Heat of Passion. Pamela Yaye. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Pamela Yaye
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Современные любовные романы
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781474036177
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      The waitress arrived with their entrées, and Robyn eagerly dug into her food. The veal was succulent, full of flavor, and the mushroom Bolognese was so delicious she moaned in appreciation. “This is so good,” she gushed, swirling her fork around her pasta. “I’ll have to bring Kim here one day. She’d love this place, especially the cute waiters.”

      Sean’s jaw tightened and lines of tension wrinkled his smooth brow. He was thinking about his sister, no doubt, about how she’d crushed his hopes and dreams. Sensing now was the perfect time to talk to Sean about his family, she put her utensils on her plate and dabbed her mouth with a napkin. “Have you spoken to your parents recently?” Robyn asked.

      “Why would I? They made their choice, and I made mine.” He picked up his drink, sipped his soda and put it back down on the table. “Tell me what’s happening at the resort. You sounded upset on the phone, and my mind’s been running wild ever since you called.”

      She wasn’t upset; she was terrified. Someone was after his family, and she was scared Kim was going to get hurt.

      Robyn took a deep breath to steady her nerves and told Sean about the misfortunes that had befallen the resort the past few weeks. Individually, none of the incidents were alarming, but taken together they seemed to form a nefarious pattern. The false complaints about the Belleza, posted on numerous travel sites, the fire outside the Ruby Retreat lounge, the waitress who’d fractured her elbow, the cases of food poisoning—all were worrisome. Robyn suspected someone was out to destroy the resort, but she doubted it was Sean. “It’s been a stressful time for everyone.”

      “I can imagine.”

      He took her hand in his, and relief flooded her body. He was on her side, a sympathetic friend she could confide in, and it felt good having him in her corner. “Some staffers think the incidents are nothing more than the old ‘curse of the Belleza,’ but your parents believe something sinister is going on. They’re taking the matter very seriously and have hired additional security to ensure everything runs smoothly at the resort.”

      “Damn. I heard Kim’s first few months as general manager were off to a rocky start, but I had no idea someone was trying to destroy the Belleza.” Sean blew out a deep breath and raked a hand over his short black hair. “Do the police have any leads? Any suspects in custody?”

      “They’re being tight-lipped about the investigation, but your dad thinks—” Robyn stopped, catching herself just in the nick of time. “Never mind. Forget I said anything.”

      “Go on, I want to hear what you have to say.” Sean wore a sympathetic smile and nodded his head in encouragement. “I won’t betray your confidence. You have my word.”

      Robyn blurted out the truth. “Yesterday your father fingered you to the police.”

       Chapter 2

      Puzzled, Sean furrowed his eyebrows. Her words didn’t make sense, didn’t add up. Robyn was joking, had to be. He hadn’t seen his parents in months, but there was no way in hell his father had fingered him to the police. Not after everything he’d done over the years to make the Belleza Resort a success. Convinced Robyn was pulling his leg, he chuckled agreeably. “Good one,” he said, gesturing at her with his glass. “You almost fooled me.”

      Silence descended over the table, filled the air with tension. Robyn dodged his gaze, wouldn’t look at him. The truth hit Sean like a fist to the gut, leaving him dazed and confused. How had his father turned against him? He knew things had been difficult between them, but he’d had no idea they were that bad.

      “You have to return to the resort to clear your name,” Robyn said quietly.

       No way, no how. I’d rather run naked through a burning building.

      “Your family needs you,” she continued, raising her voice to be heard above the boisterous chatter in the dining room. “Kim’s putting up a brave front, but she could really use your love and support right now.”

      Sean scoffed and shook his head. “My sister has all the answers, and I highly doubt she needs me, or anyone else, for that matter.”

      Robyn flinched as if she’d been slapped and shot him an incredulous look. “How can you be so cold? Your sister’s going through a difficult time. Don’t you care?”

      He didn’t, but he held his tongue. There was no use arguing with Robyn. He was mad at his family, disappointed that his kid sister had stolen the resort out from under him, and there was nothing Robyn could say to change the way he felt.

      “You and Kim have always been so close and fiercely protective of each other.”

      That was then, and this was now. Kim had betrayed him, and he wanted nothing to do with her.

      “Do you agree with my parents?” Sean told himself it didn’t matter what Robyn believed, that she was just another smokin’-hot woman he was attracted to, but deep down he cared what she thought. They had a powerful attraction, a mind-blowing chemistry he’d never experienced before, and he wanted Robyn in his corner. “Do you think I’m out to destroy the Belleza?”

      “If I did, I wouldn’t have called you. You’re a good guy, Sean, and I know you’d never do anything to hurt the people you love.”

      Her words heartened him, lifted his spirits, and for the first time since quitting his job at the Belleza, he didn’t feel so alone. He felt understood, as if Robyn cared about him, and made a mental note to send her flowers after he returned to the SP Grill. Sean wanted to cook for Robyn, but before he could invite her over to his house for dinner, she dropped another bombshell. One so shocking he almost fell off his chair.

      “A security guard said he saw you lurking around the premises just hours before the fire at the Ruby Retreat, and after your father questioned the guard, he contacted the police.”

      What the hell? This can’t be happening. Sean felt as if he’d been kicked in the teeth by a horse, and needed a moment to catch his breath. He gripped his glass so hard he was surprised it didn’t shatter into a million pieces. His restaurant was due to open in a few weeks, and if the media found out about the security guard’s erroneous story, it could ruin him. “The guard is lying. I haven’t been back to the resort since I quit.”

      “I believe you, and I want to help. Sean, put the past behind you, reconcile with your family and help the authorities catch the bastard who’s trying to ruin the Belleza.”

      “They should be the ones reaching out to me,” he argued, struggling to keep a lid on his anger. “My parents screwed me over big-time, and I don’t know if I can ever forgive them.”

      “You’re upset. You don’t mean that.”

      “Yes, I do. And, to be honest, I like being on my own and not having to answer to my father about every decision I make.” He gave full voice to his anger, didn’t censure his thoughts. “I’m tired of living life according to the Parker rules. Look where that got me.”

      “That got you training at the best culinary school in Europe and your own restaurant,” Robyn shot back. “The next time you feel like bashing your parents, don’t, because you sound like a spoiled, ungrateful rich kid.”

      Sean winced and hung his head. Taking a moment to recover from the bitter tongue lashing, he considered what Robyn had said. She never minced words, always spoke her mind, no matter what. He admired that about her, thought it was one of her greatest character traits.

      “Your parents aren’t perfect, but they love you and have always been there for you.”

      Her words gave him pause. Sean thought about his parents, remembered all the great times they’d shared and felt a rush of emotion. To the outside world, the Parkers seemed to have it all—money, success and status—but they had their fair share of problems, too. Still, he had to admit Robyn