Take Me in Your Arms. Judy Hubbard Lynn. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Judy Hubbard Lynn
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Современные любовные романы
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781472071996
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She waited for him to go on.

      “What I’m thinking is...” He paused, grinned from ear to ear, and pointed to the stage. “It’s your turn.”

      “Oh, no.” Her smile quickly deflated, terror lighting up her eyes. “I don’t think so.”

      “Aw, come on, you can’t come to a karaoke bar and not perform. Besides, you said you liked the place, so prove it.”

      “Cam...” She placed a hand to her suddenly thudding heart and nervously glanced around the packed room. “I’m not going up there in front of all these strangers.” She vigorously shook her head. “No way.”

      “Why not?” He refused to give in. “There’s no pressure. Everyone is here to have fun.”

      “I know, but—”

      “No buts for you, remember?” He touched her hand. “Let loose tonight, Angela—for me.”

      His sexy plea melted her insides, and she found herself weakening. Why was it so important to her not to disappoint him? This man really upset her equilibrium.

      “I don’t have a very good voice.”

      “This isn’t a talent competition,” he chided. “This is just for pure unadulterated fun. When was the last time you let loose and just had fun?” Longer than she cared to admit, she realized.

      “I don’t know what to sing,” she hedged.

      “I’ll choose a song for you.”

      “Cam, I really can’t sing.” She tried again to beg off, but he wasn’t having any of it.

      “Neither can half the people here.” He then offered, “I’ll sing with you.”

      “That’s sweet of you, but I don’t—”

      He squeezed her hand, and she could tell he wasn’t going to take no for an answer. “Come on.”

      She had no choice but to follow as he easily pulled her from her seat and led her to the stage. She stood there trying not to visibly tremble while he chose a song for them. Once back at her side, he took her hand and squeezed her fingers reassuringly.

      She whispered in his ear, “What are we singing?”

      “You’ll see.” He nodded at the teleprompter, where the title of the song appeared: “I Knew You Were Waiting (For Me)” by Aretha Franklin and George Michael. “Remember, this is just for fun, so stop looking so terrified,” he whispered as the music and words started scrolling across the screen.

      Despite his reassurance, at first she was nervous, barely opening her mouth, but soon got into the festive mood because Cam wouldn’t settle for anything else. They flirted with each other as they danced and sang, and Angela soon forgot the crowd. It felt as if she and Cam were the only two people in the room despite the cheering for them.

      She was off-key occasionally, but no one seemed to mind because she and Cam were really into the song and were flirting outrageously with each other. To her surprise, the song ended much too quickly, and they received more cheers and applause when they were done.

      Cam hugged her close and whispered in her ear, “You were great.”

      “Thanks to my excellent partner, I was passable.”

      “Aw shucks, thanks, ma’am.” They laughed giddily as they left the stage.

      His arm remained around her waist while they walked back to their table. He held out her chair, and she gratefully sank into it.

      “That was so much fun,” she said.

      Cam wore a satisfied expression. “I told you it would be.”

      “You were right.” She took a big drink of tea. “I can’t believe I did that.”

      “I can, and you were outstanding.”

      “I don’t know about that.” She laughed at his high praise. “We were good together.”

      “I have the feeling singing isn’t the only thing we’re going to be good at together.” Her breath caught at the roguish glint in his eyes. “I can’t wait to share other experiences with you, babe—more private performances, so to speak.”

      “Cam, stop it.” She was suddenly hot all over, and not due to the physical exertion she had just undergone, but rather, to the burning heat of Cam’s gaze directed solely at her.

      “Stop what?” He reached across the table and covered her hand with his. “I’m just stating the truth.”

      She shook her head at him. “Has anyone ever told you you’re incorrigible?”

      “My mom,” he said with another one of his signature grins. “But I thought women liked bad boys.” His thumb rubbed back and forth across the sensitive flesh of her inner wrist, sending delicious shivers of awareness through her.

      “Some do, but most of us prefer dependability.”

      “Baby, I’ll be whatever you need me to be.” He stared deeply into her wary eyes and said, “On that you can depend.” Searing heat infused Angela’s body at his easily uttered words and suggestive expression.

      If she hadn’t known it before, she knew now that this man, with his unending supply of charm, was going to be very hard for her to resist. It was going to be harder still for her to remember exactly why she wouldn’t allow herself to become entangled in a romantic relationship with him.

      Staring into his playful eyes sparkling with mischief, she knew she had inadvertently bitten off more than she could chew when she had agreed to go out with him. Oh boy, she was in deep trouble, and its name was Cameron Stewart.

       Chapter 4

      When Cam and Angela arrived back at her house after their date, he insisted on walking her to the door, which she secretly loved. He was a true gentleman—opening doors for her and holding out chairs all night. Chivalry, it seemed, wasn’t dead. That was another mark in his favor, not that he needed one. He just couldn’t be as perfect as he seemed.

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