Take Me in Your Arms. Judy Hubbard Lynn. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Judy Hubbard Lynn
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Современные любовные романы
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781472071996
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they first met a year ago because frankly he hadn’t had the time to devote to wooing her the way she deserved. However, that wasn’t the case anymore. His commitment to Derrick’s senatorial campaign was fulfilled, and his successful law firm was sailing along smoothly, which left him free to cultivate his personal life—and he was itching to see if Angela Brown would be a good fit in said personal life.

      “I...” Angela shook her head as if to clear it and took a step away from him. “It was good seeing you again.” Her voice was breathless and made his skin tingle with excitement.

      “You, too.” He grasped her hand, almost groaning at the feel of her soft skin against his, and brought it to his lips. “I look forward to our next encounter, which will be soon, if I have my way.”

      She tilted her head to the side, studying him as if she was trying to figure out what to do with him. He had a few ideas he would love to share with her. The thought coerced a wicked grin from him.

      “Good night, Cam.” She arched an eyebrow when his grip tightened on her hand before reluctantly releasing it.

      “Good night.” He smiled and watched her walk across the room, then say a few words to Derrick and Alesha before heading for the door. She paused, seemed to wage a silent battle and then turned and stared at him. Everything stopped as their eyes met and held for a few electric seconds that seemed like hours. Then she broke eye contact and walked out of the room, taking the light with her.

      She was like a breath of fresh air, and he had been deprived of oxygen for far too long. His smile widened, and he rubbed a hand across his bald head before scratching his hair-covered chin. What a beautiful, intriguing woman Angela Brown was. He felt more alive than he had in a long time after being in her presence, and he couldn’t wait until he saw her again.

      He felt ridiculously happy and almost giddy from their impromptu meeting, which had him planning his next move. He grinned widely. Oh yeah, it was definitely on.

      * * *

      Cam shifted the gears of his apple-red Corvette as the car ate up the road. His fingers lovingly caressed the leather-covered steering wheel. He adored this car and found himself wishing he was on the open road so that he could really let her go. However, cognizant of the fact that he was traveling through city streets, he reduced his speed to acceptable levels before coming to a halt at a red light.

      He couldn’t wait to get to George Washington University Hospital. There was a gorgeous nurse there with whom he had special business. He grinned as he thought of Angela. She’d be surprised to see him, but he had meant what he said to her a few nights ago—now that the craziness in both their lives had settled down, he had every intention of getting to know her better because he felt alive in her presence, and he was now convinced that she felt the strong attraction between them, too.

      He planned on persuading her to have dinner with him—even if it was just cafeteria food. He had done some checking and knew she was on duty tonight, and unable to suppress the need to see her right now, here he was, prepared to make the ultimate sacrifice and eat hospital food if it meant he could spend some time with her.

      Wow, he really did like her.

      He chuckled as the light turned green and his foot depressed the accelerator. He had barely moved when out of the corner of his left eye, he saw a black blur speeding toward him. Turning his head, his eyes widened as a car barreled through the red light.

      “I’ll be—”

      He tried to maneuver out of the vehicle’s destructive path but was unsuccessful as it collided with his, sideswiping him. He cursed while turning the wheel, trying to right his suddenly out-of-control car.

      The entire accident only took seconds that stretched out like interminable minutes. The sounds of crunching, grinding twisted metal, tires screeching, and exploding glass filled his ears as his car went into a tailspin. He frantically tried to control the spinning vehicle, but despite his best efforts, it hit something hard; the airbag deployed, blocking his vision, and then blackness enveloped him.

      * * *

      Angela Brown walked through the busy halls of George Washington University Hospital toward the emergency room feeling right at home. If there was one place she loved more than the operating room, it was the E.R. with its continuous beehive of activity. She absently ran fingers through her short dark brown, almost black, hair before checking the pockets of her baby-blue scrubs for her watch, which she found and placed on her right wrist. She was on her way to lead the triage team and had no sooner made it into the treatment area when EMS personnel wheeled in a gurney upon which lay an immobile man dressed in an expensive designer suit, whose face was obscured by an oxygen mask.

      “What’s the story?” Angela studied the papers handed to her while the other team members transferred the man to the treatment table.

      “Motor vehicle collision,” one of the EMS workers answered. “Restrained driver. Airbag deployed.”



      “How long has he been unconscious?”

      “A few minutes maybe—since we arrived at the scene. Looks like he hit the steering wheel or the dashboard pretty hard.”

      “So you couldn’t get a history from him.”


      Angela nodded before turning her attention to her staff. “Is Dr. Donnelly on the way?” At the nod from one of the nurses, she said, “Let’s get started on routine labs and exam, Sheila. I’m sure Dr. Donnelly will order a CT head, spine series, chest X-ray and abdominal series.”

      “Will do.”

      Angela helped Sheila remove the patient’s designer suit jacket before she pulled his oxygen mask off and let out a shocked gasp. Cam Stewart! It couldn’t be, but it was. She’d know that handsome face anywhere—especially since it had only been a couple of days since she had last seen him.

      “Angela?” Sheila touched her arm. “Are you all right?”

      “What?” She tore her eyes away from Cam’s unusually impassive face to stare into her friend’s questioning gaze. “Yes, I’m fine.”

      “Do you know him?”


      “Maybe you should let someone else—”

      “No!” The single word was spoken more forcefully than she intended. Taking a deep breath and releasing it, she said, “I’m fine, Sheila.”

      “If you two are involved—”

      “We’re not. He’s the best friend of Alesha’s husband,” Angela further explained, referencing their former coworker.

      “Oh, I see.” Sheila nodded, satisfied with her explanation. “Well, let’s take good care of him, then.”

      “Absolutely,” Angela agreed. She needed to call Alesha and Derrick, but first things first. She snapped back into emergency mode and did her job, saying a silent prayer hoping Cam would be all right.

      * * *

      “Let me take him and put him down, babe.” Alesha’s hand gravitated toward the sleeping two-month-old son nestled in Derrick’s arms.

      “In a minute.” Derrick gazed lovingly at the little boy. “I haven’t seen him all day.”

      Alesha smiled tolerantly. “You are spoiling him.”

      Derrick glanced up and grinned. “Like you’re not.”

      “It doesn’t matter what I do because you’re bad enough for both of us,” Alesha reasoned. “When you’re gone, D.J. just wants to be held and held all day long.”

      “And you’re only too happy to oblige, aren’t you?” He chuckled as she softly touched D.J.’s cheek.

      Before she could answer,