Hard Justice. Lori Foster. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Lori Foster
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Современные любовные романы
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781474068666
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closed her eyes. “I love you. You know that, right?”

      “Yes,” her mother said, “we know.”


      JUSTICE CALLED LEESE PHELPS on his drive home. He knew he shouldn’t; it was the middle of the night and his buddy would be sleeping, but damn it, he needed to unload. Since Leese was the one who’d gotten him involved with Body Armor, was in fact the one who’d mostly trained him, he seemed the likely person to pester now.

      Proving he’d checked the caller ID, Leese answered with, “Everything okay, Justice?”

      “Yeah. Sorry for waking you.”

      “Cat and I went to bed late after a movie. We’ve only been asleep for a few hours.”

      Cat, short for Catalina, was Leese’s new fiancée and a real peach. “Give her my apologies.”

      “It’s fine. What’s up?”

      “I got fired.”

      There was a pause, then Leese asked, “She didn’t like you?”

      He honestly didn’t know what Fallon thought or, once she got sober, if she’d mind that he was canned. “Was her dad who cut me loose.” Justice’s thoughts churned, interrupted only by the hiss of the tires over wet pavement. There were few people out this late on such a stormy night. “And maybe,” Justice admitted, “he had good reason.”

      As he drove, Justice shared everything that had happened, including the skirmish in the parking lot that he hadn’t reported.

      When he finished, he waited for Leese to tell him the various ways he’d fucked up the assignment.

      Instead, Leese said, “Sounds like it was out of your control.”

      It took Justice a second to soak that in. “You think?”

      “Reporting an attempting mugging is routine, but if the client insists otherwise... I’d have done the same as you. Every so often, things go sideways and you just have to roll with it.”

      Justice grinned. He knew his friend had gone off script more than a few times where Catalina was concerned. She’d been a pretty damned challenging assignment.

      “I have to be at the office tomorrow,” Leese said. “Why don’t you come on in and we’ll talk with Sahara.”

      “You think Mr. Wade will ask Sahara to assign someone new?” Justice hated the idea of any other guy being Fallon’s bodyguard, but still he asked Leese, “Maybe you?”

      “Nah,” Leese said. “I’m already on detail at the convention center for the outdoor show. Besides, if her dad was that pissed, odds are he’ll not only switch guards, but agencies.”

      Justice winced. Sahara wouldn’t be too happy about that. She prided herself on keeping clients happy. “I guess you’re right.” Having the whole agency lose out was even worse. Body Armor offered the best protection around. If Fallon’s dad switched, Fallon would have to settle for second best.

      “You should get a new assignment right away,” Leese said. “Meet me tomorrow at nine and we’ll work it out with Sahara. Another job will help you put this one behind you.”

      “Yeah, all right.” Justice said his farewells and disconnected the call. Hopefully the new assignment would be something easier, maybe a dignitary dodging death threats. That, Justice thought, he could handle.

      Hell, anything would easier than a nearly impossible to resist, far too innocent, curious and sexy girl...who looked at him with awe. So why did he already miss her?

      * * *

      FALLON WOKE EARLY with a sinking sensation in her stomach.

      Not from the alcohol.

      Awareness of how badly she’d blundered had her pulling the covers over her head. Good God, she’d gotten smashed and played the fool. When she thought of how carefree she’d been on the dance floor, her face heated.

      When she remembered how many times she’d tried to coerce Justice into joining her, each time without success, humiliation made her groan.

      He, at least, had behaved with decorum. What must he think of her now? Likely nothing good.

      She’d compromised him. Rather than cower, she had to set things right.

      The second Fallon left the bed, she realized she’d put her nightgown on backward. Grumbling to herself, she showered and dressed in record time, then entered the breakfast room, anxious to make amends.

      Her father was already at the table, his tablet open in front of him as he read the morning news, a cup of hot tea at his elbow. Her mother, dressed in a pretty spring dress and her hair now up, nibbled on toast while typing in email replies for her insanely busy social calendar.

      When Fallon cleared her throat, her mother looked up.

      Her father did not.

      “Fallon? Good morning, sweetheart. How are you feeling?”

      Awkward. And anxious. Hopeful to the point of desperation. Fallon said only, “I’m fine, Mom. Thanks.” She helped herself to tea, cautiously watching her father.

      “No residual effects?”

      “No. Except that I’m hungry.”

      Her mom laughed, but her father continued to ignore her.

      Fallon let out a sigh. “Dad.”

      “Good morning,” he said, his gaze still on the tablet.

      “Dad,” she complained as she took a seat beside him.

      Frustration visible, he finally looked up. And waited.

      Put on the spot, Fallon cleared her throat again. “I’m sorry about last night.”

      He nodded, and went back to reading.

      “Really?” Fallon narrowed her eyes. “That’s all you have to say?” She waited for his reciprocal apology.

      After a deep breath, he pressed a button on the tablet to shut it down and gave her his undivided attention. “There’s no reason to apologize, Fallon, and no reason to discuss it. Your mother and I talked and we both understand that you haven’t had much opportunity to spread your wings. Last night was an aberration, better forgotten.” He smiled. “We’ll put it behind us as a lesson learned.”

      Incredulous and insulted, Fallon sucked in a breath. “I don’t believe you.”

      “It’s true.” He reached out and patted her hand. “I officially dismissed Mr. Wallington first thing this morning. You don’t need to worry.”

      Fury gathered as Fallon stared at her father. “Now I know you’re joking.”

      Her mother interjected, “Unfortunately, Fallon, you know your father rarely jokes.”

      She flattened her hands on the tabletop. “You already called the agency?”

      “And spoke with Ms. Silver herself. She, too, sends her apologies and offered a full refund.”

      Fallon shoved back her seat. “Call her back!”

      “I’ll do no such thing.” Throwing down his napkin, her father pushed back his chair and he, too, stood.

      Her mother quickly circled the table and positioned herself between them. “I know Sahara Silver quite well. Lovely lady. Very shrewd. I’m sure she’ll give the situation time to cool down before actually acting—”

      “I told her my decision was final.” Her father’s expression pinched. “I also told her that her man had gotten you drunk to the point that he had to carry