Beautiful Surrender. Sherelle Green. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Sherelle Green
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Современные любовные романы
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781474032186
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five-foot-three-inch frame. “How about you give me the address to your office and I’ll meet you there on Thursday.”

      His lips curled into a slow smile. “Sounds like a plan. As promised, I’ll order dinner while we work. I’ll stick with Spanish if that’s okay with you.”

      “Spanish is fine,” she replied, moving behind her metal and glass desk. She pulled a business card from the desk holder and jotted down her personal cell number on the back. “If you don’t already have it, here’s my contact information in case anything changes with your schedule.”

      “No, I didn’t have it. Thank you, but I doubt anything will change,” he said with confidence as he took the card from her before slipping his own business card out of his pants pocket. “Here is the address to my Chicago office,” he said, jotting down the information on the back of the card. Just as she’d carefully given her card to him, she was cautious to accept his card without their hands touching.

      “This is the address,” she stated as she read the details he’d written on the back of the card since the front had his Detroit information. “It’s only a few minutes away from here and right down the street from Micah and Shawn’s office.”

      He gave her a small grin before responding. “It’s definitely the right address. I was the one who told Micah and Shawn about the River North vacancy. But I wasn’t aware that the Elite Events office was this close until today.”

      “Then I guess it’s just my luck that you’re so close to my office,” she said sarcastically.

      “Do you ever think about the things you say before you say them?”

      She smiled pretentiously. “Of course I do. Some people just take what I say the wrong way.” Mya was a straight shooter and she’d rather be blunt and honest with people than passive and misleading.

      “If you say so,” Malik said with a slight laugh. “But something tells me you’ve been asked that before.”

      She shrugged her shoulders and pretended to tidy a few unruly papers on her desk. He was right. She had been asked that question before. But she wouldn’t dare tell him that. He already seemed to pick up on more of her personality traits than any man she’d met before.

      She was still fumbling with the papers when she chanced a look in his direction. As she’d predicted, his eyes were still locked on her. But it wasn’t the look in his eyes that was unnerving her at the moment. It was the slow curl of his lips when he caught her attention.

      Oh lord, what is he thinking? Mya wasn’t the type to ever put much effort forth into trying to figure out what a man was thinking. But she also never really cared since for the most part, men were always really easy for her to read.

      In her experience, there were two thoughts that men always had on their mind regardless of the conversation or situation. The most obvious thought was always how soon they could get laid, and the less recognizable thought that was still true of most men, was the process of trying to remember everything about you so they could masturbate later to the vision of having sex with you.

      Both thoughts had been proven true on more than one occasion. Men dreamed of situations with women they knew would never happen in real life. Nevertheless, it didn’t stop some men from trying to pursue the object of their desire any chance they got. She had no doubt that Malik wanted to sleep with her since they had obvious chemistry. She could admit that the thought of sleeping with him had crossed her mind more than once, but Malik wasn’t like most men. He kept his thoughts more guarded. And the reason she assumed they always got caught staring at one another was because neither one of them could ever really tell what the other was thinking.

      Malik was very respectable and while they had only had a couple conversations, it hadn’t felt forced like other men she’d been in contact with. But what annoyed Mya about Malik wasn’t that she put him in the same category as most was the fact that she didn’t.

      That smile, that side smirk that he did all too well, had a lot of meaning behind it. From what she’d observed, Malik was safe. Predictable. Played by the rules. However, when he gave her that smirk, she wasn’t quite sure he was as harmless as she assumed he was.

      Breaking their trance, Malik glanced at his black metal watch and informed her that he had to get going. As he made his way to her office door, Mya stood to see him out, careful not to get too close to him.

      When he reached the door, he slightly glanced over his shoulder, catching Mya off guard. “I look forward to our meeting on Thursday,” he said as he studied her eyes once more, and shut the door.

      As the door closed behind him, Mya placed her hand on her stomach and swished a light breath into the air. She remembered in a business class she had taken in college, her professor had stated that it was beneficial to study the competition and familiarize yourself with their strengths, weaknesses, and their sales and marketing tactics so that you could develop a strategic plan to win over a client or business.

      Mya knew this wasn’t exactly the same situation, but it sure as hell felt like it. Malik was up to something and she knew it had to do with her. She really didn’t have any time to focus on avoiding a man’s advances and a couple months ago, she thought she had succeeded in figuring out the type of man he was. But today had been an eye-opener. Although she had thought she had made herself clear in Anguilla that she had no interest in going out with him, it was obvious that Malik Madden could not be underestimated.

       Chapter 3

      Malik glanced around the small conference room, glad that Mona, his office manager, had cleared out the boxes that had originally been stored in the room.

      “Do you need me to do anything else?” Mona asked.

      “No, that’s all for today,” Malik responded as he opened the blinds to allow sunlight to seep into the room before the sun set.

      “Great,” Mona replied. “I placed an order for the food to arrive around 8:00 p.m. As promised, I’ll leave now, so you can have the office to yourself. Good luck with your meeting.”

      “Thanks, Mona.” The minute Mya had agreed to meet him at his office he had decided that he would release Mona a little early that day. He figured Mya wouldn’t like that they were alone, but he definitely preferred it that way.

      Malik checked the clock on the cream-colored wall before heading back to his office. She should be here soon. He had a feeling she was a stickler for being on time after the speech she had given him the other day about being reliable.

      When he arrived to his office, he glanced around at the decor he had added to the walls. Abstract paintings created by his younger brother Malakai now decorated the once-bland space. He’d also replaced his furniture with more contemporary office furnishings. With the help of Mona, his Chicago office was finally starting to look like a place where he actually spent time.

      The loud sound of the buzzer interrupted his perusal of the office.

      “Madden Incorporated,” Malik said into the speaker.

      “Hi, Malik. It’s Mya.”

      “I’ll buzz you up.” As he pressed the buzzer to let her into his second floor office, he took note of the way she had said his name. He enjoyed listening to the way his name rolled off her tongue, but the way she said it sounded too formal. This might be a professional meeting, but Malik preferred her to sound a little more relaxed.

      At the light ding of the elevator, he opened the door to his office suite just as she was stepping into the hallway. She had worn a similar skirt to when he had seen her a couple days ago, but this one was beige and she wore it with a russet-colored blouse. The colors really brought out the golden highlights in her wavy brown hair that he hadn’t really noticed before.

      “You look great,” he said. She gave him a quick up and down glance before replying, “Thanks, so do you.”