Seduced by the CEO. Pamela Yaye. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Pamela Yaye
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Современные любовные романы
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781472071897
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a notch. “My older brother and I oversee the day-to-day operations of Morretti Incorporated, but my real passion is the restaurant business. I love acquiring struggling establishments and turning them around, and I need someone with passion and conviction to help me.”

      The waiter arrived, refilled their wineglasses and cleared the table of their dinner plates. He departed seconds later, but Nicco didn’t speak. He thought of telling a joke to lighten the mood, but decided against it when he saw her sneak a glance at her silver watch. Jariah looked bored, wouldn’t meet his gaze, and the tension hovering above their table was suffocating.

      “I travel considerably for business, and have trips to Los Angeles, Chicago and Washington planned this year. Also,” he paused, to allow sufficient time for his words to sink in, “Morretti Inc. has numerous opportunities for employee advancement, and the next time there’s a vacancy in the accounting department I would personally recommend you.”

      “Sorry, but I’m still not interested.” Jariah stood, purse in hand, and eyed him coolly. “Thanks for dinner. Good night.”

      Determined to prolong their time together, Nicco slid out of the booth and boldly stepped in front of her, getting so close he could smell her strawberry-flavored lip gloss. “Let’s discuss the position further over a round of drinks,” he proposed, gesturing across the room. Every stool at the bar was taken, but he’d find a seat for her. Hell, he’d clear the entire bar if he had to. It was obvious Jariah was disappointed and upset, but Nicco didn’t understand why. She should be jumping up and down for joy, not tapping her foot impatiently on the ground and shooting evil daggers at him. “Hear me out. You won’t be sorry.”

      “I can’t support my daughter on minimum wage.”

      Nicco gave her arm a light squeeze. Her skin was soft, and her spicy, floral perfume aroused his senses. And his erection. “I’d never pay someone with your qualifications seven dollars an hour,” he said honestly. “Your salary would be sixty-thousand dollars, plus benefits, and three weeks paid vacation.”

      Nicco studied her reaction, and tried to surmise what she was thinking. Her face was blank, impossible to read, but he knew she was impressed. Had to be. He was offering her a great job package, and the opportunity to work at a successful, world-renowned company. “Take some time to think it over.”

      “There’s nothing to think about.”

      “I think there is. I spoke to your references this morning, and—”

      Her eyes doubled in size. “You did?”

      “Yes, and your old boss at First National Trust Bank gave you a glowing recommendation,” he said, nodding his head. “He said you were the best accountant he’d ever had, and one of the smartest, too. And now that I know you speak Italian, I’m even more convinced that you’re the right person for the executive assistant position.”

      Too choked up to speak, Jariah stared down at the floor, wishing it would open up and swallow her into the ground. The weight of her disappointment was crushing, so heavy she couldn’t look Nicco in the eye. Convinced she’d landed the account manager’s job, she’d imagined herself signing the contracts at Dolce Vita, and toasting her success over a glass of rose champagne. But it wasn’t to be.

      Could this evening get any worse? What’s he going to do next? Ask me to do his laundry? Jariah shook off her thoughts and her feelings of utter despair. This wouldn’t be the first time a man had ruined her night, and it probably wouldn’t be the last time. Agreeing to meet Nicco was a mistake, and as Jariah blinked back the tears that formed in her eyes, she regretted ever coming to the restaurant to meet with him.

      “Are you sure you can’t join me at the bar for a glass of merlot?”

      Scared her emotions would break free if she spoke, Jariah shook her head and opened her purse in search of her keys.

      “I’ll walk you to your car.”

      “No, thank you. I can manage.”

      Nicco leaned in close and grazed his fingers across her bare shoulder. A thousand volts of electricity rushed through her body. For a moment, Jariah lost herself in the depths of his deep brown eyes. She feared he was going to kiss her right then and there in the middle of the dining room, and didn’t know whether to run or hide.

      Clapping and spirited singing rang out behind her, and just like that, their spell was broken. Turning on her heels, Jariah blew out of the dining room at lightning-fast speed. Anxious to put as much distance as possible between herself and Nicco Morretti, she marched briskly through the restaurant, and out the front doors into the starry, summer night.

      Minutes later, Jariah was sitting inside of her Dodge Plymouth with her face buried in her hands. Her thoughts were on dinner and the time she’d spent getting to know Nicco Morretti. From the moment they’d been seated in the restaurant, he’d been warm and complimentary, and even agreed that she’d nailed her job interview on Monday. But instead of offering her the account manager position, he’d insulted her.

      “What a jerk,” Jariah grumbled, putting on her seat belt. “He must do recreational drugs because his business proposition is the most ludicrous thing I’ve ever heard!

      Jariah jammed the key in the ignition and turned the lock. The engine coughed and sputtered but didn’t start. “Oh, no, not again.” Taking a deep breath, she closed her eyes and counted to ten. Feeling calmer, she tried the key again. And again. On the third try, the engine roared to life, and Jariah sighed in relief.

      As she drove out of the restaurant parking lot, she spotted Nicco Morretti standing in front of Dolce Vita, lighting a cigar. Smoke billowed around him, adding to his mysterious, bad-boy allure. Pretending she didn’t see him, she returned her attention to the road and stepped on the gas pedal. His words played in her mind, wounding her afresh.

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