Beautiful Surrender. Sherelle Green. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Sherelle Green
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Современные любовные романы
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781474032186
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      “Damn, bro,” Micah said, slapping Malik’s shoulder. “If you ever decide to actually tell Mya how much you’re interested in her, maybe you should skip talking to her in front of large groups of people or any other public displays of affection.”

      Malik shook his head at his younger brother, never taking his eyes off Mya’s legs. “I’ll keep that in mind,” he said raising an eyebrow at Micah. “She’s really not all that bad.”

      Micah almost spit his drink out across the floor. “Dude, did you just see her berate Shawn’s friend who tried to talk to her?”

      “Yeah, I saw it,” Malik said with a shrug as he took a swig of his Corona.

      “She basically castrated him with those words,” Micah exclaimed. “No female at this wedding will go two feet near him now.”

      “He’s always been a jerk anyway,” Malik replied, finally willing his gaze to move beyond her legs. When he did, he was satisfied to find her checking him out just as thoroughly. She always looked great every time he saw her, but tonight, seeing her in a short turquoise strapless dress was pushing his desire to another limit.

      “Jerk or not, Mya’s tongue is lethal and ever since I got with Lex, I’ve watched her dismiss plenty of guys who have tried to get close to her but failed.”

      Malik turned slightly to the side to regard his brother. “Are you saying you don’t think I could handle a woman like Mya?”

      “That’s exactly what I’m saying, bro,” Micah said with a laugh. “Mya’s really cool to hang out with and she’s beautiful. I even like that she can watch sports with Shawn and I just like one of the guys. But to date her? I think you’d have your hands full.”

      Malik shook off his brother’s warning, knowing it was already too late for him. He’d made up his mind years ago, the first time he saw her at Daman and Imani’s wedding, that he would make her his one day. He’d attended that wedding with his ex, Alicia, and even then, he hadn’t been able to take his eyes off Mya.

      “Besides,” Micah said. “Mya is feisty as hell. And no offense, bro, but you never did do well with spontaneous women like her since you’ just overthink things too much.”

      Malik looked away from Micah. He already knew what he was about to say. While Micah had been playing with the neighborhood kids back when they lived in Little Rock, Arkansas, Malik had been inside studying for advanced placement classes. Although they were close, Malik and Micah were like night and day. But Malik didn’t like being labeled as the boring brother who always followed the rules. Following the rules had certainly helped with his career, but hadn’t worked so well when it came to women and relationships.

      “Oh ye of little faith,” Malik said gripping Micah’s shoulder and brushing off his words. “When will you learn not to underestimate your big brother?”

      Micah shook his head in disbelief. “Don’t say I didn’t warn you.” Malik barely heard Micah’s words as he continued to observe Mya’s blatant appraisal of him. He didn’t understand why their chemistry was so intense, but as it usually went with them, he locked his eyes to her face and waited for her to make direct contact. When she cast her coffee-colored eyes on his deep mahogany ones, he felt the intensity of their connection throughout his entire body.

      He could have stood there and stared at her all night, but she broke the moment, gave him a slight smile, and walked away. Only when she left did Malik let his breath rush from his lips, and then he took a final swig of his beer.

      “But on the other hand,” Micah said. “I never see her look at anyone the way she looks at you. So maybe she’s just waiting for you to make a move.”

      Malik didn’t know if Micah had told him that in hopes that he’d make a fool of himself and prove him right, or if he actually believed what he was saying. Regardless, it didn’t matter because there was no doubt in his mind that he could handle all that Mya was willing to offer and more. Making up his mind, he passed Micah his empty beer bottle and followed after Mya.

      * * *

      The Anguilla beach on a hot March night was truly a beautiful sight. But even the warm wind looping through Mya’s brown curls and the festive reggae music couldn’t ease her mind. Taking off her heels, she stepped off the deck. She then placed her pedicured toes in the white sand and began walking toward the ocean.

      Even in the nighttime, she could see shadows of couples on the beach wrapped up in their own love cocoon. As she stood there, gazing out at the ocean, she welcomed the darkness that hid the sadness written across her face. I’ll just stand like this for a few minutes and then I’ll rejoin the party and put on my best smile, she thought to herself as she closed her eyes. She was determined not to waste any more time on her friend’s special day thinking about the call she wished she hadn’t received. Besides, she was leaving for the airport the next morning to meet with some members of the Chicago community about the current status of two after-school programs that were in danger of closing. She had to make sure that her brain was clear for her meeting.

      “I love the sound of the ocean at night,” she whispered. Her eyes remained closed, but she was well aware that someone else had joined her on the beach and was standing close by. The light scent of Giorgio Armani cologne proved that it was the one person she wished hadn’t followed her to the beach. Not because she was prepared to subject him to the same verbal warning that she had given to the guy who had hit on her earlier, but because she knew he was the one man who made her feel so unlike herself.

      “It really is a beautiful sound.”

      Mya slowly lifted her head and peered over to the man who owned the deep, penetrating voice that caused shivers to run throughout her body.

      “Are you enjoying the wedding?” Malik asked, staring back at her.

      “Of course,” she said with a smile. “It’s everything that Cyd and Shawn wanted.”

      “Think you’ll ever get married one day?” The question he asked would’ve been simple if it had come from any other man, but coming from Malik, it made her pause before responding.

      “Probably not,” she finally replied. “What about you?”

      “Not in the cards for me, either, although my mom is trying to convince me to go out with her friend’s daughter. Micah getting engaged before me is really complicating my life,” he said with a laugh.

      “That’s understandable,” Mya said, joining in his laughter as she remembered the way Cynthia Madden had inquired about her love life when she realized Mya was still single on the day Micah proposed to Lex.

      They stood in comfortable silence for a few minutes before Malik began to speak again. “Listen,” he said stepping a little closer to her. “I have some business to take care of in Chicago next week so after I leave here I won’t be going right back to Detroit.”

      “I’m leaving tomorrow,” Mya replied as she tried to stall the question she knew Malik would ask and averted her eyes back to the ocean.

      “So I was wondering,” Malik continued, staring directly at her and ignoring her attempt to sidetrack him. Even in the darkness, she could feel the intensity in his eyes. “Would you like to go out with me sometime next week?”

      Ugh! Why did he have to ask me out? “Listen,” Mya said as she tried to think about the best way to decline and not come off as rude. “I appreciate the offer, but I have to pass. I can’t go out with you.”

      “Okay,” he said, turning back to the ocean. “May I ask why?”

      I wish you wouldn’t. “I just have a lot going on and I don’t have time to date.”

      She could feel the tension in the air and knew he still had more questions.

      “I understand,” he said, rubbing his hand across the back of his neck. “But one date couldn’t hurt.”