Seduced by the CEO. Pamela Yaye. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Pamela Yaye
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Современные любовные романы
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781472071897
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She longed to have someone special in her life, a man who would love her unconditionally. As she glanced around the room and saw all the starry-eyed couples toasting with wine flutes held high, she felt a stab of envy. Am I ever going to meet Mr. Right? Or am I destined to spend my nights alone with no one to keep me company but my daughter and my girlfriends?

      Her thoughts turned to her parents, but instead of pushing her memories aside, she dialed their home number. As usual, the answering machine clicked on, and when it did, she took a deep breath and mustered all the cheer she had inside her. “Hi, Mom, and Dad, it’s me, Jariah. I was just thinking about you, and wanted you to know that Ava and I miss you very much. We’d love to hear from you, so please give us a call. Bye.”

      Jariah pressed the end button on her phone and dropped it back into her purse.

      “Can I interest you in another pineapple martini?”

      “No, just the bill, thank you.”

      The waiter’s eyes were wide with alarm, but he nodded and scurried off. He was back seconds later with the hostess in tow, fidgeting nervously with his hands.

      “I just got off the phone with Mr. Morretti, and he asked me to apologize on his behalf,” the hostess said, her tone contrite. “Can I get you another beverage while you wait?”

      “No, thank you. I’d like the bill.”

      “The bill?” she repeated. “But Mr. Morretti is on his way.”

      “That’s all fine and well, but he’s already wasted enough of my time tonight.” Jariah checked her watch, saw that it was eight-thirty, and stood to her feet. Cuddling in bed, reading with her daughter was the highlight of her day, and if she hurried she could still make it home in time to put Ava to bed. “The check, please.”

      “It’s on the house.”

      “On the house?” Jariah frowned, confused by the hostess’s words. “Why?”

      “Because you’re a personal guest of the owner.”

      Oh, of course. I bet all of his female guests eat for free.

      “Thank you. Good night.” Jariah tucked her black clutch bag under her arm. Walking through the lounge, she noted that every table was filled and that patrons were smiling, chatting and laughing. The waiting area was jam-packed, and as she strode past the aquarium, several men wearing wedding bands winked at her. Jariah rolled her eyes and kept on moving. Getting involved with a married man was asking for trouble, and Jariah avoided drama at all costs.

      The evening air was thick and held the scent of rain. Where had the summer gone? Jariah wondered, striding through the restaurant parking lot. In a few short weeks, Ava would be back in school, and she’d be...

      Jariah shuddered to think what she’d do if she still didn’t have a job. Her car needed repairs, and Ava needed back-to-school clothes and supplies. If she didn’t land an accounting position soon she’d have to stop doing all the things she loved—like taking Ava to the amusement park, sponsoring children in need and going for cocktails with her girlfriends.

      “Jariah, wait up!”

      Searching the parking lot for the face that matched that deep, husky voice, she slowed her pace and narrowed her eyes. And when her gaze landed on Nicco Morretti— looking all kinds of sexy in his fitted blue shirt and jeans, her feet froze to the ground.

      Standing there with her heart pounding and her limbs shaking, Jariah decided that it should be a crime for a man to be that good-looking. A sin, actually, because all the thoughts that flooded her brain involved handcuffs, a blindfold and whip cream. The restaurateur oozed an intoxicating blend of masculinity and sensuality, and he moved like a tiger prowling the jungle.

      “Good evening, Jariah. It’s great to see you again.”

      Nicco stopped, just inches away from her face, and when Jariah got a whiff of his cologne her heart murmured inside her chest. The sexy CEO made her hyperventilate—his gaze was so powerful she felt vulnerable and exposed. Jariah hated the effect Nicco Morretti had on her, and wondered how she could be attracted to a guy who’d hit on anything with a pulse.

      “I’m sorry I’m late.” His voice was low, and he appeared apologetic. “Something important came up as I was leaving the office, and I couldn’t get away.”

      Jariah didn’t believe his story, not for a second, but she didn’t question him. Why bother? He’d only lie, and besides, it didn’t matter why he was late because she was leaving. Remembering their earlier conversation gave Jariah pause. She forced a sympathetic smile. “What did you want to discuss?”

      “Not out here. Let’s head back inside Dolce Vita.”

      “I was just leaving.”

      He cocked his head to the right. “I see that.”

      Jariah detected a hint of anger in his voice, and wondered what that was all about. If anyone should be upset it should be me. You’re thirty minutes late! Confused by his reaction, she looked at him inquiringly.

      “I invited you here so we could have a bite, and maybe get something—”

      “I’m not hungry,” she interrupted, annoyed by his blasé attitude. “I lost my appetite about thirty minutes ago.”

      “Then let me buy you a drink.”

      The feel of his hand along her bare shoulder weakened her resolve.

      “I feel terrible for showing up late, but something came up that required my immediate attention,” he explained. “I got here as soon as I could.”

      His explanation sounded plausible, reasonable even, but Jariah wasn’t moved. Unsure of what to do, she vacillated between going home to her daughter and taking Nicco Morretti up on his offer. This isn’t a date, she told herself, pushing her reservations to the back of her mind. It’s a business meeting and nothing more. I don’t even like the guy. But her tingling, inflamed body suggested otherwise. Her heartbeat roared in her ears, invisible beads of perspiration dotted her forehead and her sleeveless blouse stuck to her skin.

      “Come back inside. I promise to make it worth your while.”

      To Jariah’s utter disbelief and amazement, the word “yes” flew out of her mouth.

      “Right this way.” Nicco gestured to the restaurant with one hand and placed the other on the small of her back. “You look incredible tonight. Even more beautiful than I remember.”

      I do? The tips of her ears tingled, and her cheeks flushed with embarrassment. Commanding her legs to move and her hands to quit shaking, Jariah tried not to notice how dreamy Nicco Morretti looked or how delicious he smelled. Even though she was attracted to him, Jariah was determined not to be his next victim.

      Tell that to your hot, lust-inflected body! her inner voice jeered. You want Nicco Morretti so bad you can’t even walk straight!

      Nicco was having a hell of a time concentrating, and not just because Jariah Brooks was sitting across from him in his favorite corner booth at Dolce Vita looking like a million bucks. He found her worldly, sophisticated vibe appealing, and although the restaurant was loud and busy, he was having a kick-ass time in her company.

      Boisterous conversation filled the restaurant, and all of the young, stylish diners were drinking, dancing and snapping pictures with their cell phones. From his seat, he had a bird’s eye view of the lounge, and chuckled to himself when he spotted his head chef walking around greeting regulars, shaking hands and admonishing the tuxedo-clad waiters.

      Like last night, the star power was definitely in abundance at Dolce Vita but to his surprise Jariah didn’t get flustered or giddy when his celebrity friends dropped by their booth. She shook hands with each new arrival, but she seemed far more interested in her meal than chatting up A-list stars.