Her Heart's Desire. Lisa Watson. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Lisa Watson
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Современные любовные романы
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781472071798
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choked on whatever she was drinking. “You aren’t? How are you getting out of it?”

      “I don’t know, but I’ll think of something.”

      “Good, then you can come over Saturday for movie night with me and Adrian.”

      “Thanks for the invite, but I think I’ll pass. You guys have fun. I’ve got to call Jeannie now and get it over with.”

      “Good luck.”

      “Thanks.” She hung up, then dialed Norma Jean. She hoped to get voice mail, but no such luck.

      “Hi, Ms. Jeannie. How are you?”

      “Just fine, honey. Trying to keep my husband from cheating in Scrabble. I’ve got to challenge every word he puts down. Get the dictionary, Cliff,” Norma Jean said distractedly. “No, moarting is not a word.”

      “Um, the reason I called is that I...I can’t make the date this Saturday,” Tiffany said quickly. “I wasn’t paying attention when you mentioned it, and I’ve got plans.”

      “Oh. Poor Gardiniér. He’ll be disappointed.”

      “I’m sorry, Ms. Jeannie. Thanks again for understanding,” Tiffany said.

      “Oh, sure dear. I’ll call him just as soon as Cliff and I finish our game, which won’t be long. Why I let him talk me into this bootleg game is anybody’s guess. Good night, honey, I’ll talk to you later.”

      She hung up. “Well, that’s one Gardiniér who won’t be landscaping my rosebush.”

      Chapter 6

      “You know, when I came to celebrate, this wasn’t what I had in mind.” Ivan handed his grandmother her ice cream, and then parked his SUV alongside the ice-cream parlor.

      “Hey, I’m sick of sitting around watching television all day,” Cecile Mangum replied. “It’s my birthday. I wanted a change of scenery, and you’re the only one of us with a driver’s license. I really appreciate you taking me to my favorite ice-cream parlor, honey. Of course, if you prefer that I take the wheel I...”

      “Oh, no, you don’t, Speed Racer. I can manage.”

      Ivan’s grandmother snorted. “I go through one little red light, and the whole community is up in arms.”

      “GiGi, you almost caused a four-car pileup behind you. Not to mention the couple on the park bench.”

      “Hey, they moved, didn’t they?”

      “Luckily for you, they were still able to,” Ivan pointed out. “Not everyone that old is that limber.”

      “Presumably that’s why you’re here. I do appreciate the visit,” she replied.

      Ivan reached over and squeezed her heavily veined hand. “It’s my pleasure.”

      “I love my gift. How’d you know I like owls?”

      “I didn’t.” His thoughts drifted to Tiffany. “I had some help trying to find something nearly as wise as you.”

      “Scoundrel.” She chuckled. “And where’s that other rascal?”

      “Cole had to work late. He’ll see you tomorrow.”

      “Work indeed.” She took a spoonful of her chocolate sundae. “My grandson is probably out chasing skirts. Mangum men have always been charmers. You know, when your granddaddy was alive, he could charm me right out of my—”

      Ivan quickly put up a hand to stop her. He took a healthy sip of his milk shake.

      “Saints preserve me. You aren’t sitting next to the Virgin Mary, you know. It ain’t over till it’s over.”

      Ivan looked decidedly uncomfortable. “Next subject, please?”

      “Fine. If you don’t want to talk about my love life, how about yours?”

      “There’s nothing to tell, GiGi. I’m not seeing anyone.”

      “Hmm...I hear a restless note in your voice, honey. You need to make time for romance, and don’t give me that gibberish about work.”

      “It’s not gibberish. I’m proud of what I do.”

      “Yes, but can work get you a date?”

      “I have a policy about not fraternizing with my employees...in that capacity.”

      “Bah. Do you have a policy for everything? How boring is that? Ivan, work doesn’t keep you warm at night, or fill you with a burning desire to—”

      “I get it,” he interrupted again.

      “My body is old, sweetheart, not the mind. You need to find a woman who can make you happy...make your soul smile. That’s the kind of connection I had with your grandfather. It’s rare enough to find without you purposefully overlooking it.”

      That made Ivan smile. He leaned over and kissed his grandmother’s cheek. “Who says I’ve overlooked it? What makes you think I’d bring every girl I date here?”

      Cecile did a double take. “Every? Hell, how about any?”

      Ivan stayed another few minutes, sparring with his grandmother before escorting her back to the assisted-living facility. On the drive home, he pondered her words. Some of her advice was spot-on. Ivan was stuck in a rut, and he needed to shake things up.

      When it came to relationships, the challenge had been maintaining them. When he loved, he was all in. There was no in-between. Debra was the last woman he’d given his heart to, and she had handed it back with artillery shells in it. It hadn’t been loaned out since. There’d been women, but it was strictly physical, or as his grandmother put it, to get his ice-cream cone dipped once in a while. She was incorrigible. Cecile Mangum was a virtuoso at human nature, and seeing someone’s true colors. If Ivan could’ve done that half as well, he’d have saved himself a lot of heartache.

      Debra’s deception had cut deep, but it was history. Ivan had survived. Now a new woman had caught his eye and breathed life back into him. She was exciting and beautiful.

      Yes, definitely time to move on.

      * * *

      Tiffany spotted Ivan walk in. “Damn, you’re good! I love it,” she said excitedly.

      “That’s good to hear,” he replied.

      The Petite Boutique was not officially open, so they were alone.

      “No, really. I love hearing the chime when the door opens. To know I’ve got 24/7 monitoring gives me a sense of security, and the surveillance feature...wow,” she exclaimed. “That I can be home and use my laptop to see the inside of my store blows my mind.”

      It was hard not to get caught up in her excitement. Her eyes sparkled with it. Ivan was unable to keep from grinning, either. “Then I’ve done my job. I promised you Mission: Impossible, but on a budget,” he teased.

      Ivan showed Tiffany more features and set up her surveillance program on her laptop. He helped her through the tutorial, as well as pointed out additional upgrades she could get later.

      “Thank you for doing all this for me, Ivan.”

      “It’s been my pleasure, Tiffany.”

      Her associate, Celeste, walked through the door. When it chimed, the two shared a smile.

      She walked him out. “So what’s next for you?”

      “Jeannie asked me to conduct another senior safety class.”

      “That sounds like fun.”

      Suddenly, Ivan’s expression turned mischievous. “Great. I need an assistant.”

      She stopped smiling.