Her Heart's Desire. Lisa Watson. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Lisa Watson
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Современные любовные романы
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781472071798
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time ago.”

      “So you’re saying you can’t do it?”

      There was a hint of challenge in his voice that ruffled Tiffany’s competitive side. She nodded before her cautious side could catch up. “I’ll do it. When is it?”

      “Tonight. The name of the class will be on the door. If there’s a change, I’ll call you.”

      “I don’t know, Ivan, I—”

      Without warning, he held a finger up to her lips to silence her. She stilled.


      “Hmm?” She mumbled around his hand.

      “Say yes.”

      He moved his finger from her lips, but remained in close proximity.

      “Yes,” she heard herself whisper.

      The air crackled with tension. Unable to help herself, she gravitated toward him. They stood there for infinite moments staring at each other until a horn broke the spell.

      Ivan backed up. “I’ll see you tonight at five. I’ll text you the address. Traffic may be rough, so give yourself extra time to get there. Bye, Tiffany.”

      Without another word, Ivan was gone, leaving her standing on the sidewalk in front of her store with a baffled expression on her face. She raised a hand up to her mouth. His hold over her in that moment was complete and all-consuming.

      When she regained her wits, Tiffany was mortified. The worst realization was that she had wanted a kiss to happen, more than she wanted to take her next breath.

      Tiffany gazed after him until his Range Rover was out of sight. Ivan’s lips and everything else on him are off-limits. She vowed to repeat the sentence like a litany for the rest of the day in hopes of remembering that he was already taken, and to stop her heart, mind and soul from pining for a man she could never have.

      * * *

      Hours later, Tiffany arrived home worn-out, and no closer to not thinking about Ivan Mangum than before. After showering and putting on workout clothes, she surveyed herself in the mirror. Tiffany was nervous. Attending an exercise class was one thing, but being up there with the instructor was completely different. Especially when the instructor was Ivan.

      “You can do this,” she said to her reflection.

      Ivan had thrown down a challenge, and she planned to show him she could deliver. Their encounter outside of her store came to mind. Feeling his finger on her lips was flat-out shocking...and sensuous! Thank goodness he’d left before she’d voiced the desire to kiss him. She checked the clock, then grabbed her gym bag and headed out the door.

      The community center was located in Washington Park on the South Side of Chicago. Tiffany parked and strolled into the building. She had a few minutes to spare, so she unpacked a yoga mat and warmed up. She was on her last rep of stretches when Ivan walked in.


      “Hey,” she responded. Tiffany rolled up her mat. “I was warming up.”

      “Good. Our class should start in a few minutes.”

      Ivan dropped his bag in a corner and strode over. “I’m glad you made it.”

      “Of course—especially since you practically made me. Something you picked up in the military, huh, Yoda?”

      He burst out laughing. “Well, apparently it worked. You’re here, and I’m grateful,” he said quietly.

      Tiffany tried not to fall under his spell a second time. It was hard when he was looking at her with that same intense look as earlier. When you almost kissed him.

      She tried to dismiss it, but it was hard to let go. The fact that he was wearing more physique-enhancing active wear didn’t help.

      “So what’s on the agenda?” she asked, trying to ignore his effect on her.

      “I’d like to cover some basic moves our group can learn to ward off would-be attackers. If they’re approached by someone bent on doing them harm, they can’t outrun their assailant. They’ll need to stand their ground. That won’t be expected by most purse snatchers. They’ll be expecting the flight-or-fight mechanism to kick in and will use it to their advantage to overpower the elderly person and take what they want.”

      “Or worse, do them bodily harm.”

      “Exactly. I’ll touch on situational awareness, too. Knowing what’s going on around them can decrease the chances of being approached by someone waiting to strike. We’ll cover the basics, but most importantly, we’re going to have some fun and get some exercise.”

      “You got it, Coach Mangum,” Tiffany said. “I’m ready.”

      * * *

      Ivan’s class lasted an hour. He started with an informational session about himself and his background. Tiffany learned that he’d traveled many places, had trained with military personnel in over six countries, was fluent in several languages, an expert marksman, and studied mixed martial arts for the past few years.

      In addition to being a lethal weapon, he was all business when it came to teaching the elderly how to protect themselves. She assisted him by demonstrating how to render an attacker senseless with a few well-placed Cane-Fu moves using their canes as a weapon.

      Next, Ivan showed them palms to the nose, kicks to the groin, gouges to the eye and punches to the trachea. Ivan used Tiffany as the aggressor to show the class how to protect against a side-arm grab and a two-handed collar grab. Afterward, he checked people’s posture to ensure they were doing the moves effectively and without injury.

      The hour flew by for Tiffany. She was actually disappointed when it came to an end. Quite a few people praised her efforts.

      “I hope you’ll be coming back, little lady,” one man said.

      “I’ll be here whenever Coach Mangum needs me,” she promised.

      When the last of the students had left, Ivan came up to her.

      “I thought that went well.”

      “Well is an understatement,” she said. “Ivan, what you did for the class was inspiring. You could see their self-confidence growing as they learned and practiced each move. It’s a great feeling to be able to help someone overcome their fears and to give them the knowledge they need to allow them to feel empowered, to know that they have it within themselves to fight back if the situation arises.”

      “Exactly,” he said eagerly. “The most important thing is getting the time needed to get away safely, or to render the bad guy incapacitated so they can get help.”

      “You did a wonderful thing.”

      He grinned down at her. “We did a wonderful thing. You were great.”

      Tiffany couldn’t help the warmth that crept up her cheeks. “It was easy. You’re good at this. People can’t help but feel safer when you’re around.”

      “Speaking of safe, how’s the security system working for you?”

      “It’s been great, and I feel much safer now. Taking your class helped, too. I’ve learned a lot of ways to protect myself. Especially escaping a bear-hug hold.”

      “Remember, the key to the bear-hug breakaway is to hook your foot around your attacker’s leg. Then both your hands go immediately to his, and then grab a finger or thumb and pull away from the body to break the hold.”

      Before Tiffany could reply, Ivan dipped behind her and grabbed her waist. She immediately hooked one leg around his, and then planted her other foot. Tiffany put her hands on his arms, pushed down and then grabbed his thumb. She pushed it back.

      “Good, now follow up with kicks to the groin and solar plexus, or elbows to the neck and face.”
