Heat of Passion. Pamela Yaye. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Pamela Yaye
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Современные любовные романы
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781474036177
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New York and hadn’t moved to California until after her college graduation, Robyn couldn’t imagine ever living anywhere else. She loved swimming and surfing and spending hours at Laguna Beach, relaxing in the hot sun. But it had been weeks since she’d had a weekend off to enjoy those activities.

      “Welcome to The Palms,” the hostess said, flashing a pageant smile.

      Robyn was struck by the lively ambiance and decor. Framed paintings adorned the walls, decorative vases filled with tulips brightened the space, and waiters in classy white jackets hustled around the dining room, chatting and laughing with well-heeled patrons. Delicious aromas drifted out of the open kitchen, rousing Robyn’s appetite. Starving, she couldn’t wait to eat and searched the main-floor dining room for Sean.

      “Are you dining alone?” the hostess asked.

      “No, this gorgeous beauty is with me.”

      At the sound of a familiar voice—a deep, husky baritone that incited illicit thoughts—her pulse quickened. She peered around the leafy bamboo plant and spotted Sean standing at the bar.

      Robyn swallowed hard. He was difficult to miss, and not just because he was the tallest person in the room. The acclaimed chef had soulful eyes, a thin mustache and thick, juicy lips Robyn was desperate to taste again. Sean was thirty-three years old, but his expensive threads gave him a mature, dignified look. He was the sexiest man she’d ever seen in the flesh, but it was his boyish smile that made her swoon. Good God, he’s so dreamy I can hardly stand it.

      Her eyes ate up every inch of him, all six feet three inches. Robyn couldn’t stop her gaze from sliding over his broad shoulders, and toned physique. Sean was working the hell out of his charcoal gray suit, and as he strode toward her, she realized he was even more handsome than she remembered. Perhaps quitting his job at the Belleza and getting away from the family fold had been good for him, she thought, returning his smile. Catching a whiff of his cologne, she let the refreshing scent wash over her.

      “It’s great to see you again,” he said.

       It is? Seriously? You really mean that?

      Sean enveloped her in a hug and kissed her cheek. Heat flowed through her, caused her temperature to rise. Closing her eyes, she reveled in the moment, in his uncharacteristic—but welcomed—display of affection. He was a chef in a basketball player’s body, and feeling his muscular arms draped around her waist made Robyn tingle all over. His lips felt soft, warm against her skin, and his touch caused goose bumps to prickle her flesh.

      “I’m glad you called. This reunion is long overdue.”

      He released her much too soon for her liking, but she faked a smile to hide her disappointment. “How have you been?” She finally managed to find words to speak.

      “Can’t complain,” he said. “I don’t have to ask how you’re doing. It’s obvious. I didn’t think it was possible, but you’re even more beautiful than you were eight months ago.”

      His words triggered memories of fine wine, soft music and passionate kisses that had left Robyn breathless. Choosing to concentrate on the present, not the past, she broke free of her thoughts and took the arm Sean offered.

      He winked at her, and a giggle tickled her throat. Robyn chided herself to get it together, to quit making eyes at her best friend’s brother. You’re a twenty-eight-year-old woman with a fantastic career and money in the bank, so why do you get nervous every time Sean’s around?

      The hostess led them through the dining room, placed the menus on their corner table and sashayed back to her post. Seconds later, a brunette with a thick Spanish accent arrived with water glasses and a bread basket. “Would you like to hear the day’s specials?”

      Robyn didn’t, but she listened patiently as the waitress spoke. The brunette chatted with Sean about the menu, then took their orders before moving on to the next table. Robyn was glad to see the waitress go, to finally have Sean all to herself. She hadn’t seen him in months and wanted to catch up with him.

      Liar! her conscience shrieked. You’re here for another kiss. Just admit it.

      “I’m glad you called,” Sean said. “I’ve thought a lot about you the last few months.”

      Then, why didn’t you reach out to me? The thought reverberated in her head, but she didn’t have the guts to ask.

      “I wanted to call you,” he continued, “but I didn’t think you’d speak to me.”

       Why? Because we had too much to drink one night and made out like teenagers?

      Her thoughts returned to that fateful night. After Kim had been awarded control of the Belleza because of her outstanding marketing campaign, Sean had shown up at her doorstep, drunk and distraught. He’d asked if they could talk, and he’d looked so downtrodden, she’d invited him inside for a cup of coffee. Sean had seemed blindsided by his parents’ decision and couldn’t believe his dreams of running his family’s resort had gone up in smoke. She’d listened as he’d poured out his troubles, and when he’d leaned over and stolen a kiss, she’d shocked herself by kissing him back. Robyn had never thought he’d cross that line, but was secretly glad he had.

      The logical part of her mind had warned her to pull back, but her body had yearned for more. His advance had been fueled by liquor, but she’d still felt special, chosen. After all, Sean had had several casual girlfriends who would have gladly hooked up with him that night—or any night for that matter—but he’d come to her door and found solace in her arms. And it had been the greatest feeling in the word.

      Try as she might, she couldn’t stop thinking about that sensuous, passionate night. They hadn’t slept together, and Robyn didn’t know whether to be grateful or sorry about the missed opportunity. They’d kissed and laughed, stroked and caressed each other for hours, but stopped short of doing the deed. It had been the wise thing to do, but part of her secretly regretted not making love to Sean.

      No one knew about their late-night hookup, and although months had passed, Robyn still couldn’t bring herself to tell Kim about what had happened.

      “Are you still mad at me for kissing you?” Sean asked.

      “No, of course not,” she said with a dismissive wave of her hand. “I forgot all about it.”

      His gaze darkened, but he spoke in a calm, reassuring tone. “I want to apologize for my behavior that night, and I want you to know that I’d never take advantage of you.”

       Too bad, because you’re one hell of a kisser, and you have the most amazing hands.

      “How are things going in your department?” Sean asked, unbuttoning his suit jacket. “Have you hired another event planner, or are you still working like a madwoman?”

      “You know it!” Robyn shrieked, hoping to make him laugh. He did, and the sound of his hearty chuckle warmed her all over. “I’m planning several parties, the Dunham Foundation gala, and your sister’s wedding, of course. Speaking of which, will you be there?”

      A wicked grin claimed his lips. “As long as you agree to be my date.”

      Feeling her cheeks burn, she picked up her glass and tasted her lemonade. Damn Sean and his megawatt smile. Every time he looked at her like that, his gaze blazing with fire and desire, she lost her train of thought. It had always been that way.

      That’s no surprise, her honest inner voice said. You’ve had a crush on him since eighth grade.

      Her thoughts returned to the summer they met, and she pictured the scene in her mind’s eye as she sipped her lemonade. She was visiting Kim during summer break, and was in the Parker family kitchen with Kim, baking shortbread cookies, when Sean had walked in, dribbling a basketball. The tray had fallen from Robyn’s hands, and cookies had scattered across the hardwood floor. For several seconds all she’d been able to do was stare at the star athlete. She’d tried to