect me for a few weeks.” She chuckled at the memory.

      “How old were you?”


      “A mere baby who couldn’t possibly make such a decision,” Nathan teased.

      “Mom will always think of me as her little girl.” Marcy sighed in angst, and they shared a comfortable laugh.

      “Well, remind me to thank your mother next time I see her.”

      “Mmm,” she said and sighed. “I will.” She moved a little closer to him. “You can thank me, too. Right now.”

      She wanted him to kiss her, and she wasn’t disappointed as his mouth swooped down and seduced hers. He lingered over the kiss, savoring her different tastes and textures. She met the probing inquisitiveness of his lips, content just to have him go on kissing her; however, when his hot tongue darted into her mouth in a search for hers, she wanted nothing more than a molten combination of their bodies and hearts.

      The kiss changed from gentle to hungry as he set out to plunder and destroy. Never before had a woman nearly caused him to take her on the spot with just a kiss, but he was close to doing just that with Marcy; every time he touched her, he lost his grip on sanity. His hands ran up her silky bare back, molding her, pressing her closer to his rock-hard length.

      How had he ended up kissing her? He didn’t remember. His moves had been instinctive, automatic—as was his hunger for her; it was a hunger so intense that it nearly made him pull her to the floor, strip away their clothes and fuse his body with hers. What was she doing to him? What would she do if he didn’t continue to fight her and himself?

      “We could go back to my place,” she achingly suggested as he slowly released her lips.

      “Will you let me be the man?” He groaned, nibbling at her mouth, forgetting his resolve to push her away.

      Despite the desire racing through her, she laughed at his tone, which quickly turned to a moan at his actions.

      “Honey, you’re definitely a man.” To prove her point, she pressed tighter against him.

      He whispered, “You’re killing me.”

      “I’m sorry,” she shakily apologized, running her lips along his strong jaw.

      “No, you’re not,” he accused with a smile.

      She batted her eyes innocently. “I am, truly.”

      His heart thudded against his chest, beating frantically in concert with hers. One hand ran down her back to her hip, anchoring her lower body against his.

      “I’ve never met a woman like you.” He marveled while his other hand threaded through her thick locks, pulling her head back.

      “And you never will again,” she promised, and he silently concurred.

      “God, I love your hair.”

      His hand fisted in the silky tresses as he imagined it sliding across his stomach while her lips and tongue caressed him. He grew harder as the welcomed image assailed his overheated senses.

      “I’ve thought about cutting it,” she admitted on a sigh, her hands resting on his broad shoulders.

      “Don’t. Don’t ever,” he ordered, finally pulling her lips back to his.

      “I won’t,” she promised into his mouth.

      For several long minutes, she was in heaven. For a few agonizing seconds, he surrendered. His mouth demanded nothing less than complete capitulation from hers, which she was happy to give for a few seconds before aggressively participating in their heated, carnal duel of lips and tongues.

      “You are so beautiful,” he nearly growled as he forced his mouth away from hers.

      “And you’re very handsome,” she reciprocated, partially opening her dazed eyes to gaze at him.

      “You’re a hard woman to resist,” he reluctantly admitted as he sampled those sweet lips of hers once again for a few long moments.

      “Stop trying,” she softly suggested. “Are you going to take me home?”

      “Yes,” he readily agreed, slowly releasing her.

      He was damning his soul to hell, but so be it. He held out his hand to her; she gladly took it, and they walked out.

      * * *

      Thank the Lord for the ride home in the car. It afforded him time to come to his senses, cleared his head and stopped him from making a monumental mistake. Marcy was special, and she deserved a hell of a lot better than he was able to give her. He had promised himself and