Hard Justice. Lori Foster. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Lori Foster
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Современные любовные романы
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781474068666
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      “Yeah, I knew it.” Why was she being so shy now? “I was told we’d be getting acquainted, but I thought most of that would be at your house with your mom and dad.”

      She laughed. “Nooo.”

      Yeah, it’d probably be impossible with those two hawks overhead. “So here’s how it usually works. You tell me where you want to go, I find the best route to get there, then scope out the place in advance to ensure I know the different exits, if it’s secure, stuff like that.”

      She flapped a hand. “That’s not necessary. Honest. I mean, I suppose that makes sense for most people who need protection. But overall, my parents just wanted to ensure I could explore safely. There will be plenty of other people at the bar, right? Lots of people who visit daily?”

      “Sure.” Long as he didn’t take her to a dive, it shouldn’t be a problem.

      “Why don’t you pick one, and we’ll give it a shot?” She grinned. “What could go wrong?”

      Justice didn’t bother answering. If the alarm bells going off in his head were any indication, he figured they’d both find out soon enough.

      * * *

      FALLON REJECTED JUSTICE’S first two choices. One was too swanky for the way she’d dressed, and the other looked more like a club. She wanted a regular, everyday bar with everyday people and, finally, on his third try, she agreed with his choice.

      A multitude of fluorescent signs filled the big front window of The Broken Pony. People loitered outside, some openly making out, others smoking, groups talking. The parking lot across the street nearly overflowed.

      Because it was still pouring, Fallon said, “Drop me off at the door, please.” The thought of walking in there alone made her breathless with nerves, but otherwise she’d be soaked, so—

      “No can do,” Justice said. “I promised to stick like glue, remember?” He swung the SUV into the lot, drove up one row then down another until he found an empty space a good distance from the bar.

      “I’ll get wet.”

      He paused in the process of turning off the car, blew out a long breath, then said evenly, “I’ve got an umbrella.”

      He reached around to the backseat, coming very close to her as he did so.

      And oh, God, he smelled good. Not like aftershave, just like...man. Fallon tried to take a deep breath without being too obvious.

      He gave her a look as he settled back, now with a black umbrella. “You okay?”

      She nodded fast. “Yes.”

      Without looking convinced, he said, “Stay put. I’ll come around.”

      After pocketing the keys, he opened the door, popped up the umbrella and circled the hood to her side of the car.

      By necessity, she had to step out very near him to stay shielded under the umbrella. He didn’t bother trying to protect himself from the storm.

      “Come under with me,” she insisted.

      He hesitated.

      “Please, Justice? I’ll feel terrible otherwise.”

      Reluctantly, he moved up against her back, his arm around her as he tilted the umbrella to block the worst of the rain blowing toward them. “C’mon.”

      With every step, their bodies touched. She could smell him again, a rich masculine musk, and better than that, she felt his incredible heat.

      Why, even if the bar turned out to be a bust, this alone was a wonderful new experience.

      He kept her sheltered from the storm until they’d stepped into the bar, then he turned her so her back was against a wall and he stood in front. While closing the umbrella, he visually scoured the room.

      Teasing, Fallon asked, “Safe to proceed?”

      “Don’t be a smart-ass.” His grin took the sting from the comment. “How about those seats at the bar?”

      The men to the left of the empty stools looked like a rough motorcycle club, and the men to the right could have been a college fraternity group. She loved the differences. “Yes, please.”

      “It’s crowded, so stay close.” He pulled her around in front of him and left one big, warm hand on her shoulder, guiding her as they maneuvered through the crowds. Soon as they reached the bar, he mean mugged the men on either side of them until they turned away.

      “So what’s it to be?” He helped her onto the high round stool. “Still want a beer?”

      She could smell the alcohol in the air. In the background, loud music played. Belatedly, Fallon realized that she probably should have eaten something before now, but earlier she’d been too nervous. “Yes, please.”

      “You sure? ’Cuz you don’t look sure.”

      Trying for more confidence, she said, “Beer.”

      “All right, then.” He ordered one.

      “You aren’t going to drink with me?”

      “I’m on duty.”

      “Working for me, yes? So I insist.” She leaned close to ensure he’d hear her, then whispered, “I’ll feel less awkward.”

      His gaze went from her eyes to her mouth, then away. “Hey, if you insist, who am I to argue?” He asked for another beer.

      The man to her right glanced at her again, then turned for a closer look. Fallon didn’t smile. She must have been too surprised by the attention.

      The young man glanced at Justice next—then quailed. When she looked at Justice, she saw only an innocent expression, one brow raised. But she wasn’t buying it, especially since the man turned back to his friends, spoke low, and together they vacated their seats.

      “Hey,” Fallon complained. “I was going to talk to him.”

      Justice snorted. “It wasn’t talk he wanted.”

      “How do you know?”

      “The way he looked you over? Besides, he was already crocked. You don’t want to deal with that.”

      From the other side of her, a guy said, “I ain’t crocked.”

      Justice narrowed his eyes. Fallon quickly turned to see the biker grinning at her. She had the fast impression of frazzled brown hair in a long ponytail, a ridiculous handlebar mustache, broad shoulders under a black T-shirt and leather vest.

      Fallon said, “Hello.”

      “’Lo yourself, honey.” He ignored Justice and asked, “What’s up?”

      Lifting her glass, Fallon said, “I’m having a beer.”

      His grin widened. “I’m guessing this ain’t your usual place, is it?”

      “Am I that transparent?”

      “Little bit.” Swinging around to face her, he said, “So besides riling the big guy, what’s the plan?”

      “Oh, I’m not trying to rile him.” But one glimpse at Justice showed he was more than a little fired up. “Justice,” she said. “Anything wrong?”

      “Not yet.” His eyes narrowed on the man. “And it’s going to stay that way, isn’t it?”

      “What’s happenin’ here?” the biker asked. “You two a thing?”

      “No,” Fallon denied. “We’re—”

      “I’m watching out for her.” Justice, too, smiled, but it wasn’t a nice sight. More like a warning.

      She sighed. “Justice is—”

      “Look,” Justice