It Must Be Love. Nicki Night. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Nicki Night
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Современные любовные романы
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781474084772
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her eye on Charles, “comes from your side of the family.” She swirled her finger in the air. “All that silly thinking.” By now everyone at the table was laughing.

      Sterling loved the camaraderie his family shared as well as the way they doted on Kylee. “I just want her to have a great summer.”

      “She can help me have a great summer also.” Stephan raised his brow. His lips eased into a Cheshire grin.

      “Really, Stephan!” Taylor huffed and shook her head.

      Stephan burst out laughing again. “You all know how much I love my Kylee. Attracting women when we’re together is just a perk. They love kids and dogs—especially the small ones.”

      “They’re looking at how you interact with children and dogs. Adoration is attractive,” Taylor added.

      “So that’s it.” Stephan threw his hands in the air, feigning understanding. “It’s not because they think I’m ridiculously handsome?” He laughed at his own joke. In unison, Sterling, his sister and parents just stared at Stephan for a moment before laughing themselves.

      “And that part—” Charles pointed at Patti this time “—comes from your side of the family!”

      “Stephan, how about getting married and having some kids of your own. I could use more grandchildren while I’m still able to hang with them.”

      Stephan stretched his eyes and placed a forkful of frittata in his mouth.

      Patti sat back. “So how long, do y’all plan on staying single? I want more grandkids. I need other little girls to leave my clothes and jewelry to.”

      “She’s talking to you two.” Sterling pointed between his brother and sister. “I’ve done all of that already.”

      Taylor and Stephan looked at each other and at the same time, without a word they stood and began clearing the table. Charles’s belly laugh could have shaken the foundation.

      “You too, Sterling.” Patti added with a narrowed gaze. “That marriage of yours didn’t last very long and Kylee could use a few siblings.”

      Also without a word, Sterling got up and joined Taylor and Stephan in their silent table-clearing protest.

      Now Patti laughed, loud and strong. She enjoyed teasing her kids. “Uh-huh! You all just want to deprive me. How about I help? I’ll find a nice lady for you two and a nice man for you, Taylor. I have plenty of friends at work whose children are still single.”

      “NO!” All three shouted—hands in the air as if they could stop the comment. Their laughter joined together filling the space with an air of mirth.

      Good-humored conversation continued as the family worked together to clean the kitchen and put away leftover food. Charles asked about Sterling and Stephan’s technology business, which continued to grow exponentially and keep them extremely busy.

      Charles then headed to the den, sat on the couch and put one foot up on the leather ottoman in the center of the room. “Y’all got time for a movie?” Charles pointed the remote at the television, clicking it to life.

      “What about that movie with Denzel that was in the theaters a few months ago. I never got to see that one.” Patti flopped on the couch next to her husband. Charles put his free arm around her shoulders and she nestled inside his embrace.

      “Let me see if I can find it.” Charles flipped through several channels on the TV.

      Sterling, Stephan and Taylor finished up in the kitchen and joined their parents. During the search for the movie, the conversation somehow turned back to their single status.

      “Sterling, do you think you’ll ever get married again?” Taylor tilted her head contemplatively as she folded her feet under herself on the loveseat.

      “Yeah. It’s possible.” Sterling shrugged. “My relationship with Raven wasn’t horrible. We just weren’t right for each other.”

      Sterling was seated on the other side of Patti. She touched his hand. “You tried to do the right thing, honey, and I applaud you for that.”

      “She was carrying your child, son. Your actions were noble,” Charles added.

      Sterling drew in a deep breath and let it out slowly. “Yeah. I didn’t expect it to fold so quickly, but we knew it wouldn’t work.”

      “I’ve always said it was best for Kylee to experience what it’s like to have two happy parents living separately than two miserable ones living together.” Patti nodded, punctuating her statement.

      “And we all benefit from the best part of it all,” Taylor interjected. “We got Kylee.” She tilted her head and flashed a toothy grin.

      Sterling’s smile generated deep from his core. His family’s support and admiration for his daughter pleased him. Taylor was right. They had Kylee—the best little girl a dad could have. She was the reason he hardly dated. If he were to bring a woman into his life, she’d have to not only accept the fact that he had a daughter, but she’d have to adore his sweet Kylee.

      Sterling realized his desires might be a lot to ask of most women and if he had to stay single until Kylee grew up, then so be it. He just hoped he really wouldn’t have to wait that long.

       Chapter 3

      “The big guy just called an emergency meeting. He wants all of the management team in the conference room in five.”

      Jewel’s head snapped up from her computer screen at the sound of her brother, Chris’s, voice. “Did Dad say what it’s about?”

      Chris shrugged. “No. We just got our numbers back on track. I’m hoping it’s not another chain of supermarkets closing on us.”

      “Please don’t let that be the issue.” Jewel clasped her hands together like she was praying. “That would surely impact my lofty operations goals. I’ve been working hard to try to impress the big guy.” Jewel continued their common tease when referencing their father at work.

      “I know. Being his kid offers no slack. That man can be a tyrant.” They laughed at Chris’s exaggeration.

      Bobby Dale was no tyrant. He required excellence from his children and employees and could never be accused of giving any type of special treatment. Jewel and her siblings worked just as hard as anyone else. Adored by much of his staff, Bobby Dale created a culture where people wanted to give their best. He’d never forgotten an anniversary or birthday and had been known to jump in the trenches alongside his staff to help get a job done.

      “Let’s see what this is all about.” Jewel grabbed a pad and pen, rose from her chair and met Chris in the doorway.

      Together the two walked the corridors, ascended to the second floor and entered the executive boardroom. Midlevel and executive managers from all departments spilled into the room, taking seats around the large cherrywood table in the center of the room. Scattered small talk ensued by groups creating a low rumble until Bobby Dale’s burly frame glided into the room. A hush rolled across the space, honoring his presence. His perfect posture held a well-fitting tailored suit causing him to resemble a mature model. Salt-and-pepper hair framed a strong chin as his confident stride carried him to the head of the table.

      Staff made their way to the burgundy tufted leather chairs positioned against the walls and awaited Bobby Dale’s announcements.

      “Good morning, everyone.” Bobby Dale took the seat at the head of the massive table. “Thanks for coming on such short notice.”

      “As if we had a choice,” Jewel whispered to Chris and chuckled.

      Chris snickered and cleared his throat.

      “In recent months we’ve survived a flurry of changes in our industry, yet managed to get through them without