Wherever You Are. Elle Wright. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Elle Wright
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Современные любовные романы
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781474084840
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of coffee. Why don’t you try to get some sleep?”

      Nodding, Avery burrowed into the bubble mattress. She felt the compression socks on her legs inflate slowly, heard the beep of the machines echoing in the room and wondered how she was supposed to rest. But she wouldn’t argue with Jess.

      Jess let out an audible sigh, but seconds later Avery heard the door close. Now alone, Avery swiped an errant tear that escaped and prayed that sleep would come.

      * * *

      When El was a kid, he’d made it a point to stay out of trouble. But it hadn’t been because he didn’t want to take risks, do things that would possibly land him in a heap of trouble. No, it was because he’d never wanted to rock the boat. He had this incessant need to stay under the radar.

      One of the first things he’d learned as an adult, and through his own experience with therapy, was that his need to be invisible was a protection mechanism. It was brought on by his very real fear of being sent back to his parents. He’d lived with Lawrence for two years before he emptied his suitcase. He’d always kept a full suitcase under his bed. Even at five and six years of age.

      There was still a part of him that never really felt comfortable in his surroundings, a part of him that never believed he was good enough to love. But that had all changed on a rainy day in April of 2006, the day he met Avery on campus.

       El was late and hungry. Unfortunately, the hunger pangs won and he found himself rushing through the Michigan Union toward the Subway restaurant in the MUG. The MUG was the underground food court in the building that housed several restaurants.

       As he neared the restaurant, he groaned at the line, but stood at the end anyway. It was taking longer than usual, but he refused to stand in the even longer line at Wendy’s.

       The woman in front of him finally stepped up to the counter and placed her order. “I’d like a steak and cheese sub, extra meat, on Italian bread with extra mayo and no veggies,” he heard her say.

       He let his gaze travel over her petite form and wondered how she maintained her lovely figure with extra steak and extra mayo. For a minute, he thought about saying something to her, but decided to refrain because...well, he didn’t know her from Adam.

       When the woman slid down the counter, he placed his order. Once at the register, he scowled as the same woman struggled to get exact change from her small wallet.

       El muttered a curse and noticed the cashier roll her eyes in frustration. He was tempted to pay for the woman’s meal under the guise of “paying it forward,” but again refrained from speaking.

       A moment later, the woman got her money together, paid for her meal and turned around, giving him a sheepish grin. “I’m sorry,” she said. “For holding the line up.”

      El was speechless. The woman he’d been scowling at was stunning, with her black-rimmed eyeglasses and wavy, natural curls.

       His food forgotten, he noted the molecular biology book in her hand. “Who’s your professor?”

       With a frown on her face, she asked, “Excuse me?”

       El grinned, and pointed to her book. “You’re taking molecular biology? Who’s teaching the class?”

       A firm nudge from behind caught him off guard and he practically fell into her. Turning, he glared at the person behind him before paying for his own lunch and grabbing it from the cashier’s waiting hands.

       A smile spread across the woman’s face when his gaze met hers again. “Professor Luddington,” she answered.

       Today was his lucky day. “I know her. She’s good people.”

       “She’s also brutal, but I love the class.”

       Intrigued, El smirked. “I don’t think I’ve met anyone who loves molecular biology.”

       “Well, hello, I’m Avery Montgomery.” She held out her hand to shake his, and he couldn’t deny the heat that passed between them when their palms touched. “I’m pleased to be the first person you’ve ever met that not only loves molecular biology but plans to graduate at the top of her class with that major.”

      As El walked through the halls on the way to his office, he remembered their first date, their first kiss, the first time he’d made love to her. They’d shared a lot of firsts, but most important was that they’d been each other’s first love. It was a love that was pure, intense and real. And the passage of time hadn’t changed the depth of his feelings for her. He loved her, yes. But his anger with her hadn’t diminished, either. That was the problem, because he knew she needed him. How could he help her when he wanted to simultaneously punish her for hurting him and make love to her until all she felt was him?


      Jarred from his thoughts, he turned to see Jess standing before him, a cup of coffee in her hand.

      “You’re back?” Jess asked. “Why didn’t you come in?”

      El blinked and glanced back at the door he’d been standing in front of. He hadn’t realized he’d walked to Avery’s room and not his office.

      “What’s up, Jess?” He gave her a tight hug. “I would ask why you’re not asleep, but I already know why.”

      Jess offered him a weak smile, but no response. El knew Jess recognized his attempt to change the subject and was grateful she hadn’t called him on it.

      Looking at the petite woman in front of him, he noted that Jess looked...tired. Her once-bright eyes were dimmed, hollow. “You need to rest,” he told her.

      Ducking her head, Jess ran her thumbnail over the rim of her cup. “I know.”

      “You won’t be any good to her if you’re lying in a hospital bed right next to her.”

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