It Must Be Love. Nicki Night. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Nicki Night
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Современные любовные романы
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781474084772
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until some of them found out I was a scholarship student. I wasn’t so attractive when they realized Dad wasn’t paying forty thousand dollars in tuition a year. That was so ridiculous to me.”

      “It was, but that didn’t stop you from being popular. The ladies loved Sterling Bishop! You need to go. Take plenty of business cards and treat it like a networking event.”

      “I guess it would be nice to see a few old friends.” Sterling looked down at the proposal he’d been working on.”

      Stephan slipped the document from under him and flipped it back to the first page. “We’ll get on these first thing Monday morning. Both of us could use the break after the hectic week we’ve had.”

      Sterling rubbed his eyes. “You’re right. The words were starting to blur anyway. My eyes must be tired of reading.”

      Stephan stood. “Have fun. I’ve got a date to get ready for. Let me know how it goes.”

      Sterling looked at his brother sideways. Without asking, he knew Stephan’s date wasn’t with anyone he’d already met. Not even the one he was with last weekend. He would have called her by name.

      “What? A single man can’t enjoy himself?” Stephan held his hands out and snickered before leaving Sterling’s office. Stephan’s question confirmed Sterling’s assumption.

      Sterling replied with a chuckle. “Have fun, brother,” he said to his back. Stephan waved without turning around.

      Sterling had enjoyed several years of frivolous dating before Raven got pregnant with Kylee during their last year of college. That fun stopped when he asked for her hand in marriage. Despite the fact that the union didn’t last, he was cautious about dating and didn’t want to send the wrong message to Kylee by having her witness a plethora of women flowing in and out of his life. Sterling kept his dating low-key. He would only bring someone to meet Kylee if things were really serious. Kylee was the main lady in his life for now.

      Sterling shut down his laptop, reached in his desk drawer and retrieved a handful of cards. Tonight would be about business. SB Tech Solutions had risen to the highest ranks of technology firms because of Stephan and Sterling’s combined intelligence, fervor and savvy. The brothers wielded their smarts and charm around like magic wands. Their work and products spoke volumes and they weren’t slowing down anytime soon.

      Sterling met Stephan in the hallway on his way out and the two turned off the lights throughout the office before heading to the parking lot. Even now with more than thirty employees, they were still the last to leave the office on any given night.

      “Let me know how it goes,” Stephan said as he climbed into his SUV.”

      “Will do!” Sterling eased into his convertible and started the car.

      Unlike Stephan, he didn’t pull off right away. He started the engine, let it purr and turned on the radio while his top rolled back.

      The ride home soothed him. The spring air offered just enough of a cool breeze. Sterling flipped radio stations like most men flipped television channels, taking in a variety of sounds before pulling into his driveway.

      Sterling grabbed the mail from the box just before entering the four-bedroom home he’d purchased for his growing family a few years back. The day he closed was the day he and Raven had broken up. Kylee had been three years old then. Raven hadn’t slept there a single night until after their divorce was finalized and the anger they harbored for one another melted away. Somehow they made their way back to being friends.

      Sterling checked each room on the first floor. A habit he’d developed living alone. He smiled when he opened the door to Kylee’s room. It was a snapshot of the way she’d left it when she visited for spring break. A doll lay facedown on the royal blue carpet. Stuffed animals seemed to want an escape from the hot pink toy trunk. Colorful pillows in varied sizes lined the head of the bed. Her favorite pink comforter hung slightly over the edge and a pair of fluffy slippers rested by the footboard beside a book about a princess. Sterling hadn’t adjusted a thing. In a few more weeks school would end and she’d be back, filling his home with energy that only a child could stir.

      It didn’t take him long to shower and step into a navy blue suit and white shirt. Sterling skipped the tie, opting for a comfortable vibe. He checked his reflection and brushed at the tuft of hair resting on his chin.

      Before heading out for the evening, he called Raven so he could speak with Kylee.

      “Hi Dad-eeeee!”

      “What’s up, sunshine?”

      “I have a school trip tomorrow. We’re going to the museum with the dinosaurs. That’s my favorite. Francesca said they scare her. I told her to just hold my hand. Mommy said she could spend the night this weekend. We’re going to have so much fun.”

      “I’m sure you will.”

      “Can we go to the dinosaur museum there when I come for the summer?”

      “Of course. Now tell me about your day.”

      Kylee went on excitedly chronicling her day from the moment Raven dropped her off at school until the second before he called her for their evening chat. By the time Kylee was done, Sterling knew what she’d eaten for breakfast, lunch, snack and dinner. He found out about the stupid boy who pushed Francesca down in the schoolyard and got in trouble and the other silly boy who had a crush on both Kylee and her best friend. Her sweet voice melted his heart.

      No one knew, but he’d saved her voicemails so he could listen to that voice whenever he desired. He hated that she now lived so far from him. He never wanted his family split between homes and cherished his summers and school breaks with Kylee. Sterling wished there was a way she could stay with him even though there were zero chances of him and Raven ever getting back together. A little girl needed her mother. He could never deny the fact that Raven was a great mom.

      Kylee finished speaking and huffed. Had she been talking so fast that she’d forgotten to breathe? Sterling laughed and shook his head.

      “Sounds like you had a great day, princess!”

      “It was okay.”

      Sterling chuckled. After all of that, her day was just “okay.”

      They ended the call in their customary way, sharing how much they loved each other and closing with a long, loud tossed kiss. “Mmmmmmmmmm-mah!”

      Sterling looked at his watch and grabbed the keys to the convertible. The cocktail hour ended at nine, which gave him enough time to catch at least half of it. Sterling entered the garage from the kitchen, jumped in the car and revved the engine. He watched the garage door rise, taking note of how the moon had changed places with the sun. Sterling made his way to the country club under the flow of a silver evening light.

      After pulling into the circular drive, Sterling stopped and handed his keys to the valet. Inside, hostesses directed him to the appropriate area for his event. Signs for The Oxford Preparatory High School’s Tenth Reunion guided him the rest of the way. Sterling scanned the names at the check-in table to see if Noah had arrived. He hadn’t. His badge was still there. Other badges bore names that Sterling could remember the faces to. He recognized one name for certain—his high school crush. That name stood out as if the letters were illuminated. Funny, he hadn’t thought about her until that very moment. Sterling wondered what she looked like these days. Surely she was still pretty—probably even more beautiful now.

      “Good evening and welcome to The Oxford Preparatory High School Reunion.” The woman greeted him in a high-pitched voice that Sterling recognized right away.

      A visual of her in frilly dresses came right to him.

      “Sterling? Sterling Bishop is that you?” She shrieked.

      “Emily, right?”

      “Yes!” Excited, she shot up, rounded the table separating the two of them and hugged his neck.

      Sterling was taken aback by